Unnerf Wiz and Sorc, at least partially!

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Dion Cain
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Unnerf Wiz and Sorc, at least partially!

Post by Dion Cain »

From my castings of it, Shadow Shield has lasted one round a level, not one turn a level like in the description, making it useless. It's not worth casting if it is going to be useful for just one combat.

The bigbies I have casted seem to do nothing, also. Zip. Zilch, Nada. No "grapple failed" or "bull rush failed," they rush over there, disappear, and I never hear from them again.

Clerics are still the most powerful class in the game, even with Harm nerf, as they get summons 1 level up the entire game, plus another domain, and with the summon system set up the way it is, that means that level 10 cleric just summoned a level 20 monster.

Wiz/sorcs are nerfed to near uselessness in PvP at least, they get knocked down and never come back up, and with most disabling spells nerfed you can get off one FoD, maybe, which probably won't succeed as there is con and fort buffing equipment everywhere, and that assumes you can even cast it - half the time the enemy is hiding in plain sight and true sight does nothing. The nerfing of the durations of most defensive spells only exacerbates this problem - I might be able to avoid a knockdown long enough to run away or get some more castings off if I could have my defensive spells up, but their duration is so short I would have to cast them at the beginning of the battle - when the melee opponent is knocking me down!

In PvE the familiar is supposed to make up for the domains - but think about the balance of the mod - almost all monsters, and most classes are buffed past Bioware strength - but the familiar is the same as always. Past level 10, it is utterly useless.

Hopefully the devs will see some of the "community reaction" to these "fixes," - most spellcaster players are dismayed, while people who enjoy taking advantage of the weak, like Toxic, seem to be ecstatic.

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Post by Dion Cain »

Just wanted to let the devs know that even being totally ineffective in PvP, I'm still having a lot of fun with the mod. With all the bugs, exploits and greifers, it is still far more fun than FFXI, L2 beta, or most of the other games out there are.

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Post by SmurfZG »

try casting a hold spell on those low willsave fighters, then you'll have time to cast 3 FoDs and he'll be dead

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Post by dond »

er, mages are plenty powerful.......
- plethora of death magic with high dcs
- insane damage from igms to every (yes, every) target in the mages field of view
- buffs that only +5 weapons can penetrate (be careful of paladins especially!)
- bigby's forceful worked fine last i checked, but that was a couple days ago when i raided nc..
- quite a lot of disabling spells, especially effective against fighters (grease, web etc)
- haste/expeditious allows you to run all over the screen, making it hard for HiPS users/fighters to keep up

yes, you're weak to knockdown, until you take that 1 lvl of pally on your sorc anyway heh

clerics are powerful in melee....unfortunately that's about it lol
their attack spells aren't really effective if the opponent is not undead :/
harm is pretty useless now imo, does about 60 damage max for me and relies on a concentration check + touch attack (which is hard since casting in melee usually results in a fizzled spell). i'd rather buff and do more than that 60 damage with 3 attacks per round.

im also starting to regret taking the animal domain. summons are becoming pretty useless to me at high lvls (the stupid dragon keeps casting magic missile and daze......wtf!). if i had to make a cleric again, would probably be strength/war/travel and trickery.

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Post by DeputyDog »

I find it amusing that a few weeks ago all we heard was sorcs are the only class to play.. they rule pvp etc.

We change a few durations and make dmg shields unstackable and now they are useless?
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Post by XxDkCobraxX »

exactly. ignore them DD, theyre on the slow bus :)

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Post by ATI »

Hehehehe, really its all about tactics...you just have to know what and where to hit your opponents. If you read or experiment with every classes save progressions, you can basically find any spell you want that exploits that characters low saves. tanks have great anti tank abilities like teh useful skill TAUNT!

knockdown is still better than ever
called shot works great

At worse, use Invis and run off in a PvP

"OH my word! research to be more effective at PvP? This is a game though ATI, what are you talking about?"

If you want to win PvP, you have to be willing to work harder than the person you're trying to kill. If you don't work harder, chances are you also die a lot more :D
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Post by BigDogNate »

I have to say that I believe all casters have the advantage in pvp combat. Just like some people said before, all you need is a good death magic spell and and no matter what the fighter is, he is done before he can even swing his weapon at you once (fight over). But I will say that I believe casters arn't nearly as useful in fighting npc mobs as fighter classes due to the nerfs on non-death magic spells. I'm sure the devs will correct the ballance problems between fighter classes and the casters in good time. Keep up the good work devs.
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Post by Rokker7 »

If only I could find a way to combine the ability of high a high damage spellcaster and a highly armored warrior I would be invincable. No wait, I'd be another person following a build made famous by the almighty AuTEC.
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Post by Alexiagold »

Well I've yet to meet a smart player who dies to death magic... So yea, now why are mages overpowered? I think people who play mages are complaining because most of the spells we took have been severely nerfed, and those were the PvM spells, not the PvP spells. I think mage players are complaining as well, now, because most players have started making good saving throw builds, and thus aren't easy prey. And quite a few fighter players have adapted to the game, and thus are kicking the crap out of mages without a thing a mage can do to win the fight.

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Post by Rokker7 »

do you think it'll do just what ns3 did in the later stages? boil down to whos got what gear and every tad bit counts?
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my $0.02

Post by Hulgaru »

Bah... this argument will go on for days and days, and I don't think anyone has come up with a convincing argument as to why spell casters are somehow weaker than melee types in PvP.

Mages (wizards and sorces) have multiple damage angles. Mages have multiple elemental approaches to attacking pcs. A hold spell, or some other disabling spell... and a melee is toast. A competent melee fighter needs to see the mage first, then connect with a knockdown or called shot, and then past get the save fest that accompanies getting bombarded with spells. Nearly the same problems with fighting a Cleric or druid... so many buffs... sigh.

A competent spell caster needs to go invis (greater or otherwise) cast a summon to run interference, throw the disable spells out there, then come in with the Ice Storms, the Fireballs, the rays... sheesh. The list goes on and on. And with the gear out there, spell casters are getting the AC they need to avoid melee types. Just about the only counter to the spell caster is a Shadow Dancer with a bow (and point of record, that makes it not really a melee type, but a physical damage type)... and even THAT can get stopped with the right spells. Fact of the matter is, spell casters get the variety to deal with the situations... melee types need to specialize to be effective.

And don't give me that about the rise in "Saving Throw" melee types. I've SEEN Emperor Okie Reagan with a DC 30 save with his Finger o' Death.

Someone please tell me what it is that Melee types have that makse them SUCH a threat to spell casters that spell casters NEED to argue for un-nerfing of spells???

(in case it isn't clear, I love the balancing that is going on, and I accept that spell casters will always have a leg up on melee types, but I firmly believe that it doesn't need to be such a gulf in the difference of classes.)

P.S. Devs, keep up the shizzle, I'm loving my half-ogre Barbarian :D

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Post by AndrewCarr »

are fingers of death a fort save..?
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Post by dond »

heh i'd like to see that dc 30 kill my cleric/pally/cot with unbuffed fort sv of 33 :P

if i had just went pally/cot i'd have even more with wis points going to cha :)

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Post by Hulgaru »

Hillarious, you guys are missing the point. If an Okie can get a save up to a 30, then anyone can get it way higher than that. On top of that... how many melee types are running around with Palladin/ Champion of Torm builds? What about the people that like to play fighters, or rangers, or Barbarians? Are these people just left [censored] out in the wind because their character types aren't so great at resisting spells??

Just because you can think of one build that can defeat your character's main attack is no reason to charge off asking for un-nerfs. The day that a pure fighter or Barbarian (at the same level as a wizard or sorce that get's the spell) can make the save 90% of the time, is the day that I'll argue against un-nerfing.

To me, it sounds like that Pal/CoT build is specifically created to resist spells. If it is, it only feeds my argument: another instance of Spcecialization to reach a certain end is necessary by the melee type to overcome a spell caster.

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