PvP XP loss bug

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PvP XP loss bug

Post by Kaz »

This is a well known bug, I just wanted to start a thread where people can post when it happens. Please post all the details, it could be the difference in finding the bug. Also, keep an eye on bleeding; I suspect that it may be the culprit.

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Post by WillPower »

My theory - It happens when you get killed then they "Kill you again" while you are trying to respawn... that fraction of a second your skeleton is raising from your body they can hit you - and being you are already neg. life its instant re-kill and for some reason it seems to count xp loss then. (I could be wrong but seems to be this way when I get xploss from it)
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Post by Lukterran »

Ok, I saw this the other day. It was funny, but must have really sucked for the other player.

I was killing gaurds in the Drow city of Menzoduran, and this player (can't remember their name) began attacking me. (To defend their city, I guess?) But anyway I cast a StoneHold spell to stop the player from bashing my head in, and then a couple of Creeping dooms to kill them off for attempting to attack me. The player had a low Will save so he was stuck, and stone. And he soon died. The bug was because he was stone whenever he died the player took an XP hit, when he attempted to respawn. The thing that sucked for them is that for the first couple of seconds after respawning and before teleporting back to their rift point, they were vulnerable again. (Being able to be effected by all the spells still in effect)

So the player respawned and before they teleported away, they would again fail there Will save and become stuck within the stonehold once again. Then the creeping doom would again slowly killed them off again, and they took another XP hit. After doing this twice you would have thought the player would have waited until the effects had gone their full duration before respawning, but no. They repeated this a couple more times all the while taking the XP hit and griefing theirselves. I could not rest to cancel my spells because the player and NPC's were still hostile around me. So all I could do is feel bad for the person and watch them kill their xp. (And giggle a little).

The main problem I see here is that when you respawn it is not instantance enough. And you are made valurable again to the mobs and spells effects around you. I have had that same type of problem myself more than a couple of times with NPC's killing me again because I respawned and didn't teleport back to my bind point fast enough. Taking double the Xp and gold loss. What is up with this, I dont have this problem in the normal game?

Terminal Insanity
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Post by Terminal Insanity »

WillPower wrote:My theory - It happens when you get killed then they "Kill you again" while you are trying to respawn... that fraction of a second your skeleton is raising from your body they can hit you - and being you are already neg. life its instant re-kill and for some reason it seems to count xp loss then. (I could be wrong but seems to be this way when I get xploss from it)

That problem was posted on the bug boards mabe a month ago... i suggested they first portal you to the respawn before actualy raising your body, but the bug report just floated down the looong bug page =(

It also happens sometimes with monsters... if you hit respawn too fast they are still 'active' and will smack ya right away, possibly killing you again... if you die from a mob, just wait a few seconds for him to walk a few steps away before respawning... unless you can take at least one hit from him

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Post by Downfall »

it happened to me, i am fighting guards then suddenly someone pk's me while i have my hands full, when i respawn i loose a whole bunch of xp even if it was a pc that kiled me . I even have a screeenshot to prove it ^^

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Post by Tigsen »

From my experience in another PW I used to be the main scripter for:

1) You can't jump a player to a bind location before you've resurrected them. You can, however, apply the plot flag to them, then resurrect them, then jump them to their bind spot. You'd also do a DelayCommand() to remove the plot flag from the player a couple of seconds later (its also a good idea to have a script run every minute that scans through all players and removes the plot flag from them).

2) There are several spells where I think it is GetModule() that ends up applying the death effect for some reason (wail of the banshee and finger of death come to mind for some reason). This means it would not appear to be a player that just killed another player, and thus the death scripts would likely just attribute the death to a monster and apply normal xp losses.

3) I've also seen odd results from things like ice storm that apply their damage as two separate events. We used to have it where in PvP you'd knock your opponent out, first, and they'd be set to plot status for 6 seconds so that their attacker would have time to stop attacking. If you then killed them while they were unconscious they'd die for real and take appropriate xp/gold losses. With ice storm though, for some reason, it could at times kill at a person without them going unconscious first... I fixed it by combining the bludgeoning and cold damage into one effect and applying that.

In general, discussing the cause of this is fruitless without seeing the actual OnDeath script, which the NS team is unlikely to release. The best people can do is make note of the exact way they died in PvP that was "wrong" and post it in the forums for the devs to figure out.



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