Shifter Fix

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Shifter Fix

Post by -BannyD- »

running on 4-5 shifter related crashes so far tonight so i figured this needs major addressing...

The popular Arena server, Bastions of War, has created some sort of fix for the shifter bug. there are many people there playing risen lord, rakasha, dragon, and kobold commando builds and normally there are a couple on at at a time. the server is purely PvP so their expectance to die and have a possibility to crash the server is high...but they do not.

Whilst playing, i have noticed that when a shifter "dies" he is unshifted in human form and normally it looks like he is badly wounded. However, the toon is still counted as dead. they cannot do anything when this occurs and the respawn script goes into effect.

thats pretty much all i know about it. i have not played a shifter there so do not have any 'inside' information, but i think there are a couple more things that need to be known about the server:

-raise/ressurect does not work and is disabled

-there is no 'respawn button'. there is a script that automatically respawns you in your respective town, either on the evil or good side, after waiting about 10 seconds of being dead.

thats about all i know but hopefully this can help spark some dev stroke of genious or something i dunno, or someone can go on the server themselves and check it out.
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Post by Sparky »

Thanks for the info.
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Post by Ragnareith »

I used to frequent Bastions of War a lot before I came to NS, and I agree, shifters were never a problem. I also seem to remember that on BoW, when you died while shapeshifted you were well and truly dead, with no positive hitpoint numbers.

Two perspectives for alternate evidence - I'm not sure of the exact cause of shifter crashes.

If the issue on NS lies in the manual resurrection of a player who is deemed dead - and is therefore a suitable target for any such spells - then the crash would occur in bringing back to life (ie. flagging them as alive, or some other such scripting function) a character who had hp and SHOULD have been alive, but was really dead.

If it's an issue with respawning once you die and have positive hitpoints, then manual resurrection alone is not the problem - it's evidently the fact that you have positive hitpoints once dead, and respawn after. BoW eliminated this problem, but I'm not sure how, as scripting really is not my forte.

A suggestion could be that once a shifter's hp while shifted hits zero, a scripted function takes place which deals massive damage (about 1000 to make sure they're dead) so that they still have negative hitpoints upon being shifted back to humanoid form.
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Post by Amoenotep »

most servers use the good old when you hit 0 hp your dead no questions asked. ns4 uses the -10 rule so if the shifter hits -2 and unshifts making it have positive hp this i believe is what is happening for the dead but not dead bug.
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Post by MasterYoda »

when I had my dragonshape before the wipe whenever I died shifted with thbis bug it was weird. I would be able to unshift as if I was still alive.thus bringing me back to human form. then whenever I got rezzed bya ally or respawned I would never crash.

shifters need to unshift before getting a rez.

just my 2 cents.
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Post by CrazyJ »

On the other hand, I've been successfully raised at least once while in Spectre shape.

No DMs were on, so it was raise or log (both have the same effects in regards to crashing the server normally), and after about 15 minutes and much discussion/warning on Shout, the raise was successful.

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Post by havelot »

I have also successfully resurrected (not raised - didn't try that) someone in Dragonshape form in the Water Plane using a scroll. So I don't think this is what is causing the crashes.
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Post by Binkyuk »

Is it possible to suppress character saving if a character is shifted? This is what causes the deshift and shift upon dying, because your character is saved when you start bleeding.
Alternatively disable the reshift after save. this will probably be a major pain for shifters as they'll have to spend a shift if they pick up an item or zone or pretty much anything else, but if it solves the crash problem it'd be worth it, and it'd eliminate the exploit where you drop an item to reapply temp HP.

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Post by Flailer »

I tried the obvious bug fix for this - this might be fixed now.

Lemme know if it doesn't work and we'll escalate things to bug fix level 2...
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Post by CrazyJ »

Succeeded earlier today when my Azer got PK'ed.

Failed when a druid's dragonshape got killed by a mob in Air Plane.

*edit* second failure in 5 minutes.

Now it's crashing before they actually change to death status or deshift.

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Post by Sparky »

I've observed that, even before Flailer's change, sometimes the simple act of the Shifter dying would crash the server. IE, they didn't even have a chance to ressurect via the respawn button or a player bringing them back. Just being reduced below -10 HP would crash the server.
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Post by Flailer »

Okay - rats. Was hoping it was going to be easy. Will keep looking into it...
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Post by Flailer »

Just to be clear, I'm trying to track down exactly where the crash is occuring. I tried reproducing the crash on my test server but was unable to (although I was just testing with a level 5 wildshaping druid in bear form).

Does the error occur when you're killed in wildshape and return to your normal form, but because the form you were in had less hit points than your normal form, you end up being dead AND having positive hit points?

And, if that's the case - at what point do you crash? When you attempt to respawn?
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Post by Mr. O'Dearly »

ive only ever crashed once so I cant tell you too much about this problem.

The one time I did crash I was in Construct form. As far as I could tell the server crashed as soon as my hp bar hit empty. I never unshifted. I never even hit the ground.

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Post by CrazyJ »

Both dragon crashes last night were same as O'Dearly's as far as I could tell.

Send me a tell ingame Flailer and i'll relog to my shifter and go to Water Plane so I can die for ya. I'll expect a Rez though after the server comes back up :)

I'll be on tonight and probably most of tomorrow.


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