weapons and variety

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Aarkon Draco
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weapons and variety

Post by Aarkon Draco »

first off i know the devs do alot for us the new SL jobs new zones ect and we appreciate all that they do but we realy need some influx of new weapons and not just epic level ones.

adding a greater variety would inspire players to use something other than a warhammer or rapier.

an example is the scimitar there is a decent variety pre epic however at lvl 16+ they drop off the map the one lvl 16 scimitar with elemental damage does cold damage and at lvl 16 -25 most people are in FD where cold is irrelavent.

another example the club while its far from the best weapon due to its low damage and crit range some may want to use it for RP purposes there are 2 clubs at lvl 20 one agian suffers friom the cold damage syndrome tho it does atleast have a tiny bit of neg energy to somewhat compinsate the other is a artifact that ive never seen drop and as far as i know thoes are the higest level clubs.

i issued this discussion on reflections to the players there and got some good ideas for how we can incorperate these new weapons. one suggested a crafting or enchanter approach where you would add items to the crafted weapon to add elemnetal damage perhaps in the anvil in avendell or a NPC that you have to collect certian items for so he can enchant it for you.

more artifacts is another approach but as stated in the club example if it never drops what good is it? have you ever even seen a quickfingers? i know i havent.

there are a multitude of ways these can be introduced and honestly if one dev took a coupple hours he could make 100 or so new weapons to add to the game and this would give the players the much needed variety to their choices and not all of us will be using hammers and rapiers. i admit not everyone uses thoes 2 weapons but most do as they have the variety and appeal of charteristics ( crit range ect)

perhaps to further encourage the use of other weapons some of the less desirable ones (like the club) could have increaded damage of the elemental propertys instead of 1d6 at lvl 16 maybe they do 1d8 or 1d10 elemental or have special propertys with higer than normal DC instead of DC 18 at lvl 16 maybe its DC22 or 40% instead of 25% chance.

as noted above when making these weapons please keep in mind what areas the players will be in at thoes levels we have so much cold damage weapons at lvl 16 when most are going to be in FD where its useless.

and to the players please make some suggestions of weapon types that you feel need more variety. here are the guidelines from the wikki to help you

Melee weapons usually follow this pattern:

* Level 1: Masterwork Iron, +1d4 damage, massive crits 1d4
* Level 5: Masterwork Steel, +1d6 damage, massive crits 1d6
* Level 9: Enhanced Steel, +1, +1d8 damage, massive crits 1d8
* Level 13: Enchanted Mithril, +2, +1d10 damage, massive crits 1d10
* Level 16: Imbued Mithril, +3, +2d6 damage, massive crits 2d6, keen
* Level 20: No generic weapons available, +4, +2d8 damage, massive crits 2d6, keen
* Level 25: Golden Mithril, +5, +2d10 damage, massive crits 2d8, keen
* Level 30: Imbued Adamantine, +6, +2d12 damage, 2d10 massive crits, keen

Two-handed weapons recieve extra damage and massive critical bonuses:

* Level 1: +1d6 damage, 1d6 massive crits
* Level 5: +2d4 damage, 2d4 massive crits
* Level 9: +1d10 damage, +2d6 massive crits
* Level 13: +2d6 damage, +2d6 massive crits
* Level 16: +2d10 damage, +2d6 massive crits
* Level 20: +2d12 damage, +2d10 massive crits
* Level 25: +2d12, +1d6 damage, 2d6 + 1d4 massive crits
* Level 30: +2d12, +1d12 damage, 1d10 + 2d10 massive crits

Double weapons get damage immunity against bludgeoning damage and resistance against bludgeoning damage at higher levels:

* Level 5: 5% immunity
* Level 9: 5% immunity
* Level 13: 10% immunity
* Level 16: 5% immunity, 5/- resistance
* Level 20: 10% immunity, 5/- resistance
* Level 25: 10% immunity, 10/- resistance
* Level 30: 15% immunity, 10/- resistance

There are no generic weapons for level 20, this is to keep crafting skills useful.

thank you for your time and input and thatnk you devs for making NS the best world online.

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Post by Netrom.dk »

Talk to your friendly neighbourhood crafter and see if he can't help you out with up to level 30 weapons

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Post by Amoenotep »

there is a lvl 25 dropped scimitar and a club that is...lvl 35?

the imbued adamantine weapons also get the weapons to a tier mostly on par with the lvl 35 weapons. all they lack is elemental damage.
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Post by Aarkon Draco »

im aware of the djinn blade however in my example im noting lvls 16 - 20 where you have a cold damage weapon or no elemental damage ones.

what most players would agree on is we want the variety that the warhammer has with most if not all weapons.

ty for leting me know of the club tho thats great news.

if youll note also there are several posts about needing more weapons daggers have been brought up on several occasions aswell as light hammers and spears. and now with each faction having jobs this is a issue that needs to be adressed IMO.

again ty for your time and input

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Post by frogofpeace »

THere's also the club the ghost in zons drops - pretty nice weapon if all you have is simple proficiency, L20 or 25 I think.

As usual - daggers!

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Post by lordshelt »

for the gods sake if you people are going to complain about the lack of variety atleast mention the shortbows :P
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Post by DragonLance »

heheheh bane. yes shortbow plz also i know its been said before , but do those amazon dervish EVER drop thier's - :-))

another wpn i think is in need of immediate updates is the light flail, there are extremely poor selection. Goblin castigator is it i think and an artifact one thats made of coins :_) never seen it though.

Also, i would like to see some more Maces, more selection here than the flail with the mezzoloth one thats lvl 9 and the merfolk one at 16 i think but again mace cuts out at +5 holy dwarven mace which is a lvl 25 wpn (very very nice as it is)

But i totally agree on the cold damage stuff - very very anoying when the only unique wpn you can have at those 16 -25 wpns is a cold damage one.

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Post by Celorn »

heh... more variety would be great, especially in epic shields! most epic shields have cold resist...which of course plays nicely against all the cold damage weapons, but then most of the lvl30+ weapons have sonic, negative and some electrical & positive damage.. yet most of the epic shields (and most armors) seem to be cold and fire.

But yes, i'd love to see some +5 thru +8 of some of the other 'best' or 'unloved'/fun weapons in nwn-- handaxe, double-sword, spear, etc... but anyhow, isn't this thread more of a whine thread when instead people could do a little brain work and be coming up with specific artifact suggestions to post in THAT thread.?.

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Post by VagaStorm »

Celorn wrote:heh... more variety would be great, especially in epic shields! most epic shields have cold resist...which of course plays nicely against all the cold damage weapons, but then most of the lvl30+ weapons have sonic, negative and some electrical & positive damage.. yet most of the epic shields (and most armors) seem to be cold and fire.

But yes, i'd love to see some +5 thru +8 of some of the other 'best' or 'unloved'/fun weapons in nwn-- handaxe, double-sword, spear, etc... but anyhow, isn't this thread more of a whine thread when instead people could do a little brain work and be coming up with specific artifact suggestions to post in THAT thread.?.

I want more double swords :D
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Why would I want to count 12 hours twice? I’m perfectly capable of counting to 24, and while we’re at it, can someone go shoot named time zones. GMT+x is all we need!

Amoenotep wrote:if you die to harper that just means your build sucks.

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Post by CrazyJ »

Most level 30+ heavy armors seem to be slash only.

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Post by Iteries »

i know this subject has not been touched of late. :lol: I was on vacation. Anyways, as in variety for weapon as well as armor. I happen to agree should be more. Even if possible in crafting weapons and amor. I have a crafter armorsmith. Great to make a +6 shield, etc. with the weight reduction. But would be nice to add on elemental resistence or save of choice when up grading again. Much like the wonderful cloaks that has elemental saves. Just suggest on can upgrade an item again for elemental at that cost range.

Armor have it crafted to +5 ac
upgrade - +6 ac OR
elemental resistance cold 5% etc.. even/or spell resistance would be very cool for the fighters!

Just a thought. Same can go for crafted weapons, even bows for an of the elemental choices. A choice of one of them. Or just setup which one it will be.

I myself like the brutish ways of a fighter types over most casters. Its challenging if one tries solo in planes with these classes! alot of potions of variety. :lol:

Anycase, just thought I put some thought on this subject.
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