some observations

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some observations

Post by meatbean »

I really hate posting bitches so i'll try and make this sound not so winey. First of all, I love this ns4. It has gotten me so addicted Betty Ford is gonna have to open up a whole new wing on the ol' clinic for ns4 junkies! I guess im really not bitching but would like to see some things worked out and seeing how this is beta testing I know that not all things will remain the same forever.
1). Seems to be too few items for good ol' fashioned tanks. I see alot of people crying about immunities. So far I havent found anything that really helps give some help against elemental type dmg for tanks. The only option is to make a tank/cleric to get the buffs. I'm just really a hard core tank character type guy I guess and love the hand to hand stuff instead of the magic slinging. I have to use a boat load of potions for healing because I also spend most of my time being feared or paralyzed or stunned. Frustrating.
2). I've run pretty much around the entire continent and seems that there are only a few areas for higher lvls wich are like our prison system in the U.S., over crowded. Maybe I just havent found the harder areas. wich brings me to......
3). It also seems that the party xp is a little messed up. Maybe the devs want this to be a soloing server, I dont know. But you get way more xp soloing than in a party it seems. I'm taking into consideration that I come from a server that soloing was not wanted and made almost impossible. You got way more xp in party than solo and some areas were just impossible to solo without a good balanced party with several classes of characters. I like to party up with my friends but the xp goes to crap if you do.
4.) and my final wah wah! Lowbie killers. There is just something wrong with a lvl 20 wiz casting death magic on a lvl 5 who is crossing a map to get to another and that map just happens to be the entrance to Neversummer City. (You know who you are.) I reallly have no idea what can be done about that, maybe the devs dont want to do anything about it. Just seems wrong some how. lol.
Well, thats really the extent of it all. I cant complain much about this ns4 except that my wife is getting lonely! I think the devs have really put alot of work into this thing and man it really shows. I was getting bored with nwn but its like a brand new game to me once again. Keep it up fellas. :wink:
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Post by Xydose »

3). It also seems that the party xp is a little messed up.

Amen Brother :P

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Post by Alexiagold »

I disagree I was in a party where we were getting 45% synergy bonus, meaning we got more exp over time by far than solo, since we got nearly the same exp per kill and killed a lot faster. The trick is to get the right party... Mine was a freak coincidence, wasn't even one friend in the party, just a stranger, lol.

Almost all dropped gear has equal elemental immunity as physical. So yea try and find instead of buy your gear if you want elemental immunities. Starting at level 5 on you can find any kind of gear you need, if you know where to look, and the found gear is always better than the bought ones. The trick is to locate the stuff you want.

4.) and my final wah wah! Lowbie killers. There is just something wrong with a lvl 20 wiz casting death magic on a lvl 5 who is crossing a map to get to another and that map just happens to be the entrance to Neversummer City. (You know who you are.)

And to think one you clan freakery peaple had the gaul to actually tell me that you guys never complain about being pked. HA, yea that was me, I wailed all 3 of you at the gates. What did you want me to do, log out, check your levels, log back in and then decide to attack or not? Jez some people [censored] about low level killing without even thinking about it. Really, HOW do you expect me to know your level? Or is it you expect that just because you show up as effortless (didn't bother to check you, since it was 3 of you invading my faction), and you are invading my city I should leave you alone, I mean level 22 characters show up effortless, and I doubt a single level 22 character, regardless of build couldn't kill me if they caught me off guard. Let alone what I thought was a party of three level 15+ invading my faction.

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Post by JesterOI »

If they were attacking the city then yeh sure nuke them.
However, maybe a second should have been given to examine the enemy and while doing so watch what they were doing to decide whether they were a threat or not.
If they were just running through, then don't bother. If they were "running" through but attacking the guards also, then you would be obliged to defend your territory.

Myself personally never make the first attack. I'll defend myself and kill the aggressor if I think I can take them, if not, I use my barb speed run for a couple seconds and then sprinkle some glowing blue dust on myself.
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Post by meatbean »

No i dont expect you to check for lvls, but like i said we were running THROUGH the map, not attacking. And you killed us as we entered the next map. Now how is that attacking Neversummer? Anyways, im not really that worried about it. Thanks for the advise on the immunities gear. I'll be keeping my eyes open where to find the right stuff. Maybe just havent looked in the right maps yet.
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Post by meatbean »

Oh yeah, One more thing. If we had been lvl 15+ we would have been attacking the guards and such, not running by invised as we were. Come on, be real man. :roll: :mrgreen:
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Post by Alexiagold »

I killed you all before you reached the zone for the next map, perhaps one of you zoned and died, from the delay in wail, but still. And I can't tell if you are invisible unless I looked really really close at your mods when examining your character, because I had true sight up. (hence invis people, don't loook different than normal people, only improved invis people look different). Also the guards were chasing you, but even if they weren't, most people who attack NS tend to go invis and bypass the initial guards anyway. So, come on be real man.

Didn't look like running through, since the guards were fighting you, and you know what? Even if you were running through, you are at my city gates, and will likely soon be exping in my faction's areas likely harassing or killing my faction's lowbies, so I'm glad I killed you. FYI my rules on killing are, anyone hostile to me on server 4 WILL die, even if you are level 1.

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Post by Dyson »

I find it...difficult to believe that you can't tell the difference between masterwork Steel gear and Imbued Mithril or Enhanced Mithril.

I usually know a level range for anyone I see before I ever click on them. Mage types are one possible exception as I don't immediately recognize a lot of the robes yet.

As for killing lvl 1's as DD said, if they are that much lower than you, tell them to piss of, don't kill them. Besides, if they are really that low maybe some lower level members of your own faction would have fun fighting them know, like in a fair fight?

Invising past the first group of guards when raiding...are you nuts? That is one of the best XP spots aside from your Duke's room.
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Post by ATI »

Guys its okay....when you hit lvl 22 kill AlexiaGold, and all will have been balanced :D Until then, get a party of lvl 20's or something and kill Alexia, or.... Stay out of NS because more than Alexia protect that place like the heeby jeebies.

You can always lvl in NC and TC territory if you explain yourself. Our more loving kind welcome people, as long as they don't cause a civil disturbance :D
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Post by meatbean »

LOL, lets just move on. This was'nt a flaming thread anyways. That is the only way I know to get to a couple of other places I like to lvl and I will continue to use that map to get to it. I have no interest in Neversummer City. And its just a game, not real life. But really, I dont care. Like Tom Petty says, "Lets get to the point, lets roll another dont know how it feels to be me." :roll: :!:
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Post by Agent Shiny »

don't worry
i believe alexiagold has been killed already

of course he would deny it to death

then again
i dont see any reason 200 players vs alexiagold is wrong :roll:

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Post by Agent Shiny »

but he was killed by 3 people or so i believe. or less. wakekekeke
he's not invincible. he just likes killing lowbies.
showing some resemblance with okies... hmm.

as for suggestion, the starting armor is not really aimed at physical immunity but rather just a must get gear to equip and be able to survive the early enemies since they dont have elem attacks but only physical ones... common sense suggests put phys immunity
well except for AO wakekekekkeke

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Post by meatbean »

Yeah i figured that out. I have since found some items as well with some elemental protections. As for Alexiagold, I have no anomocity. If thats the way someone wants to play the game, to each his own. Maybe they prefer to be hunted on the server. Could make it interesting really once those he has killed get to high enough lvls to seek revenge. I dont really have a problem with it. I just think killing lowbies is somewhat cowerdly but thats just my opinion. And opinions are like ___holes, everyones got one and they all stink. Right? Peace. :D
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Post by JesterOI »

Alexiagold wrote:FYI my rules on killing are, anyone hostile to me on server 4 WILL die, even if you are level 1.

Wow, aren't you an evil anti-social player! On the rag this week or something?
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Post by Alexiagold »

The realm of Aetheria is in a state of all-out war

Their ultimate goal - to eliminate the other powers and take the realm of Aetheria for themselves, once and for all.

I guess I can't role play? I can't follow the quest, given to my character when I joined the Last Alliance, to rid the world of all other factions? Did you even read what NS4 is about? Do you know the purpose of NS4's factions?


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