Elvin vendor item / gated room in NS sewers

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Elvin vendor item / gated room in NS sewers

Post by Wolfarus »

Is it possible or feasible for elvin to start selling lesser restores? This would alleviate allot of the needs for people finding clerics to cast the spell for them(mainly to remove the effects of disease / poison for low lvls) but leave reg restore and greater restore still a player-made only economy item

Also, that room in the sewers where you open the gate to enter it. Why not put a cple giant spiders or the like down there? Something along the Cr lines of 3-5. Would make the area more interesting, and it would fit with the general "atmosphere" of the area as well. (All these bugs, rats and chickens running around would make a good, stable food source for a predator.)

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Post by Cthulhu Drega »

another elvin esque request .. can we have a elvin in the Planar store?
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Post by Yonwe »

Elvin's already in the Planar Vendor area - instead of going up the ramps to the Ithilid, take a right on the ground level from the portal, and bam!
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Post by Mr. O'Dearly »

That reminds me, can the planar elvin get some more variation in potions. i.e. bless, aid, stoneskin, restoration, elemental shield, etc...

At low lvls monsters drop plenty of potions but once you get to planes they seem to become rather rare. I love to have a stock of potions on me for when things turn bad, the rest of your party dies, and you're left on your own with buffs wearing out.

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Post by Kirg »

No, no, ask for Clerics to sell that stuff. I'm sure you would cut the income of them considerably. If you put those potions in, at least give the poor clerics a compensation. ;)

Lesser restorations would be a good idea. I don't know about the other potions though. Those should really be bought at a divine stand (a player's cleric or the like). Next should be ability drinks added like bull's and the like? Nay I'd say.

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Post by watchwood »

Besides, buffing potions are just a quick run through your local lowbie area away. :p
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Post by Saya Nightshade »

Well thing is even clerics cant make restoration only lesser restorations in potion form :) unless im just special and cant.
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Post by Metis »

Lesser restor isnt a bad idea for elvin, you cant make lesser restore I believe but your still special Saya :)
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Post by Saya Nightshade »

Heh, thanks. My point was for those saying it would eat into Clerics coin purse to allow elven to sell lesser restorations. This would be the case if elven sells them as no one would come to clerics for reg restorations as we cant make them (Never understood why as they drop in mobs) Maybe that could change if Elvin is given this new line of product? Give us clerics something else to do/sell?
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Post by watchwood »

You mean besides res scrolls, I assume?
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Post by Kirg »

Actually, you can mix lesser restoration pots. But to make the other restorations, you have to scribe them. But then again, besides clerics, only UMD folk would be able to use them.
A lot of buff scrolls may be scribed btw. and one of the higher offensive spells. Never tried much with drinks though. Besides haste, invis. and some ability enhancements.

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Post by Amoenotep »

mages craft regular restoration potions without a hitch.
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Post by Saya Nightshade »

Amoenotep wrote:mages craft regular restoration potions without a hitch.

How the heck they do that????
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Post by Amoenotep »

you go to the big kettle looking thing..cast a spell...out comes a stack of 10 regular retoration potions...
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Post by Kromix »

not a mage... maybe a healer...
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