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Re: What I would like to see in summons.

Post by Bob »

nargileh wrote:You already get a bonus for being specialized in a school of magic : an EXTRA SPELL PER DAY of that school. Which mage in his right mind specializes in conjuration anyway?

The extra spell slot is general use - you don't have to take a spell from your specialized school.

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Post by Ryu Ironclad »

In all honesty, I don't like the new summons. They are weak and don't last long at all. The ninth level spells, which are the epitomy of most casting classes, all have a very short duration. This reduces their usefullness tremendously because they have been weakened to the point of being worthless. The ninth level summons should be able to stand up to one city guard in the very least. I had cast Gate and got a Pitfiend(oooh kewlness) I gave it a maximized str, maximized con, stone skin, imp invis and a haste and it got tore apart by just ONE of the town guard which ended up only being injured. For the love of pete, ITS A PITFIEND. A Pitfiend is one of D&D's most feared creatures.(in PnP of course) and anyone coming up against a pitfiend would soil themselves no matter what level they were. This pathetic thing only had a little over 200 hitpoints and couldn't take on a town guard fully buffed..... :? Does anyone else see something wrong with this?

I can understand reducing the power of some of the lower level spells(ie the Xorn at 4th level and the 8th level Half Celestial/Fiendish Warriors), but shouldn't the ninth level spells at least be usefull to a mage? Mages need things with high hitpoints to stand in front of mobs to distract them while they launch their barrage of spells. I understand that the Dev want people to group up more, but sometimes grouping isn't a viable option. Clerics and Druids don't need such high hitpoint summons as they are able to fight to a limited degree.

And completely off the topic, who picks what the summons are? I don't know about you guys, but if I'm using my magical powers in PnP to summon a creature to help me fight, I'm not going to summon a Cow.... errr excuse me a Bison... not to mention a Penguin..... :lol: While interesting and cute, I would like the summons to at least be a tad imposing looking. Instead of having to rely on my opponents laughing themselves to death because I summoned a cow.... :lol:
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Post by Lokey »

Don't think epitome is the word you mean to use Ryu. Depends on the town guard as well. It helps if you describe the situation more completely: which town guard? Fiend throwing his Inflict Wounds and running into saved throws, spell resist, touch attack missed?

Looked into other options with the undead summons, but tried 3 or 4 things last night that didn't work out :( Have another way to try. By the way the 1 monk level is only for improved unarmed strike, but adds evasion, sigh (leveling up in game is a tricky business).
Tep wrote:I login and there's a dwarf to kill. You can't ask for much more than that.

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Post by AlienOverlord »

Why not just give them the feat instead of the monk level? Even better, give them a weapon I can flame :twisted:

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Mummy Dust now sucks EVEN MORE!?

Post by The Rizz »

Why did Mummy Dust suddenly get even worse than it was yesterday!?

It's now summoning a Skeleton monk, with AC 16 and an attack bonus of only 14, that stands there switching between Flurry of Blows and Power Attack and never actually even trying to hit anything.

This is not an improvement.
I would really like something I spend an epic feat on to be at least a little better than Summon Monster 4.

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Post by Lokey »

Fixed. Problem with feat choices and the finicky levelup function.
Tep wrote:I login and there's a dwarf to kill. You can't ask for much more than that.

Alkapwn wrote:NC has the most amazing melee build there is. Its a friggin unstopable juggernaut of pain.

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Post by The Rizz »

Wow. That's what I call service.

I post a complaint about Mummy Dust on the forums, and it gets about 100% better in under 5 minutes.

Looking much better now, but still could use a little bit of work to make me feel like the epic feat was worth it.

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Post by ATI »

I don't know about mages and what not, but my lvl 20 druid and cleric never needed to use summons to do all the work for them. Really...the druid just needs stonehold, and call lightning and the giant caves get controlled by the druid. Clerics are good enough in offensive combat that its not too much of a worry to use summons.

Also before hand the summons were dumb as bricks so they would cast spells like magic missle (a dragon casting magic missle....instead of stupid) instead of whapping a creature for 34 damage a hit.

The problem now is that the summons are still way to stupid and now they stink as meat shields too.....thus completely pointless.

If you ask me, te solution is to make summons last for shorter periods of time...get rid of their spell casting (except for support like greater restoration which is triggered to a support command) and have them all be offensive attack, but only last for maybe 2 turns, or 4 turns. the PnP version summons are supposed to be there for you, and are really more like your could go the other way, make summons only summonable once a day, and make them ultra uber....but that probably won't happen.

However, I would suggest reverting the summons back to where they were before the tweak, and making the non-caster classes better. I don't see why hurting the summons balances the really just makes it slower and more arduous to get through, which is neither fun nor worth it. Im not calling for lvl 20 chars in 30 minutes like back on NS3, but it shouldn't take a month just to get one lvl 20 either. The summons helped out the casters get to higher lvls, (i can probably crank out a lvl 20-22 char with a caster in about 3 days, or 24 actual hours of gaming) but with a non-caster it takes considerably more time (I still haven't gotten my AA to lvl 20 and its been 1 month). So instead give the non-casters something that parallels summons, like better weapons and armor.

Hurting the summons just makes this game artificially longer, which I think we can all agree, it shouldn't take FOREVER to get to high lvls, and summon spells shouldn't be worthless at any end of the casting spectrum. Bring back the old summon, and fix the non-casters.
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Post by TheBoris »

Lokey wrote:The thing to fix was the summon kills everything while you watch...

Sometimes power leveling is fun, but at low level the summons are still too tough. OR the penguin is just nature's perfect goblin killer.

I posted this in the general forum the other day. Buck-naked druid with no gear, no kits, no pots, etc. Hit lvl3 in just a bit over an hour of play. I just stood around watching the penguin kill goblins. Did this with no gear at all. Just the crap you come through the portal wearing.

OR the penguin is just nature's perfect goblin killer. <--- wanted to restate that because it really could be the case. Could be a lucky coincidence of penguin vs goblin. Haven't had a chance to test the same method against the rats in NSCity since 4 is down.

*something else* -> Because of my playing style, I agree with Will or whoever suggested increasing the hp/ac of summons without increasing (and maybe even decreasing) ba/ab/damage. The way I play, I want my summons to be a meat-shield. I don't care if they can kill anything or not, just keep a couple of the damned things busy while I whack the other three then I'll deal with the ones on the summon.
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Post by ATI »

I really just think that penguins kick that much [censored] :D
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Post by AlienOverlord »

I think it was way too easy before, I had a mage that I used to brew potions and I just went invisible and let my summon do EVERYTHING right up to level 8, by which point I was bored and had enoughs levels to brew some good potions. I don't want it to revert to that or to have the non-casters able to have it that easy either. Might as well just play in a training mod if that is your style of play.

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Post by TheBestDeception »

TheBoris wrote:I agree with Will or whoever suggested increasing the hp/ac of summons without increasing (and maybe even decreasing) ba/ab/damage. The way I play, I want my summons to be a meat-shield. I don't care if they can kill anything or not, just keep a couple of the damned things busy while I whack the other three then I'll deal with the ones on the summon.


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Post by Hulgaru »


I'm going to come out and say what all the non-casters are thinking. Nerfing the summons can only be a good thing. Think about it, people... why should caster classes be able to powerlevel in 4 days when it takes a melee class 2 weeks to get as far? (Don't say because that's how it seems to work in your HomeBrew PnP campaigns, PnP campaigns were designed for all classes to work together and is a completely different beast from a computer game. Computer games are about balance and level playing fields...)

I honestly thought it was cheesy as hell that my brand spanking new cleric could take some summon scrolls, or my own summon spells and power level in 2 two days, over in Mirkwood, up into the teen levels.

If anything, nerfing the summons adds to the complexity of the game. Caster PCs should be relying on other PCs to be the meat shields they're looking for, not the summons... or rather, not exclusively the summons. And, all things considered, casters should be nervous as heck without they're meat-bound buddies around... casters aren't designed to sit there and handle everything on their own. Casters were designed to have support in the beginning, and then wield terrible destructive or wondrous energies a higher levels.

I for one applaud the devs for adding balance back into the game. Don't think of it as "Damn it, my playing style dictates that spells behave a very specific way!!!" Think of it more as: "Ok, that's new... now how do I work around that?"

Now sure, some people will complain that they built they're uber build around certain spell combinations... but DnD isn't about two or three spells defining a character class... they're about that class learning to use their entire coaterie of spells, irregardless of setbacks or enhancement. The idea is to use as broad a spectrum as possible to avoid losing the total effectiveness of a character, just because one class of spells were changed.

Now, why aren't all these posters online testing new tactics? :twisted:

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Post by ATI »

Alright...this is a huge TOME of knowledge by me at 1:15 AM.... In two parts....

First and foremost, hurting the summons its chill...they were over powered...lets just admit that off the bat. Next..lets also admit...lvl 8 summons should be able to rock the hill giants...yet they can't... Let us also admit, that there should be AT LEAST an ability to rely on a summon to be supportive in combat...thats why casters summon, for combat purposes. Let us also admit that summons, nearly all of them, stink not only now because of their lack of HP and AC, but also because they make bad combat choices due to their coding. Lvl 8 summon spells shouldn't try and cast magic any situation... they should pummel, drain, and beat the life out of whatever they hit. Summons should be able to do reasonable damage and recieve reasonable damage as well. As it was before the change, summons could take damage, yet would often meander around and cast worthless instead of immediately helping the caster, resulting in a lot of upsetness. After the change, the summons still make terrible combat choices and are harder to be effective as meat shields....

So, here is what should happen, the summons should have their AC and their HP increased by a little, and their combat code changed to be more combat effective. I'm not asking for summons to be completely awesome or anything else. They simply should be as if another PC of maybe 2-3 lvls higher had just joined the party. I'm down with the summons being toned down...but making them retarded isn't helpful to the characters either. On the other side....

Hulgaru, you're wrong about casters...yes they are supposed to be able to take on the big kahuna when they start hitting higher lvls. Remember...lvl 20 is supposed to symbolize awesomeness, lvls after that are divine in their own right. These types of chars should be able to BRING THE HOUSE DOWN with their lvl 9 spells and their fearsome knack for making craters out of other characters.

What makes it sad is that non-casters at lvl 20 are still stuck with the +3 sword, that is keen and does 2d6 extra, thats cool...but seriously....non-casters deserve the ability to also bring the house down at lvl 20. simple as that.

I also agree with you that casters should never depend on one spell or a single group of spells. I think however, that this logic is flawed with some respect because already there are 5 spells every character wishes they had.....Haste (1), Divine POwer (2) Divine Favor (3) Weird/that other instant spell i can' tremember because i am too tired to of it spell (4) Ressurect (5).

Clerics have to depend on nearly 10 spells to be effective in combat...and those spells get nerfed monthly which makes it harder for clerics, and actually made clerics focus on less spells. (as a side note..i wish darkfire and bless weapon worked together still on weapons, it makes it better for clerics and their parties to fight as a party. Reducing these spells made it harder for clerics to support other members in their parties [i might be outdated on this little side note]).

But...Remember casters, use all your spells, some of them are truly hidden treasures on this stonehold.

PART 2!! whoo hoo!!!!


Hulgaru is right....time for more tactics. I truly believe that planning ahead of time can make some seriously uber character. I also believe tha tplanning is the key to lvling fast, and that kind of planning should never be punished. Here are my tactics and thoughts because this is important and I like to help :D I put them in this post just be friendly :D

Two weeks for a lvl 8...thats BS. If it takes that long, you're spending too much time looking at stuff instead of killing it. :D It took my very first non-caster about 7 days to hit lvl 12, and after that, I realized I built him wrong. I don't see the world coming to a collosal failure because people are leveling fast. And like I said, most casters don't require summons if you plan your spells right....please step this way into ATI"s guide for casters who don't want summons....

Clerics post summon change:
Take Travel and Trickery (the double T combo)

When you're leveling you best bet is to hit early with aid, magic weaopn, magic vestment, and bless. Stay in the undead areas and use your heal magic to get your lvls up quickly.

My recommended starter cleric stats?
14 STR
8 Dex
14 Con
8 Int
18 Wis
8 Cha

This char is dumb, a meat shield, and has lots of spells early on (important when your summons won't do the job for you). If you don't like your lack of skills, increase the INT for a trade off with the WIS points.

For feats, you need extend, extend makes this entire build work after lvl 9.

You'll level up a little slowly, I would suggest using a bludgeoning weapon in order to maximize your damage to undead near your area (assuming you start in NC, if you are in Melencia or NS, I don't know pick your poison)

Get weapon focus, get toughness as a starting feat, and maybe get some weapon proficiencies in whatever weapon makes you happy.

Tactics, this build is made for you to have high HP (means you should reroll for max HP's, if you don't do that....well....okay). It will be tedious not using your summons, you'll lvl really slowly till you get Divine Power, and then at lvl 11 get extended haste.

In battles your use bless, aid, divine power extended, divine favor and extended haste...this means your AB will jump by 9-11 by lvl 11. Which is the Shiznite! Haste will give you an extra attack, and you'll notice you will dish damage out rather well. Enchant weapon or darkfire are both good support weapons. Use Magic Vestment for your Armor and your Shield to get good AC bonuses. With the high HP and the good AC you should be able to hit really well and survive. If you have a party, even better.


Druids from Melencia Foo!
Depends on what your looking for, I suggest scimitars because of good crit, and also good damage. And when you hit lvl 16 you can get a scimitar, and if you play it right you can crit on 12-20 without being a WM.

Starting have a bear or a cougar as a friend to begin with. Use vines, grease, and barkskin to help you against mobs of goblins in Melencia. What you are waiting for? Lvl 5...why? Call lightning. This spell is the single handedly best spell a druid can'll power lvl you to 20 in 4 hours, trust me, I timed it works like the BOMB, no summon needed.

-------Side note time
I suggest going for knockdown as a cleric or any other non-caster...why? MAN! that feat can hurt ogre lvl monsters and below. Anytime the monster doesn't have an ability to hit you is always a win situation for the PC, simple as that. GET KNOCKDOWN...encorporate into your builds because knockdown works in PVP also. Very good. a caster..maybe get taunt skill ranks for non casters..why? Taunt is a concentration check and most non-casters.don't put points into concentration. I'll give you five bucks to name me a pure fighter character with 5 points in concentration for taunt doesn't'll happen...its a waste of skill points as a non-caster. hehehe :D
----------------------side note done

When you get call lightning just kick the hell out most enemies, use entangle and hold spells to make hard creatures stay in place for your call lightnings. WHne you hid the mid teens, you want to use stonehold and Vine Mine(if it still works like normal) on ogres, giants, dragons, whatever. When the enemies (ideally you are in ogres, because it is really a tight action area) there are lots of ogres in giant mountain that group together in clusters....stonehold rocks that place. Then you fire off 3 call lightnings, and you just went up 1000 xp at lvl 15 in 7 seconds....that my friend is smart playing. No summon required. Seriously, call lightning, the bomb. Others will say it peeks, and in PvP it isn't so good, but hell.....we don't anymore more PvP anyways, and you'll reallly lvl fast with this spell. Very smart.

Mages: Well...i haven't tested these chars luck here.

The clerics and druids don't need summons to lvl up fast, they are built naturally to take down enemies with support (cleric) spells and offensive (druid) spells. Unless the devs want to nerf stonehold, aid, bless, divine power, divine favor, call lightning, and grease, I don't see how my strategy could be destroyed.

The problem is, NO non caster can do these combos, which means that something must be done to help them out.

AS long as casters have spells, they will have a unique advantage over non-casters...that simple. Any small spell makes the caster lvl up that much faster. Something minor like a healing spell, means a cleric can stay out in the battle field longer than a non-caster. Really its about smart character making and tactics.

So, since non-casters have nothing to make them lvl faster, please....give them more items that make them formidable when lvling. It takes long to lvl a non-caster.

However, if your taking two weeks of playing hard, to lvl a char to lvl 8 .... hell, that is bad character design, or true dedication to RPing...which if that is your flavor ice cream okay. But seriously, put THOUGHT into the characters you build, it shouldn't take two weeks to lvl ANYONE to lvl 8. There are only two reason I can think of for why a character is stuck at lvl 8 for two weeks

Reason 1 (and probably most likely): Lack of hunting grounds, since only a small portion of NS4 is actually made by the gods that be, there is a lot fo crowding on a server that holds 40 plus people a night, and only has 60 screens to hold 40 people. That means there is not a lot of potential for people to lvl up like there was back when NS4 first opened for service. This makes sense to me, which means be patient for the devs to double time some epic areas, so that us high lvls can get out of the non-epic lvling areas.

Reason 2 for low lvls after a long time playing: Bad character design. Listen, if you're having fun with a character that is poorly built, like say, a halfing barbarian with 18 INT.....okay...thats funny and stuff...but that doesn't count towards bad lvling grumbles. I know that there is only ONE person with a character that bad, my friend who lives in SLC. Still though, there are a lot of design flaws in characters because not many people plan their characters ahead of time. Here is my solution that worked for me...because I'm a college nerd. Draw up a plan of what you want your character to be...for example...I want my druid to be able to use a scimitar with an awesome crit range, and good offensive ability regarding spells....then try and design a character that fits that description.

First step...get a lvling mod for NWN, that way you can see, quickly, what does and does not work regarding stats, lvl up decisions, spell decisions, feat decisions, and generally most things you would want. In other are divesting maybe 30 minutes spending time building your ideal char, and saving yourself lots of time in game from making bad decisions, restarting chars and so forth.

Next....GO ALL OUT. For god's sake if you are going to make a character design, devote you character entirely to that ideal...don't try and make combination characters that are the middle ground of two different character wishes....if you want a caster and a char that can kill Shadow most cases you shouldn't combine those two character designs unless there is no drawback to the combination. Instead...make TWO that is a caster, on that is a HiPS killer.... simple as that.


That done wonder im not higher up on the threads post...but oh well. Hope this helps someone. I know there are grammatical errors and stuff...but oh well. use this advice well my friends. It will help you.

Go to NWNvault and get a lvler will be the best 10 minutes you ever spent planning chars.

Have fun ya'll.
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Post by ATI »

Hope you guys liked reading these strats...spent 30 minutes writing it. Lets get some more strats up there :D
I've tried fire, i've tried faith, and i've tried force, all I have left is hope.


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