Crazy thought

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Crazy thought

Post by lpb81 »

I have been speaking to several people I know who play NS4, and all of them have told me that they can't wait for the character wipe. I was thinking that whereas the servers are moving and NS4 is down at the moment, when they are reinstalled it would be a great time for a wipe. Kind of a clean slate for both the characters and the servers. Just my two pesos.

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an argument against a wipe

Post by RogueMD »

while the arguments in favor of a character wipe are compelling, one thing to consider b/f wiping is the players such as myself who can't afford to spend hours and hours building up a character. For me, at least, especially since I play a drow, and a rogue to boot, and given my schedule, a character wipe would be very difficult to come back from. Might I suggest as an alternative, a wipe of uber player slayers, lvls 20 and higher for instance... just a thought.
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Re: an argument against a wipe

Post by TheBestDeception »

RogueMD wrote: Might I suggest as an alternative, a wipe of uber player slayers, lvls 20 and higher for instance... just a thought.
Level 20's can be obtained in a matter of days if done right...wiping them will not put an end to "uber player slayers".

On a side note, perhaps you should put more time into the game (once its back) if you dislike being a lowbie...seems more logical than punishing ALL level 20's and up.

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Post by kgb »

Or you could simply play on a server like Howards LOTR that allows you to level to Epic levels in 5 hours. Their motto is that playing the game should not be so excruciatingly dull mining the same areas over and over again for xp.

I had a bit of a play and while there are uber items for low levels and you begin at 4th level the monsters you come up against are likely to kill you at 4th level as they are at 40th such is the way the game is set up.
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Post by lpb81 »

I have to agree with Deception. If you wipe a certain level and above you are being rather discriminatory (sp?). Besides, simply saying wipe 20+ doesn't stop a 19lvl. from leveling in less than an hour and you have a whole new breed of epics running around, only this time without the epics that have dedicated themselves to the protection of the lowbies. Besides. I don't really see a problem with lowbies and epics in the same server at the same time. At least on this server there is no XP loss if you are slain by another character. All that happens is you loose your position. On top of that, how fulfilling would it be to a lvl 20+ to kill a lvl 10-? Would be like stealing candy from a baby, and although there are shallow people like that in the world, I have only ever seen or heard of one on this server (not mentioning names). I just felt new server site, new year, clean slate....... It all sounds kind of good to me.

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Post by Alrahur »

LOL Howards LOTR took 3 hours and was lvl 40, holding some very good gear and boored as people just chit chat at Isengard while goodies slayed orcs, bad guys came to heal or res if accident occured. :D

And to RogueMD: Your concern is compelling, but to people who put more hours playing shouldnt be punished for it. I personally like to take marathons then may become dull move for other subjects and come back later. NS4 for what i see, read has potential to become very attractive after fully leveled and all caves searched as it has factions and DM's can add if want some power struggle over lands. :)

Think about if for example Leto script added and more subraces and some of em are factions based with unique bonuses. So you would always have change to face enemy faction forces that have some troops that can outplay your team and vice versa, if Shadow legion would have with Mystic order superior mages. Circle and Northern coaliton could reflect em with their nature / divine powers and you get all sort of nice scenarios with all the factions to entertain even after level cap reached. :)

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Post by drakebrimstone »

lpb81 wrote:On top of that, how fulfilling would it be to a lvl 20+ to kill a lvl 10-? Would be like stealing candy from a baby, and although there are shallow people like that in the world, I have only ever seen or heard of one on this server (not mentioning names). I just felt new server site, new year, clean slate....... It all sounds kind of good to me.

I had two in less then an hour, the first one at least pretended to RP it, asking me to beg for my life, being me I refused. The second one just lightning bolted me as I was leaving NS City after announcing to the server that he was board and was going to go random PK. Deciding that since there were two out and about wanting to randomly kill players I logged. How can one test the game if they are getting random PKed at level 3?


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