Trading Forum?

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Post by kingfatzo »

mmmm yes subcategories of subcategories....sounds complex at first, but if set up formally , it would be rather simple to navigate.
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Post by the_binary_soul »

Its hard to say. If a post doesn't last more than 3 hourse before its on the second pack than its probably nessecary to have more subcategories, if the thread life is decent if may be better to keep it more simple.

P. Fricebottle
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Post by P. Fricebottle »

Notice that a DM/Dev hasn't replied? Look, this what I was thinking about for a trade-forum, sub-categories after sub-categories is just too messy in my opinion.
    If DMs/Devs don't feel like having all the clutter, we could do it on the Wiki. Have people create an article and link it to the Trade Category, and name it "Insert In-Game Character's Name Here Shop" or something along those lines. Then they could list all the items they have for sale, we'll fix it up for you, all you need to do is create the page and list the items you're selling. Then, have a sub-category and label it "Characters Looking to Buy." On here, list you're characters names and items you'd like to buy under it. Again, we'd organize it for you (I got nothin' better to do :wink: ).
      Example of Characters that Sell: "Dwali's Shop"
        == Armor For Sale ==
        * Armor's Name
        * Armor's Name
        * Armor's Name (etc...)
          == Weapons For Sale ==
          * Weapon's Name
          * Weapon's Name
          * Weapon's Name (etc...)
            == Other Gear For Sale ==
            * Item's Name
            * Item's Name
            * Item's Name (etc...)
              Then as for the people "Looking to Buy," this was what I had in mind. All you have to do is Create an Account, and you'll have your own User Page. Put your name up on the "Characters Looking to Buy" sub-category and we'll link your name to your user page (or you could do it). On your User Page you could have something like this
                Information: Yadda yadda yadda
                Looking to Buy:
                * Item's Name
                * Item's Name
                * Item's Name
                  That way, when they click on your name (when its linked up), they can immediately see what items you want to buy. Just an idea how to organize it. Of course you could always resort to discussion if things don't work out the way you want.

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                  Post by PeregrineV »

                  I think the wiki should be more informational, and not be used as a trading forum, but, if not a thread, then the wiki just may work.

                  Is there a for sale template that could made up and put on the user pages or user talk pages? Then when "For Sale" is searched, the subcategories like you describe below (or maybe alphabetical?) could be used.

                  Pk Bait
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                  Post by the_binary_soul »

                  I dont see how its messy. You have a 'Trading section' with three or four forums. People post what they want to sell/buy in the appropriate forum ( or even have 1 forum ) . Then you can scrolls threads without reading all the replies and nobody can edit your post.


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