Current and Future Subraces.

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Current and Future Subraces.

Post by Fezz »

Great work on the new subraces, looks very cool and interesting.

But i would like to bring something up in relation to this. This is how things currently stand :

Human Subrace.

Plain Human.
Air Gen.
Earth Gen.
Fire Gen.
Water Gen.

Elf Subraces.

Moon Elf.
Drow Elf.
Sun Elf.
Wild Elf.
Wood Elf.

Dwarf Subraces.

Shield Dwarf.
Gold Dwarf.
Lorewarden Dwarf. (Fairly New)
Azer Dwarf. (New)

Halfling Subraces.


Gnome Subraces.

Rock Gnome.
Deep or smurf Gnome.

Orc Subraces.


I think personally, what i as a player would really like to see, if there are to be anymore races added in the future, clearly GNOME and ORC are lagging way behind as we can see in the list. Other then that, completely new subraces would also be cool. Some off the top of my head ideas -
Lizardmen - possibly make them AO only.
Minotaur - add it to the orc subraces ?
Moleman - add it to the gnome subrace ?

Anyways, just some thoughts to see what other players think, maybe the lizardman and mino are too hard to do becasue of appearance or being over powered but i think Moleman is very viable for gnomes atleast. What does everyone else think ?
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Re: Current and Future Subraces.

Post by --Ashe-- »

Half Elves could use some love also. Don't see them often.
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Re: Current and Future Subraces.

Post by Gornickthy »

No more subraces for RK!!! Just another PM killer for BB (just kidding of course :lol: ). :shock:

Nice work on the subrace, but I would have liked to see some other elemental damage used for once other than fire. Of course I would say this coming out of MA since the PM nerfs were put in, but still... just another weapon that really is geared to kill PM's. Why not electricity or some other more rarely used elemental type damage?
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Re: Current and Future Subraces.

Post by Dalan »

Gornickthy wrote:Nice work on the subrace, but I would have liked to see some other elemental damage used for once other than fire. Of course I would say this coming out of MA since the PM nerfs were put in, but still... just another weapon that really is geared to kill PM's. Why not electricity or some other more rarely used elemental type damage?
Well, they are Azer's, of course it has to be fire. Feel your pain, though......really. Muwahahahaha!!!

Nice communication on your post here, Fez. It's good to see all the races we have here in NS4. You guys have got to like all those choices.

More gnome races, have to definitely agree with you there.
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Re: Current and Future Subraces.

Post by Alkapwn »

Gornickthy wrote:No more subraces for RK!!! Just another PM killer for BB (just kidding of course :lol: ). :shock:

Nice work on the subrace, but I would have liked to see some other elemental damage used for once other than fire. Of course I would say this coming out of MA since the PM nerfs were put in, but still... just another weapon that really is geared to kill PM's. Why not electricity or some other more rarely used elemental type damage?
Well the got to give us something to stop you undead monsters! seriously if i have to fight another dr59 critimmune pm im gonna swallow my mouse
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Re: Current and Future Subraces.

Post by Chuff_7 »

OK here is one for gnomes:

Tinker Gnome

Description: Tinker Gnomes are nimble and fleet of foot but weaker than other races. A gnome has a sharp mind but is often oblivious to the danger around him. Tinker Gnomes appreciate both the mundane and the complex, studying each with precision and little self-preservation!

Favored Class: Rogue

ECL: 2

Dex: +2
Int: +2
Str: -2
Wis: -2

Bonus Feats: Exotic Wpn Proficiency

Racial Abilities:

Lvl 1: Identify (1 use per day at caster level equal to character level)

Lvl 10: Tinker Goggles (True Seeing 1 use per day for 1 turn + 1 round per 5 levels)

Spell Resistance: 5 + character level
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Re: Current and Future Subraces.

Post by Bargeld »

I like the tinker gnome! The stats fit the concept well... the only thing I noticed is that, currently, all races with innate SR have ECL 3.
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Re: Current and Future Subraces.

Post by Terl »

Anything with Spell Resistance is an ECL 3.
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Re: Current and Future Subraces.

Post by Aarkon Draco »

the tinker gnome should loose the SR ( already have a gnome with 3ecl ) and be fav class bard ( there are no fav class bard races and in 3.5 gnomes are fav class bard anyway )
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Re: Current and Future Subraces.

Post by Blystos Re »

--Ashe-- wrote:Half Elves could use some love also. Don't see them often.
I humbly direct you here: ... =26&t=8274

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Re: Current and Future Subraces.

Post by LinuxPup »

No more subraces for RK!!! Just another PM killer for BB (just kidding of course ).

Nice work on the subrace, but I would have liked to see some other elemental damage used for once other than fire. Of course I would say this coming out of MA since the PM nerfs were put in, but still... just another weapon that really is geared to kill PM's. Why not electricity or some other more rarely used elemental type damage?
You realize this is a great class Pale Master class though right? 10 fire resistance is nice to dampen flame weapon + the fire shield is great when you're crit immune.
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Re: Current and Future Subraces.

Post by Amoenotep »

oh mean we can use some of the subrace abilities or other buffs to offset the hardcore nerfs those damn'd dm's keep giving us? wth!
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Re: Current and Future Subraces.

Post by Gornickthy »

Amoenotep wrote:oh mean we can use some of the subrace abilities or other buffs to offset the hardcore nerfs those damn'd dm's keep giving us? wth!
Eh, once it gets used by MA it will get hit with the nerf wand. Getting nerfed has almost become a requirement for being in Garagoth. :wink:
Last edited by Gornickthy on Wed Feb 13, 2008 3:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Current and Future Subraces.

Post by frogofpeace »

Gornickthy wrote:
Amoenotep wrote:oh mean we can use some of the subrace abilities or other buffs to offset the hardcore nerfs those damn'd dm's keep giving us? wth!
Eh, once it gets used by MA it will get hit with the nerf wand. Getting nerfed has almost become a requirement for being in Garagoth. :wink:

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Yeah, I hear a MA nerf wand is planned as a new NC job item - take that, evil squidlings!
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Re: Current and Future Subraces.

Post by Gornickthy »

frogofpeace wrote: Yeah, I hear a MA nerf wand is planned as a new NC job item - take that, evil squidlings!
LOL I wouldn't doubt that for a second. :wink: :shock:

The battle lines will form... NC and MA about to face off. As the lines start to advance the battle ready minions from the north unsheath their wands of nerfing (Only works against MA). Those from MA who do not flee are reduced to mumbling level 0 peasants with 100% vulnerability to all forms of damage and -100% on all skills. :mrgreen:

Hehe.. sorry to stray off topic here.

Good subrace. There.. back on topic. :lol:
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