ice giants ... a bit overcompinsated?

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Cthulhu Drega
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ice giants ... a bit overcompinsated?

Post by Cthulhu Drega »

ok i understand the reason the ice giants were changed as far as the alyout goes but you went from one exstreem to another first it was too manny bottlenecks now its none?

not to mention its all of 3 rooms one thts ok and the other two are suicide without a army. these giant open rooms with 30+ spawns in them is a bit mutch dont ya think? you have no cover whatsoever and a party of all melee toons will mostlikely get pwned every time so this forces you to have both a mage and a cleric with you atleast.

"they arent for soloing" im shure something to that effect will be said and thats fine by me but you cant allwase find a mage and a cleric to go with you.

why not add some more rooms to it and thin the spawns out a bit in each room? 30+ in one giant mob is ludacris 17 or so in each of say 4 or 5 rooms like the ones now will still be quite deadly but atleast somewhat "realistic" why would 30+ creatures of this size be in one room? bosses or no giants are rather prideful in their strength and dont see numbers as a necessity.

using the giant cave on giant mountian as an example the last level has alot of spawns but they are in pods of 2 to 7 each. if you changed that to one big open room and one huge mob it would overwhelm most partys that go there easly.

by changing the ice giants to what they are now you have made it more of a "go and collect x item you need then level elswhere" place atleast IMO ( wich is im shure as popular of an opinion as it is allwase :roll: )

all in all what im saying is you went from one exstreem to the other and neither works well. a happy middleground is there all it needs is a little tweaking
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Post by Mr. O'Dearly »

On the other hand, if you do get a good party going, xp rolls in really fast. There are bottlenecks you can use in all three rooms. The second two rooms are more difficult to hold by yourself but if you do hold it and get some AoE going...

Though I do get your point. Giants are now significantly more difficult to solo.

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Post by mgrjebbo »


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Post by Alkapwn »

I find it better this way. No more 2 toon parties hogg'n it all up. As in the Epic Areas you have to have a well round'd party to deal with all situations.
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Post by kingfatzo »

while we rant about giants -- what happened to the cr levels on warriors :( heheh ... yah , for those who recall the 'old' FD they might like it better than the new setup ( dispaite that the zones in the new FD are alot more pleasant to look at ) , simply b.c as Culthru Dergara said ,the rooms can be brutal, but as it was also said, they can be conquered by as few as 2 people if they are partnered properly :wink:

overall, its allright as it is -- sicne the CR of the giants isnt too far off, an individual person could simply go to efreets -- but theere is the issue that is really wqorth the effort -- efreets have become wayyyy more popular than they were b4 the new fd ....maybe its just because people now know they auctually exist -- beforehand , they were a dead-end on a road, and it was always a pleasure to level there cuase you werent fightint with 8 other people over one room 8)
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Post by P. Fricebottle »

Be nice to thin out room to 4 or 5. I remember when there was only 2, I was wondering "Who the hells idea was this?" The first has one boss, not bad at all but the 2nd had 4 crammed into one room with about 20 ice giants. Ludacris. Now its not so bad, but if we're going to have two bosses in one room might want to enlargen it a little to accomadate it for them.

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Post by minielvis »

I think the new ice giants are great just the way they are. It's a fun place to go, now that there is a higher chance of dying.

I say that another ice giant room should be added with twice the amount of spawns than sanctum.


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Post by watchwood »

I like it as it is. This way a toon or 2 can't hog the whole caves.
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Post by Cthulhu Drega »

how could a toon or 2 hog the whole complex as it was before there were like 6 maps of giants. and the reason effrits are more popular is that they are easyer than the giant maps inside the fortress.

if they add a fiew more rooms to giants and thin them out a bit it will be mutch better IMO. yes there are a coupple bottlenecks ... acrosss the room from the entrance. so you have to run the forrest of giants to get to them all the while if not invised taking pop shots and AOOs.

as i said earlier giants wouldent all croud into a room like that it would be like 40 people cramened into a subway car something only done if nessicary. take a fiew and put them outside on the frozen wastes map near the entrance makes sense that they would have a scout or something watching the entrance to the cave, maybe they are out hunting bears at night. add some rooms too they have FORTRESS with 2 rooms? more like a shack than a ice giant fortress.
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Post by $chase$ »

i think there perfect
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Post by Lorkar1 »

Way to toe the party line Chase. Gotta love consistency. :twisted: :shock:

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Post by Throst54 »

Alkapwn wrote:I find it better this way. No more 2 toon parties hogg'n it all up. As in the Epic Areas you have to have a well round'd party to deal with all situations.
Just puttin in my nickel short of 2 cents in.

how can you give a negative amount of cents?

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Post by PeregrineV »

I like the new ice giants. They are easier to get to, and are more of a challenge. It might be possible to solo them, but the well-rounded, patient parties I've been a part of can sweep through at just the right pace. Sure, you lose some now and then, and sometimes the whole party can get into trouble or worse, but that is the point of playing.

Any change I would make would be to mix up some random spawning giants, efreets and trolls into the wolf and polar bear mix. Not a ton, but throw a suprise into it every now and then.

Otherwise, leave the poor giants alone. :D

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Post by Celorn »

Yeah, I don't mind the new giants... the old giants allowed me to take a level 14-16 into ice giants and level to 20+ easily, now you just can't do that (easily). But even still, now a properly rounded party of 2 can solo the whole thing if done carefully and with the right strategy.

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Post by CrazyJ »


Well, here's a large part of the problem. They stack.


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