AO territory

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AO territory

Post by Kelin »

Seen that Server 3 is still down, i have to say something about the AO territory on server 1. They are absolutely poor. After level 9 on server 3 from AO there is NOTHING to do. Giant Mountains are SUPPOSED to be AO territory but are on server 3!
And what's worst, ALL the transitions out of AO lead to server 3. And only to server 3. There isn't a transition that leads to server 2 or 4. There isn't even a way to reach Ragnar's Kin without going trough server 3.
Honestly i think that this REALLY sucks. With server 3 down we are worst than trapped in a "big" map of 10 areas + 3 outposts and the sleeth maps. Then we have only acces to server 3. ONLY server 3. What is supposed to be AO territory is on server 3 too. On our own server we have NOTHING. At all. After you reach level 8-9 on the ancient road you MUST change server, and this is really frustrating.
I think that AO territory should be bigger on the map it is supposed to be, and mountain trail, that is supposed to be AO territory, should be moved on server 1, and a road to RK should be made avaible, with possibly some transitions to server 2 and 4 too.
It pisses me off that 'cause server 3 is down i can't do anything in AO.
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Post by Kirg »

Oh you have it really tough. No comparison to all the characters on server3 who cant be activated.
And as I wrote somewhere else, RK shall get a direct transition to AO lands. A tunnel I guess leading to somewhere near Ancient Roads, Krallusk maybe.
But its true that AO doesnt have much above lvl9 unless you begin to fight your own faction.
And where did you read that giant mts. should be AO region?


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Post by Kelin »

Exactly under the Ancient Ones forum from a DM post telling the AO territories, and giant mountains were listed there.

And anyway, ok, there are a lot of chars that can't play 'cause they are on server 3. But still, don't think that being trapped in a HUGE territory of 15 areas is funny. And there is no way to exit from there other than trough server 3.
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Post by LadyCheron »

It might be time to create a character in another faction until whatever is wrong with server 3 gets fixed.

One of the posted bugs, 514, is DD saying a tunnel is needed from AO to RK lands. I know that tunnel has been built and sent to the devs But they have not been able to upload it yet. :(

There is also a proposal to connect NC and TC on server 3 without having them have to go thru AO land.
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Post by Kelin »

Unluckily i can play only few time on weekends and can't now do all this characters and test all the faction, mainly 'cause i have 1 month straight of exams that will start in 2 weeks.
I wanted to get enough exp to get to artisan armorcrafter but i can't get exp in AO territory (and being now hostile to my own faction, can't even reach the forge in sleeth :( can't anyone help me to be liked by the liz... ermm mighty dragons again?) nor go anywere else 'cause from AO territory there are transitions only to server 3 :cry:
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Post by TastyTreat »

LadyCheron wrote:There is also a proposal to connect NC and TC on server 3 without having them have to go thru AO land.

Oh that would be sooo nice! Just a small suggestion: I think putting the NC entrance/exit to that tunnel somewhere in those fairy caves would work well IMO.

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Post by meatbean »

I think maby we should take into acount that this is open beta testing. Things are bound to change and though its hard, dont get to attatched to that character because there are bound to be wipes, and I hear one is coming very soon. I really hate to see the hard work that went into a character disappear and especially the items it took so long to collect but it is inevitable. There are bound to be many more changes to areas, monster, etc.
And I feel for ya but my high lvl character is stuck on server 3 so I had to create a new one just to be able to play. Sucks starting over but that beta for ya. :roll: Anyways, try not to get too discouraged. :wink: [/b]
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