a minor suggestion

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a minor suggestion

Post by lord_modred »

i just tryed NS4 again for the first time in several months since i left, and frankly im rather underwhelmed. walking through garagoth, i was not able to find a single NPC that said anything more than "can i help you", the only update so far that ive heard of is the addition of new areas. now why are new areas being added when the old ones arent even finished? the areas are there, there just isnt any content! if you want to get people to come back to neversummer, your going to need to make it interesting, not just another monster filled mod with some subraces. I remember when before NS4 was opened, all of the developers were saying how indepth and story centric and epic this mod was going to be, and frankly i havent seen anything that would be considered story related aside from the opening cinema. this isnt meant to be an attack or insult, its an honest suggestion, focus on the story, on the content, not on the monsters and size of the mod. you can make it as big as you like, it's not going to be interesting unless there is actually some interaction with the game aside from monster stomping.
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Post by Ryddwillow »

I concur w/ lord Modred on the above statement. I have been playing for the last month and it seems that i get stuck on lvl 29 because that is where the exp drops dramatically. Ice giant warrior at lvl 29, 76 exp and Ice giant protector the same (is protector higher then warrior?). the cleric ice giant is the same (76 exp). The rest is, like scout is 16 and sentinal is 16 exp. Bosses of course are as respective (481 i think?). That is where im like, hmmm do i really want to go back killin rats and bugbears (refering to all giants, effertes, and skeletons) except i use more heal potions and since money is tight since gems have no value any more, I'm stuck there. Any suggestions? parties forget it no one is on and if they are, all different lvls. Need to understand u came all this way, let the players lvl to 40 and provide the finishing details to make this the best game again. Ghost towns w/ a lot of hard work cost money and when there is no player base anymore it makes u think twice. Give the players something to do on their time off because their happiness brings everybody happiness. :D

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Post by lord_modred »

er, experiance and leveling issues arent exactly what i had in mind...
i was actually talking about building the story and interactive element of the game. put in quests, jobs, actual RP and backstory related elements to make the game seem more alive. there was supposed to be an on going story to NS4, something that would be continually evolving, so far there has been no story, and thats basically where NS4 failed.
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Another suggestion

Post by PeregrineV »

If Father Joshua or someone in the temple of Helm could heal you of your ailments, that would be nice. If they only help when your dead, that's not very helpful.

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Post by TheBestDeception »

This has been talked about for some time now, especially in the Northern Coalition where the ever hurtful on-hit level draining vampires roam. But yes, healing NPCs would certainly be beneficial.

Thanks for the temple dedication! :wink:
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Post by deathdearler1 »

how bout a portal stone that lets you return to your home city in seconds to aid in its defense? might get some eyebrows raised there.
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Post by deathdearler1 »

something that might enrich the roleplay aspects and make the module more in depth with game play is instituting the gods. not just like they are now helping or hurting at a whim, but really involved. lets get a few more and really have the inter deity strife. use the mortals to do you buidding and help a fellow god or try to make their followers fewer. getting a good good vs bad vibe back might be a step in the right direction. could also help keep some players around or even keep the new ones here. besides who hasn't wanted to smite an evil doer or slaughter the innocent in the name of their chosen and actually be rewarded in praise or awareness for it?
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