True Home plains for all races.

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True Home plains for all races.

Post by Mestophalies »

Ok here goes;

1, I would like to suggest that either the plains as they are now (Dwarf Home, etc.,) be treated as the actual home plain of that race. Understand that this would be a way to take factional raiding to a new level as The Gods themselves can call groups of their subjects to do their bidding. Once two apposing Gods are on-line, they summon a number of their subjects to them and one can invaid while the other defends the home. The prize for the players would be epic gear to match their race, class and level. The Prize for the DM's would be bragging rights.

2, DM's could also hold events there for heir own subjects such as the Dwarves are called home to repel an invading Giant Horde.

The Same could be done for the Drow, Elves, Dragon Kin and so on.

3, This could either be held on the same plain or on an adjacent plain where all factions have access via their home plains.
Gabrial (Fists of RK) [DW]
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Post by blay »

Getting 2 DM's/God's online at the same time, often enough to make the idea worthwile, might prove difficult. I do see where your going w/ the idea tho.

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Post by P. Fricebottle »

Well, since this thread is dedicated I'll post this here. I'm currently waiting for clarification from Moradin himself (haven't heard from him on the forums), so it would be nice if ya'd pop up for 2 minutes and tell us what ya think. Anyway, brace yourselves for a rant.

This recent news of "no home plane for you!" is like a soup nazi for George on Seinfield. Like George, we're short (dwarves). Like George, no soup for us. I'm dedicated to RK, this won't deter me from it.

However, I really don't like it. I understand that Moradin looks down on Dwarf on Dwarf combat. But really, this is getting ridiculous. They're hostile to us. If they were just friendly/neutral it would be fine, as suggested. On the other hand, I'd like to keep relic-type warfare on Aetheria only. Having planar and home relic warfar would split things up too much. It would over-complicate things, is what I'm saying.

We dwarves, have been handicapped in many ways. I am very grateful for gnomes, but personally I've never used a gnome (dwarves make better wizards, fighters, etc.). The Pech Caves, however, are a blessing. We're the only one to have race restrictions. I don't mind. Heck, dwarven power! But this also means we missed out on the Earth Genasi's boost, Half-Ogre buffness, and all of the multiple subraces out there.

This, I don't mind. I'm fine with me Shield Dwarf and Duergar for Fighters, non-Charisma clerics, etc. and Gold Dwarf for paladins, bards, etc.

However, we're the only faction to have a plane we can't level from. I'd rather be like one of the factions with no planes at all, because thats a wee bit silly don't you think? We got our nexus, walk into a portal, and lo and behold these crazy dwarves try and kill us. "You can't level there." No one else has this restriction. Theres tons of gear everyone is getting there that we're missing out on. The only Clerical Armor in the game, not for you! Dwarven Drinkin' Plate? No drinks for yous!

Anyway, might as well end the rant now. I'm just sayin', why this? I can handle everything else, some of it I like. Makes RK unique. But why this? Oh why?

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Post by cely »

Aye, both myself and Throttle The'Wall have pm's into as well... Hopefully we'll hear something from Moradin soon.
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Post by Sparky »

Dwarf Home is hostile to you, yes? Then its fair game, no questions asked. If you do not wish to hurt fellow dwarves out of RP concerns, that's a personal choice.
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Post by P. Fricebottle »

Mestophalies wrote:I have sent a PM to Netrom over this item and the subject of Dwarf on Dwarf warfare. This should never, ever occure. I am inquiring as to how this and other Dwarven items may be obtained by us Dwarves. I believe we should treat the home plains as just that, our home. It should be a place where Dwarves should be able to do epic quests for the Dwarven Gods. Such as defeat a Giant horde invading the Plain. Where we should be the defenders not the attackers.

This is one of the heresay thhings about the subject. Personally I find it retarded to consider a hostile environment where your own people attack you a "home."

Personally, I'm a firm believer in believe only half of what you see and none of what you hear. But Silvanus punished us for going there, heresay going around on the forums, etc. With this, when Dwarves and I party I ask them if they want to go to Dwarf Home and they say "we can't go there anymore remember?"

What I really want is for Netrom to come out here and clear all this crap up, gettin' annoying.

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Post by Amoenotep »

if i remember reading some of the descriptions of dwarf home and the dwarves themselves, aren't they undead? i mean, Ragnar himself says that he was driven mad from years of does this not mean in itself that Dwarf Home is fair game for anyone that wants to kill a long dead dwarf?
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Post by P. Fricebottle »

I'm confused just as you are. As of now, all we need is for Netrom to just clear things up. Dang I miss him.

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Post by Mestophalies »

Sparky wrote:Dwarf Home is hostile to you, yes? Then its fair game, no questions asked. If you do not wish to hurt fellow dwarves out of RP concerns, that's a personal choice.

First off, Sparky, another DM held that Dwarves attacking other Dwarves was against the will of Moradin. Yes they had a non-Dwarf with them and it was an allie and yet this was concidered an offence for RP purposes. Thats what braught all this out. :?

I mean Dwarf Plain is hostile to us but, we are asked not to level there. Thats insane. I agree. I suggested that if that be the case that the plain be made friendly to us or that we be allowed to plunder it at will should it remain hostile. :twisted:

As for the suggestion of the raids. These were not ment as Relic raids no sir. They were ment as God vs God with the support of their fenaticle followers. :P

It was just something to do after level 40. You know to break the menotinous riad a relic here, lose it go raid it again thing. I mean what use are the relics once your level 40. None! So I suggested a little God on God, Faction vs Faction no holds bard in the Nexus. I mean who wouldnt want to fight along side their diety and bring them a victory. :wink:

I also suggested prizes for the victors such as epic gear or even dare I mention it, celestial items. Things that would make you saw Ohhh, Woowwww, Oooooo and AAaaaaahhhhhhh. 8)
Gabrial (Fists of RK) [DW]
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Post by P. Fricebottle »

Mestophalies wrote:It was just something to do after level 40. You know to break the menotinous riad a relic here, lose it go raid it again thing. I mean what use are the relics once your level 40. None! So I suggested a little God on God, Faction vs Faction no holds bard in the Nexus. I mean who wouldnt want to fight along side their diety and bring them a victory. :wink:

But...its a PvP server. You can do that anywhere as long as its within rules. All ya have to do is go around killing people and screamin' "Praise <insert God's name here." The relics are just to spice it up for gloatin' purposes.

Regarding da rest of yer post, lets not get any deeper in this mess. We'll all just get more confused. You said you got Netrom to respond to your PM right? Do you think we could get him to just come on forums and clean this confusion up?

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Post by Nemesis Revised »

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Post by Mestophalies »

No I never said he responded to my post. He responded to Celys with the "I'll look into it". Which means he is probably doing research on the topic and what if any changes in rules or areas would occure.

As for the remark lets not get any deeper into this. It is a suggestion hence the name of this forum. Please if you do not agree with what is proposed then say so but, don't try to run an idea down or trivialize it.

I do not do the same to any one else in this regard. As for my saying to move the epic level PvP to another area. Hey that was just trying to expand the mod. I was not intending to step on anyones toes. Although I am sure people trying to level lowbie toons would appreciate the thought here. Since it would leave more mops for them and less likely for them to be trampled by a horde of crazed level 40's on a killing spree. :lol:
Gabrial (Fists of RK) [DW]
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Re: ?

Post by P. Fricebottle »

Mestophalies wrote:No I never said he responded to my post. He responded to Celys with the "I'll look into it". Which means he is probably doing research on the topic and what if any changes in rules or areas would occure.

My bad, I assumed through your wording that it was Netrom's opinion since you said you sent him a PM then followed up with...
Mestophalies wrote:This should never, ever occure.

I confused your opinion with his, my bad.

Mestophalies wrote:As for the remark lets not get any deeper into this. It is a suggestion hence the name of this forum. Please if you do not agree with what is proposed then say so but, don't try to run an idea down or trivialize it.
I wasn't talking about your suggestion. Although, I'm going to say that I do not agree that it would make a positive impact server. If I dis-agree with an idea, I just might try and run it down a little because I disagree with it now wouldn't I?

Mestophalies wrote:I do not do the same to any one else in this regard. As for my saying to move the epic level PvP to another area. Hey that was just trying to expand the mod. I was not intending to step on anyones toes. Although I am sure people trying to level lowbie toons would appreciate the thought here. Since it would leave more mops for them and less likely for them to be trampled by a horde of crazed level 40's on a killing spree. :lol:

Lowbies would like it, true, but as stated before, PvP already happens in planes. We don't need a system implemented specifically for it. A third time -overcomplicated-.

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Post by Mestophalies »

You disagree. Thats fine, in fact thats what having an opinion is all about. However you can disagree without running the other opinion into the mud. It's called using Pros and Cons or simply making an alternate suggestion.
I understand your thoughts on this, honestly I do. I never made any mention of a time line. It was a thought for future exploration.

I did inquire as to the status of what was to be done about the Dwarf Home plain as we all agree that we should be able to hunt them to extinction if they are agressive towards us. However, this would definately make it not our home plain rather an alternate plain and one Moradin should encourage us to destroy. Not, forbade us form entering or protecting ourselves. {Added for the role play aspect of the Plain}. :)
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Post by kingfatzo »

o gee ! ....if i were a dwarf, i would be quite content raiding other dwarfs to steal their ale (DH plane) .....after all, the more ale the better, dont you all agree ? :P
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