TC Relic cradle area

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Post by CrazyJ »

Last time we tried a 3-man raid we crashed the server at least twice.

Shifters and PvP don't mix.

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Post by watchwood »

The road is not that hard to find. Considering there are no side paths along the ways, I'd hope you don't get lost.

As for the 4 guards thing - That does not exactly help. We're in a bad spot, in an underpowered position seriously lacking in defensiveness. I could go on in rhetoric all day.
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Post by Daltian »

Guys, i thought we were talking about not being able to navigate a dragon inside relic cradle room, not about bad defences.

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Post by CrazyJ »

The thread kind of drifted...

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Post by Kirg »

Yup the other topic was clearly stated, now we're discussing a related topic. I didn't feel to open a new thread so I just added my thoughts here.

Saying that TC doesnt deserve a better defense because the cradle is hardly ever defended is a bit dripping with sarcasm. Sorry, but I don't agree. If the cradle was in a better area with more defenses up, it would be defended more? Or if the fix for dying shifters isn't working yet, the risk to crash the server is still too big, while defending it? Just some thoughts to the derivated topic.

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T. Rick Of The Light
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Post by T. Rick Of The Light »

Zing has a point.

AO's relic isn't in the greatest of positions either and they do ok.

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Post by Zing »

Kirg wrote:Saying that TC doesnt deserve a better defense because the cradle is hardly ever defended is a bit dripping with sarcasm.

I was indeed being extreemly sarcastic. So sarcastic in fact that I put my special sarcastic hat on, did my little sarcastic dance AND cast Greater sarcasm on myself just prior to that post. :D I was hoping the bongos and digerydoo part might have given that away, but you guys seems to insist on taking me seriously though so...

Is basically what you are saying this...

Dragon shape is one of the best our shifters can achieve, but we cannot use this form in the Wolfs Den because the torches get in the way?

If so I can fix that for you. Having re-read your original post that seems to be the case and make a lot of sense. Shame about all the nonsense in between.
Talos - God of Rebellion.

...zing broke you didnt he...ITS ZINGS EVIL THAT HAS BROUGHT THIS DAY....


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