Powerful items with drawbacks

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Powerful items with drawbacks

Post by Draebor »

It seems like a lot of people that post here say that they miss the 'over-the-top' power items we had in NS3, and I have to admit that it seems like there aren't many nifty weapons in NS4 that I've seen yet. If maintaining a balance of power is part of the concern, what about adding some powerful items that have negative effects as drawbacks. For instance, a sword that has hefty damage bonuses but also has a 10% chance per round of poisoning or confusing its wielder.

This might add some flavor to the game without shifting the balance of power into the extremes.

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Post by Ragefist »

Interesting ideas, but I can see even this balancing being subverted. As in your example, if the sword or weapon, or whatever, has a chance to confuse, I can see players taking spells or classes or subraces that have resists to the drawback, thereby building solely to a specific weapon that then becomes unbalanced.

Also, there are some pretty beefy items in the game, if you take a more laid back definition of beefy (i.e. not NS3 or 3.5 view). Believe it or not, +3 on a weapon is not shabby at all as far as DnD is concerned, just check out a DM's guide sometime.

But . . . I do agree that because this mod allows lvl 40 chars, there ought to eventually be some weapons for the higher lvls (again, look at a DM guide, most of the freakin gods in DnD aren't lvl 40 :D ). I'd like to see some awesome upper lvl weapons for each type of char, and maybe some large scale quests to get them . . . . some ideas.

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Post by Zhorn »

I once played on a world that had boots which made you immune to spells level 6 and below. They also gave you -10 Dex AND -10 Dodge AC and some more penalties to your saves.... in short yeah you were resistant to lots of spells but you had the crap kicked out of you if you had them on at the wrong time.....

Then eventually people realised if you had 9 Dex and put them on you wrapped around to 255 or 254 Dex...... /sigh. Rather than fix this broken item or something, the DM's of that server started to ban people who wore them and abused this fact. /ROFL

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Post by Denort »

Zhorn wrote:I once played on a world that had boots which made you immune to spells level 6 and below. They also gave you -10 Dex AND -10 Dodge AC and some more penalties to your saves.... in short yeah you were resistant to lots of spells but you had the crap kicked out of you if you had them on at the wrong time.....

Thats the problem with such items, you can swap them out in a heartbeat. If there are going to be any super powerful items with serious drawbacks they would have to be armour since it is the only item you can not swap while in combat.

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Post by DeputyDog »

These items you speak of are already in the mod.
They just dont drop yet.

They start dropping in the Frostdale and Sunken isle areas and eventually as rare drops on higher end bosses and encounters.

They are by no means ns3 style, but more then whats available now and with a few draw backs or weaknesses here and there.

These items are restricted to 20+ as well.

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Post by Ragefist »

OMG, from the mouth of God himself (at least as far as this mod be concerned). Pymp, can't wait to work the magic.

PS -- We love you too Sir Deputy, despite our bitching and whining.

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Post by kgb »

After playing on NS3 Pacific for a very long time I cannot bring myself to go back to NS3.5 after tasting NS4.

I love the restrictions. It makes it balanced and challenging. I know it's kind of sad but it makes it all so more interesting than having a YDB sword etc. as a 1st level char. with gear that gives immunity to everything and takes the challenge out of playing.

My only regret/gripe with NS4 is I would like to see more factions, the ability to swap/leave/join factions or the option not to belong to any. The changing factions should come at a price (monetary or experience-based) or perhaps a quest to be performed.

Have specific items only usable by certain FACTIONS and or RACES would allow for more diverse builds as some nifty and/or characterful piece of gear combined with less used races like gnomes and halflings etc. would encourage more rping for those who are attracted to that style of play.

I would like to see a move away from every high level/epic char running around with the same small group of magic wpns or piece of armour etc because it's the bees-knees. It makes for unimaginative gameplay when you meet another character and lo and behold "u got that xxx sword too! It's the best isn't it why would you use anything else?"

I'm sure there are some wonderful combinations the Devs could come up with that makes all level of gear individualistic and characterful. It shouldn't be restricted to 20+ level chars. I'd like to see lowbies running around with all sorts of interesting gear even if they come at a cost like reduced saves/weaknesses vs weapon types, ability negs etc.

Faction specific quests beyond each faction city's limits may also encourage belonging to certain factions as well have FACTIONLESS specific quests for those that are renegades and not eligible to characters that belong to any faction. This would bring further variety.

I realise this has probably already been planned and or implemented for the future just thought I would add this suggestion. It may turn out to be too complex only time will tell.

I also believe that services should be made available such as healing, curse removal and scroll purchases from vendors at a somewhat prohibitive cost. For example the clerical items/buffs from temples, magical items/buffs from magic shops/towers.

Items can be level-restricted so purchasing a raise dead scroll could only be purchased by characters of level 9 or higher (since this is the level required for a cleric to cast it etc. Restrict items available so that wizards, sorcerors and bards don't get to fill their spell books with scrolled spells because they have loads of money.

I am impressed with the efforts of the Devs and wait for NS4 "Fully Blown" to begin with great anticipation.

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Post by scruffyspellslinger »

kgb wrote
I also believe that services should be made available such as healing, curse removal and scroll purchases from vendors at a somewhat prohibitive cost. For example the clerical items/buffs from temples, magical items/buffs from magic shops/towers.

No buffs should ever be made available to other classes except as (rare)potion drops. What is the point in being a cleric if a fighter can have all the same spells cast on him anytime he wants? A buffed cleric should be on a par with a straight fighter until dispelled. Now imagine a fighter with a potion of Tensers transformation. (This is a major problem if all the best spells are available as potions from drops) If the buffs don't last long enough to get to where he is levelling, they are a waste of space, and if the caster is that high a level, then they will be overpowerful for lower levels who buy them. Aside from anything else, it just turns all characters into clones when they have the spells from every class available to them.

If a character wants buffs, then he should take levels as a cleric/druid /mage/whatever not just be able to spend money to buy them.[/u][/i]

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Post by kgb »


yeah agree scrub the buffs - forgot about the potion drops.
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Post by Nurvus »

Denort wrote:Thats the problem with such items, you can swap them out in a heartbeat. If there are going to be any super powerful items with serious drawbacks they would have to be armour since it is the only item you can not swap while in combat.

That's a good idea... the greatest items could in fact be the armor... as everyone eventually uses some :P and everyone would make excellent use of it, no matter if you are an unarmed monk, shifter, or mage... and they can't be unequipped in combat...

Such items would be a icing on the cake... :P
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Post by Nurvus »

About the buffs... well... you're right, and at the same time, you're not
Such great items should not be sold, and would be found with difficulty...
yet you can always make a potion of almost everything with brew potion... so live with it...

Come on... who's going to prepare cat's grace and bull's strength, if they can buy a potion of it, unless they have Maximize Spell?

Who's going to abstain from getting Use Magic Device if they can use every spell in a scroll created by a caster with scribe scroll or bought from a merchant?

Such are things that are flawed in this game... yet we can't start nerfing EVERYTHING making this yet another nerfed server like so many I hate...

I hate to see great servers become annoying nerfed servers all the way around!!!

This is a game... not a win or lose competition!!! All you ever waste is time, when playing, and there's nothing you can do to get it back...
If I am a pure monk, I can make my build counting on equipment and potions of cat's grace and owl's wisdom to uberly make my AC exagerated!!!
What to do? remove potions from the market? remove the monks from the class lists? come on!!!
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Post by Teladro »

Sorcerers have been banned in NS4 because of me :cry:
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Post by bongoblue »

I have no problem with clerics buffing fighters as that is their job.

2 fighters work together to take out a monster. One becomes severely injured, the other fighter tries to distract the mosnter so the cleric can heal the fighter in trouble. The cleric is usually near the fighters to help with that.

Mages are protected by one or more fighters as mages are the heavy weapons section. Low defense, but a very strong attack.
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Post by JesterOI »

A sword with nagative damage on it, heals undead!
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Post by Acara »

Teladro wrote:Sorcerers have been banned in NS4 because of me :cry:

Sorcerers are banned? :(


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