DM token.....

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DM token.....

Post by KST_HAVOK »

I was thinking thqat mabey a type of DM token thing could be put into place.

Like if you do az DM event and win you can cash them in for something....

5 dmtokens can make it so you can rename your weapon.....
5 DM tokens can add 3 of any type of elemental damage .....
5 DM tokens can make somethinghave resistance of 5/-....

you get the idea....

I figure with the rarity of DM events this could be reall fun and add a level of ledgends to the server.... Like Jain having a Robe named after her..

And being that these items would be altered mabey you can make it so stores dont buy them ( although i have no idea why anyone would sellk the weapon if it was changed like this.)

im just putting my .02$ in today

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Post by TGPO »

DM Tokens were a south thing, they were put in place to prevent a vault wipe after a few unfortunate incidents occured where custom gear as you described found their way into the game.

You cant pretty much count on NEVER seeing the DM tokens in Neversummer again.
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Post by P. Fricebottle »

How about instead of DM tokens we do something the same with crafting. Like when we're pulling the gear out of the tailoring board or furnace, we can throw something in there (valid of course) like a bottle of alchemist fire. In turn, the equipment you pull out will have 5/- resistance to fire (armor) and +1 damage of fire on weapons. And we make the drops of alchemists fire, acid flasks, coldstones, etc. very rare like ornate coffers and drop off of every monster. Like a newbie would pick one up off a goblin, and not knowing its worth, would sell it to a higher player for 100 gold. Also this would make itself into a little quest system for the "ultimate weapon."
    Make there be a max of 2 different elemental damge types on weapons and armor (like off of Diablo 2 with the gems put into weapons system). Also make it cancel each other when someone tries to put fire damage and cold damage on a weapon. Fire<->Cold , Negative Energy<-> Sonic (divine looking it is) and Acid<->Magic (sorta a barbaric vs. advanced powers). Just a thought, be nice to see some spice in the crafting system :mrgreen: .

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    Post by KST_HAVOK »

    P. Fricebottle wrote:How about instead of DM tokens we do something the same with crafting. Like when we're pulling the gear out of the tailoring board or furnace, we can throw something in there (valid of course) like a bottle of alchemist fire. In turn, the equipment you pull out will have 5/- resistance to fire (armor) and +1 damage of fire on weapons. And we make the drops of alchemists fire, acid flasks, coldstones, etc. very rare like ornate coffers and drop off of every monster. Like a newbie would pick one up off a goblin, and not knowing its worth, would sell it to a higher player for 100 gold. Also this would make itself into a little quest system for the "ultimate weapon."
      Make there be a max of 2 different elemental damge types on weapons and armor (like off of Diablo 2 with the gems put into weapons system). Also make it cancel each other when someone tries to put fire damage and cold damage on a weapon. Fire<->Cold , Negative Energy<-> Sonic (divine looking it is) and Acid<->Magic (sorta a barbaric vs. advanced powers). Just a thought, be nice to see some spice in the crafting system :mrgreen: .
      Yes his idea is even b3tter than mine :lol:

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      Post by Death Dealer1 »

      can't make trap crafting components a rare drop..then how would ppl make traps? the gem system is a good idea from gem components such as diamonds for magic, opal for fire, emerald for acid....but that is way advanced and i have other things i would like to see first.

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      Post by Celorn »

      hmm.. i've posted this kind of thing a few times now, i do believe... and I think it's a great idea! It would give more variety to the world for sure (visually and strategically)

      The rumour mill says the whole crafting system is being reworked? If so, I hope the imbue-armour and weapon is a part of that!

      Perhaps the increments should be similar to the unique drops
      lvl: 5, 9, 13, 16, 20, 25 & up gear. adding elemental resist/damage
      of: 2, 1d6, 1d8, 1d10, 2d6, 2d8, 2d10

      and probably not allow more than one type, level 40 weapons would be WAY too uber, when all the lvl40 builds start running around, the last thing the lower levels need are 200 damage minimum hits heading their way!

      I like the gem idea too... but the alchemy elements are more logical for the system already in place i think.

      and why would you have to make the drops more rare?? You could force the crafter to first create the weapon/armour, which has xp/gold costs, then once that is done, they can imbue it (after the normal waiting period for whatever level the item is) with one element.

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      Post by Death Dealer1 »

      because if your going to imbue an item the magical properties have to be added in the forging process. its just not as logical to add as you go. i still think imbueing armor with say like 10 fire opals in the forging process to get 10/- resist to fire would be kind of cool.

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      Draco Nightspawn
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      Post by Draco Nightspawn »

      In the actual game there was a smith named Rezor or some such. if you took a weapon to him he would enchance it. 35000 to prepare then for each power or ability it was extra, only 2 damage abilities per weapon but a few extra's.
      If a smith could be created here the prices could be altered to fit this game world as could the powers bestowed on the weapon.
      About armor well......I havent got quite that far yet

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      Great idea!

      Post by Draebor »

      I'm totally down with the idea of being able to create some items with unique abilities. This would make crafting infinitely cooler and would certainly add flavor to the game. I'd finally have something to spend money on! :)


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