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Post by JesterOI »

Nice!!! Killing those piddly level 1 characters from the opposing faction is SO gonna promote your cause and bring great honour and respect to you!!!
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Post by DrakhanValane »

What's honour and respect got to do with it? LA is the original victim. The faction is about revenge and reclaiming the world. You're thinking Northern Coalition not Last Alliance, Jester.
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Post by JesterOI »

I was talking about lowbie killing in general, why kill when it is onlt for griefing purposes?
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Post by DrakhanValane »

It isn't for griefing purposes. It's for RP purposes. If the lowbie is on server 4 and hostile to LA they should expect death (Avendell exempt).
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Post by ATI »

What is a hostile lowbie doing on a different server in the first place? I thought it would take till lv 8-9 to get to other servers :D

JK seriously though, we should back off this, its either RPing or griefing, and no one ever lets just agree to kill each other, or make peace....either one is cool with me :D
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Post by Bob »

Alexiagold wrote:I disagree I was in a party where we were getting 45% synergy bonus, meaning we got more exp over time by far than solo, since we got nearly the same exp per kill and killed a lot faster. The trick is to get the right party... Mine was a freak coincidence, wasn't even one friend in the party, just a stranger, lol.

Out of curiosity, what WAS the party make-up like? Broad variety in class but similar in levels?

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Post by Agent Shiny »

roleplay? sure as long as we know that you are roleplaying for it and not just kos on those poor souls

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Post by Qui »

as i told somone else it IS a factional war going on.. so it is reasonable to kill all hostile PCs.. ALL OF THEM... muahahah
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Post by Alexiagold »

I was a level 3 cleric => level 7 (we leveled fast with the 45% synergy). I think the other person was a monk/druid (I don't understand that kind of multi-classs, but that's what they said they were, unsure what levels they were respectively either).

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Post by AndrewCarr »

Qui wrote:as i told somone else it IS a factional war going on.. so it is reasonable to kill all hostile PCs.. ALL OF THEM... muahahah

Usually i don't have problems with neversummer or any factions. I'd prefer to have full pvp all the time, but it's not working like that, so i can usually safely stroll and xp the streets of neversummer. Sometimes however random ppl decide to attack, and so it helps to be cautious. Luckily i'm not a mage character and can see most stealthers so i usually am not jumped, but if i were lower level or a mage(with 1/2 current hp) i'd see the reason in destroying every possible thing in sight.
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Post by Agent Shiny »

i even was able to level from level 2 to 6 in an area for levels 9 and above =D

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Post by Chimaira »

JesterOI wrote:
Alexiagold wrote:FYI my rules on killing are, anyone hostile to me on server 4 WILL die, even if you are level 1.

Wow, aren't you an evil anti-social player! On the rag this week or something?



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