Timer on transition

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Re: Timer on transition

Post by hond »

Edit: Also, I've seen people smoke CoTs with mages - equally I've seen mages smoked by CoTs. I think it mostly depends on how bulky the mage is and how much support they each have.
with support..yes...1 on 1 mehhh

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Re: Timer on transition

Post by mining »

Worth a note: Saying "You're not totally objective" is really just saying "I'm right and you're wrong, and my opinion is worth more than yours because I'm not you".

Everyone's opinion is subjective, and everyone's opinion matters. If a class isn't fun to play / doesn't feel rewarding to play, thats probably an issue.

Ditto if it just steamrolls everything.

Everyone's opinions add up to something resembling balance, and a little bit of theorycraft and stats work goes a long way in terms of determining if something's really, really imbalanced.
Bargeld wrote:Overall, I think most would agree that a pure rogue is probably the worst build on the server.

Pk Bait
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Re: Timer on transition

Post by Monkey »

mining wrote:Worth a note: Saying "You're not totally objective" is really just saying "I'm right and you're wrong, and my opinion is worth more than yours because I'm not you".
I think it's just a cheap shot that disrespects all you've done since you became a developer.

Quick and easy nerf for Stunning Fist: Shorten the duration from 3 rounds to 1 or 2 rounds. Then it wouldn't be quite so overpowering and some victims would have a chance of getting away if hit by one lucky stun.

Planar Turning got shortened to 2 rounds from 3 rounds.
Fighter KD token lasts 2 rounds.
Hellball lasts 1 round.
Melee Knockdown lasts 1 round.

Absentee Ballot Dev
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Re: Timer on transition

Post by mining »

Its hard coded.
Bargeld wrote:Overall, I think most would agree that a pure rogue is probably the worst build on the server.

Pk Bait
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Re: Timer on transition

Post by Monkey »

mining wrote:Its hard coded.

Same with the +2 DC on Improved Stunning Fist feats?
Can ISF 6-10 be disabled, encouraging stun builders to be more creative with other feats?

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Re: Timer on transition

Post by hond »

i saw many toon with 56 + fort on my 57 dc stunners...
Can ISF 6-10 be disabled, encouraging stun builders to be more creative with other feats?
i always miss a lot +6 stun DC when i fight those toons...creative with stun? You have a stunner, you want higher DC posible ...

Pk Bait
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Re: Timer on transition

Post by rocketkai »

lol all these rants about CoTs is just because that your stunner couldn't beat them? How many efforts have you put in order to beat most (>90%) of other non-cot toons with a stunner? How should those non-cot toons feel about this? You do know that the most OP thing here is the stun fist no matter if it's hips or cot type. As mining mentioned, even a dex-based pure fighter can do the same job here (not to mention that also has powerful kd token)... I have two of the most "notorious" stun builds (hipser/stunner+cot/stunner), with one of which can be built in 3 different ally-factions. We all know what's broken here. So please quit your ranting about CoTs..
hond wrote:
I love pvp...that's the fact... i will try to defend if i know i will have fun...fun not meaning i will "win",but at least having some oportunity to kill some raiders, or just make them hard to kill me... I don't find funny at all, get wiped in 10 seconds by a toon who have best stats in all compared to me... ( AB, AC,saves, damages, skills, stun DC )...
You can think what ever you want..its not all about the CoTs...Your tokens are particulary good, as allow you to cross class easier then other factions have to do, and its a "permanent buff" while it last. That eyes token is just a bad joke...Paly monk CoT(zen archer divine spoter, divine stunner, dual kamas, etc...), ranger monk CoT (hypser in forest), are spot war machines with no caster class...Gear+Token make those combo class using TS and with 2 buffs capping their spot with a crafted helm... in SL, if your not dedicated caster, you will hardly capping ur spot, and your spot will stick hard after a simple greater dispel scroll...
It's not all about the CoTs, but those last ones are the most visible part of the umbalanced situation...
I understand that your defend ur own interest...
Your not totaly objective....

Delisha Zrazorian
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Re: Timer on transition

Post by Delisha Zrazorian »

Its hard coded.
praise the Gods... :twisted:
My attitude toward men who mess around is simple: If you find 'em, kill 'em!

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Re: Timer on transition

Post by mining »

hond wrote:i saw many toon with 56 + fort on my 57 dc stunners...
Yah, and a lot of that's because people are sick of stunners so they're sacrificing a lot in order to stack up all the fort feats they can get.
Bargeld wrote:Overall, I think most would agree that a pure rogue is probably the worst build on the server.

Opie Crimeria
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Re: Timer on transition

Post by Opie Crimeria »

You can do dc 48 auto-quickened wizards and DC 47 auto-quickened clerics and sorcs in SL. They aren't the absolute best possible max dc caster builds, but I wouldn't say it is impossible by any means.
True...if you max your int or wisdom and don't take other epics feats...48 DC is the max you can reach with a +4 book...in all of case 95 % of the CoT toon will have 50+ on all saves...how many spells do you need to beat a cot??and how many spells, a Cot will allow you to cast ??
Focus on a small section - I dont get this statement. To get 47 or 48 DC for spell would require taking all Epic Wis Feats + AQ + what ever spell pen feats that can fit. So this would mean a 5 - 8 ish Levels of CoT to keep the Spell Penetration high enough for ECL3 toon. How would the build still be able to get 50+ in all saves. CoT would add +2 to +4 in saves total. I think you mixed the heavy CoT option with a Cleric caster.

Opie Crimeria
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Re: Timer on transition

Post by Opie Crimeria »

hond wrote:i saw many toon with 56 + fort on my 57 dc stunners...
Can ISF 6-10 be disabled, encouraging stun builders to be more creative with other feats?
i always miss a lot +6 stun DC when i fight those toons...creative with stun? You have a stunner, you want higher DC posible ...
I think many toons have taken the saves feats because of Stun DC or Spell DC for PvP and not PvM. I have learned that having a high base save is damn near require for Fort for a PvP toon. I have a Sorc/BG that can fail Stun Fist roughly half the time.

The same for Will saves too, with all the dragons and other NS4 abilities that target Will.

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Re: Timer on transition

Post by Eldaquen »

Be careful with the generalizations you claim as you may not like where generalizations might be taken.
Last edited by Eldaquen on Sat Jun 02, 2012 12:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
Murphy's Law:
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Everything takes longer than you expect.
And if anything can go wrong,
It will, at the worst possible moment.

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Re: Timer on transition

Post by mining »

Stun fist doesn't require 30 levels of investment and to be useless in melee/give up all hope of AC/HiPS/etc.
Bargeld wrote:Overall, I think most would agree that a pure rogue is probably the worst build on the server.

Pk Bait
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Re: Timer on transition

Post by Monkey »

We all have our biases.

People who mostly play stunners tend to like them just the way they are.
People who want to play a variety of interesting builds are frustrated because so many of them are rendered worthless for PvP by high DC sneak/stunners.

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Re: Timer on transition

Post by hond »

many stuff here for response....
when i speak about 48 DC it's a SL cleric...think cleric CoT can take +3 dc compared with others one...
fort 57....its a choice...can bump your spot also and my 77 hide will easy to beat ...and with 48 AB i don't have many options of touching you...Same with hypser stunner...cleric stunners combine midle ab and 60+ DC..but still a corner sneaker, all those toons are easy to spot and once detect, it will hard to stun something...also killing a stunned guys will require a long time , more than the stun duration...here a CoT stunner will have 65 AB and 62 Dc+ stun Dc...also a 25 divine damages no resistable...after a thunderclap, the first 3 toons are floored, CoT one no....
pure fighter stunner ....0 detect, weak saves, middle damages, high DC...
rogue monk fighter ...0 AB, weak saves, good damages, midle high DC
Cleric monk SD ...middle AB, middle saves, middle damages, low DC (with divine might )
Cleric monk fighter... only listen detection..middle AB, middle save, middle damages, middle high DC
monk CoT fighter : Spot , good saves, midle high AB, high damages, monstruous DC
cleric monk CoT : Spot, good saves, high AB, high damages, high DC
all the stunners are OP ??? Seems some, more than others...
Nerf stun..no problem...
Stun is OP, CoT are normal...it's all fine...
There is not worst blinded guys, those who don't want to see...


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