
Post your tips, ideas for improvements, requests for new features, etc. here
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Joined: Tue Jan 25, 2005 8:54 pm


Post by Rand »

I think NS4 players should be able to purchase dyes so that characters can be more unique, but I think if you do impliment dyes into NS4 they should be sold at a very high price so that higher level players have other things to put there money towards other than potions and healing kits. I see all kinds of Mages runnin around with Nazz robes on and it would be nice if we could make it so we all dont look the same ;O)

High Brother Anicetus, Legendary Brethren
"It's better to die on your feet than live on your knees"

Neo Dvorak
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Joined: Sat Mar 19, 2005 12:58 am

Post by Neo Dvorak »

I like Dyes. I like looking Unique. But instead of making them purchasable... How about make Dye making a tradeskill. Starting with simple colors at craftsman levels, then awesome colors (like reflective 8) ) at Grand Master Artisan.

Also since not many players are frequent on NS 4 as it is now, make dyes a random drop? I know they were in NS 3.5.

Certain dyes could maybe be used only by certain factions - to create a "team" feel. These colors could reflect the Rift Shard Bind Point Color.

Not many servers out there allow players to choose the look of their armor. I know NS 4 items have a wide variety of styles in their armor, but certain items that everyone has - like Anicetus said - the variety in looks really isn't there. How about adding a Tailor/Smith merchant who can customize armor "style" for a fee of gold in all base cities?

Posts: 33
Joined: Fri Dec 10, 2004 12:08 am

Post by r.dressel »

I think DM's using them as rewards is working just fine...

I have like 6 sets of Naz robes all dyed different colors :)

It would be cool to have a high level quest for a certain color .. kind of a prestige thing..


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