Cult Of Tharizdun

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Cult Of Tharizdun

Post by lord_modred »

this is sort of a multi-layered suggestion, first off, i suggest a new diety be added to the list of NS dieties(and perhaps a new DM to RP it). Additionally, i suggest a new set of enemies be added to the world of aetheria and possibly new areas for these new enemies to reside in.

first off, let me introduce the diety.

name: Tharizdun
alignment: Neutral Evil
domains: Chaos, destruction, evil, force, madness

description: An old and evil god of uncertain origin. Tharizdun was imprisoned long ago by the concerted effort of all of the human gods. He is a power of darkness, decay, entropy, and ruin that seeks nothing less than the unraveling of the entire universe. His adherents believe that tharizdun will grant them great favors when he remakes the world. Hateful aberrations that dream of the destruction of the human world sometimes proffer worship to this dark diety, and some say tharizdun hails from the far realm or the dim memories of an earlier universe. Tharizdun remains trapped in his prison, but sometimes his influence reaches through the barriers and reaches the world of the material plane.

Now, the enemies based around this diety would obviously be predominantly cultists(with maybe the odd aberration thrown in the mix), the underling cultists would generally be completely insane where as the "boss" characters would be more of the ultimate evil genius type. Cultists would be predominantly wizards, sorcerers, clerics, and rouges seeing as the cult of tharizdun focuses generally on the obsessive research of long forgotten arcana and the implementation of subterfuge to influence society. this would also mean that adventurers could obtain some fairly bizarre and interesting magic items from them. However, the cultists of tharizdun are very secretive and reclusive, and therefore it would be EXCEEDINGLY difficult to find their various hide aways and outposts(we're talking hidden doors stashed away in the wierdest places, sewers, cliff sides, ect) in fact, they might even move their bases of operation every so often(maybe move around the hidden entrances every so often but leave the areas the same). also, the areas would ideally have to be fairly spread out from one another, seeing as the cult operates on a rather large scale. maybe even have cultists spawn randomly in some areas to represent the constant scheming and activity of the culy, a very low likelyhood of them actually spawning in any given area though(maybe 3% or so chance of cultist troop spawn).
having a DM rp this god and the rest of the cult would be almost essential to get the proper effect of the cult however, these are people who are actively attempting to bring about the total anihillation of the universe, not some little church thats content in keeping to its self, to represent this, cultist raids on cities or even the summoning of some sort of ancient demons(or even the summoning of an aspect of tharizdun) near or in a city could b executed by the DM in charge of RPing Tharizdun.
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Post by PeregrineV »

Horrible idea.

We need less evil.


Tharizdun could have a temple next to Lloth's. And, since they are both insane, their followers could always be fighting one another.

That would be good. :twisted:

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Post by $chase$ »

modred have i told you its great to have you back. BUT this isnt the ns4 that you remember . alot think they are playing ns3.5 were you lvl and are happy and none hurts you.
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Post by MasterYoda »

$chase$ wrote:modred have i told you its great to have you back. BUT this isnt the ns4 that you remember . alot think they are playing ns3.5 were you lvl and are happy and none hurts you.

LOL so true *wipes tear from eye*

I miss the old days of raiding another faction with a group of 9 level 9-16 for awesome xp.....

I miss the days of =NR=

we need some NS4 OGs back.........
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Post by lord_modred »

PeregrineV wrote:Horrible idea.

thank you for your constructive input

$chase$ wrote:modred have i told you its great to have you back. BUT this isnt the ns4 that you remember . alot think they are playing ns3.5 were you lvl and are happy and none hurts you.

perhaps this would be just the thing to remind people that this is infact NOT ns3.5

MasterYoda wrote:LOL so true *wipes tear from eye*

I miss the old days of raiding another faction with a group of 9 level 9-16 for awesome xp.....

I miss the days of =NR=

we need some NS4 OGs back.........

hey, we could always run down there and slaughter them all just for kicks
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Post by Elagneros »

Some of it sounds cool — an evil cult bent on destruction hiding in some of the most remote places of the world. And of course, insane cults like this have always been around in PnP games.

If something like this were added, I think it would be best as an NPC faction. Since such a cult would be in essence seeking the destruction of Aetheria itself, even the most evil faction like MA and SL would oppose them. It would be good for epic level play too, high level casters allied with weird abomination monsters; this could be a way of adding beholders to NS 4 as well (but not mind flayers; I'd like to see a mind flayer city deep in the underdark eventually, since the underground areas are mostly low level XPing areas for SL and RK lowbies).

Moving entrances to the lairs would be difficult, I'd say. AFAIK, the devs would have to move the external doors in the toolset around and reset the transitions everytime they wanted to move a door. Still, it would be an opportunity to put in doors that require nasty high Search scores, like DC 50.
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Post by Oltho »

$chase$ wrote:modred have i told you its great to have you back. BUT this isnt the ns4 that you remember . alot think they are playing ns3.5 were you lvl and are happy and none hurts you.

A lot of noobs have trouble adjusting to PvP. I was laughing today when i called out that I was in Efreets for some reason on Shout, and about 30 minutes later here comes Redrum attacking me out of nowhere in retaliation for smoking him a day or two before (flawless victory baby!). Funny thing was he had gained about 10 or so levels in that time, which put him a good 6+ levels above me :lol: .

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Post by MasterYoda »

Oltho wrote:
$chase$ wrote:modred have i told you its great to have you back. BUT this isnt the ns4 that you remember . alot think they are playing ns3.5 were you lvl and are happy and none hurts you.

A lot of noobs have trouble adjusting to PvP. I was laughing today when i called out that I was in Efreets for some reason on Shout, and about 30 minutes later here comes Redrum attacking me out of nowhere in retaliation for smoking him a day or two before (flawless victory baby!). Funny thing was he had gained about 10 or so levels in that time, which put him a good 6+ levels above me :lol: .

and this ^^^^^^^ is what makes this server amazing!!!!!
TGPO wrote:Man, dont u hate it when yoda is right

Amoenotep wrote:yeah....he's a little right :(


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Post by Ragefist »

MasterYoda wrote:
$chase$ wrote:modred have i told you its great to have you back. BUT this isnt the ns4 that you remember . alot think they are playing ns3.5 were you lvl and are happy and none hurts you.

LOL so true *wipes tear from eye*

I miss the old days of raiding another faction with a group of 9 level 9-16 for awesome xp.....

I miss the days of =NR=

we need some NS4 OGs back.........

No, I remember NR killing shopkeeps in ave, then trying to get people banned for killing him in return. That's not awesome, that's the same whining that you people complain about.

Modred knows what's up. There have always been whiners, and there have always been retards who disguise being a jackass with "roleplaying" (though none of them usually take chaotic evil, it ruins the min-max).

To the topic at hand--

I sorta like the idea of this cult, even though I generally play toons that would oppose it vehemently. It would be a far-horizon idea for the devs, of course, but an interesting idea. If there were a DM in charge of RPing it, he/she would have to really RP the faction. Hidden, quiet, waiting patiently -- not an excuse to be an utter annoyance to the entire server for the sake of crappy RP. If it were a faction that PC's could support or be in, I'd definitely like to see a policy in place that would sort of negate their whining if they got PKed -- if you choose to represent a force bent on utter destruction, you shouldn't be able to cry when someone who sort of likes being alive and in one piece takes you out first.

I'd argue that a secret organization bent on the dissolution of all things wouldn't be constantly raiding cities, but rather covertly causing populations in said cities to rise up against their leaders. So a raid would be preceded by a riot, to hide the tracks. But yes, all stuff that would require careful and considered RP by someone in charge.

Yarr, it be Modred -- the salty wag 'as returned, huzzah!

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Post by lord_modred »

hmm, i neglected to mention that the cult would probably have to be an NPC exclusive faction. but now that i think about it, it would actually be a fairly fun to play joinable faction(if the Devs were so inclined to include it into the game), although the players of the faction would have to devoted RPers for the most part, for example, someone bent on the unraveling of the fabric of existance wouldnt be keen on partying up with someone from another faction(i meantion this as i see people of enemy factions partying up constantly). if it were to be made into a playable faction, i could see it as being the sort of malignant counter part/arch-nemisis to the last alliance, they would have no allies in their mission(just like LA) seeing as most people dont want to be erased from reality, but they would be attempting to achieve the mirror opposite of the LA, the complete anihillation of all that is aetheria rather than the preservation there of.

this is all an after thought though, the main intent was to have the cult be an NPC faction.

by the way, it's good to be back rage!
Last edited by lord_modred on Mon Mar 06, 2006 7:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by $chase$ »

i was the head of =NR= and i dont believe ive ever complained out anything. i may be wrong
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Post by MasterYoda »

$chase$ wrote:i was the head of =NR= and i dont believe ive ever complained out anything. i may be wrong

TGPO wrote:Man, dont u hate it when yoda is right

Amoenotep wrote:yeah....he's a little right :(



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