Trading Forum?

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Trading Forum?

Post by the_binary_soul »

I was just wondering what everyone's thoughts were on opening a trading forum (or several depending on thread life). Personally I don't like shouting when I want to buy something or want to sell something, and its a major waste if a good drop goes to the merchants and dissapears instead of being passed on to someone else. A forum would be nice so things could be deals could be made without spamming the shoutbox.

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Post by CrazyJ »

Good idea.

What'd be even nicer would be a comprehensive item list, where people could post their toon names under each item that they have that they want to sell. Make names expire after two weeks to keep it from filling up with old/bad info.

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Post by kingfatzo »

Mmmmmm ! :D
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P. Fricebottle
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Post by P. Fricebottle »

We were thinking of making a Trade Category on the Wiki, but we'd have to get people like Dwali and DcN to get on there and list their prices first.

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Post by the_binary_soul »

How would that work? could people post their own trades, because the wiki formate doesn't seem well suited for that kind of work. Maybe a value outline but not a conversation area.

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Post by P. Fricebottle »

Well, theres is the discussion page that comes with every article...

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Post by the_binary_soul »

Meh its up to you guys but with a wiki you can't have threads. I am just thinking people may be tempted to argue price or arrange location and such, so conversations would be mixed up together. Not to mention it would be hard to find what you wanted, as opposed to the thread system

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Post by kingfatzo »

Just some thoughts:

A possible solution would be to add a subcategory to the forum itself "traders paradise" or "trader central" or "the Atheria Marketplace" .....then within this subcategory have set subthreads dividing up items by category


"Atheria Marketplace" (wold appear on the main page , just like general discussion, help and support , etc...)

Then : within that "atheria marketplace" category, have another section of Set subthreads named as such as listed below to further divide up items.... And then : when a player is either offering to sell, or looking to buy an item, they can start a thread stating what they areselling / looking for that way we wouldnt have that much clutter :lol: ....

future players loking to sel/buy an item that has already been mentioned within the forum can simply bumb up a previous topic and state what they please....

:the only problems with such a thread is the size in which it can potentially might even outdue the O/T forum :shock: and thus it would be up to the moderators/admin of the nsrealm website....

Possible Categories : weapons, armor , robes ( 0 armor rating only items) helms, shields, boots, belts, gloves, cloaks and then accessories (ammys and rings)...and even an artifacts thread...

Another possability is to give the official trade guilds a subthread of their own.... there are a lot of ideas, but first we would have to get an overall feel from the player base to see if such an endeavor would be worth it...
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Post by PeregrineV »

Good idea, but should be toon based to avoid condoning metagaming.

Also, when an object is sold, the thread could be deleted.

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Post by kingfatzo »

there ya go.. have a specific moderator devoted only to the forum to avoid endless mindless archives of rambling threads :D
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Post by the_binary_soul »

Thats exactly what I had in mind. Though I don't know if ALL of those seperate forums are nessecary.

I was thinking along the lines of Armor, Weapons, Articfacts, Misc, and maybe like you said a forum for the trade guilds. Depending on how busy it is you could add more forums.

There are a few problems with this kind of system though, you'd have to have a good outline of rules so that if people didn't show up at the arranged time and place, you'd be obligated to try X number of times to meet with the buyer again before putting the item up for sale again?

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Post by kingfatzo »

Yes it would have to be a spam-free forum....

If such a forum is created, i would be willing to moderate it if our current moderators dont want the extra workload seeming that many are busy (with in game design/moderating/development, etc .. or especially IRL)... :)
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Post by the_binary_soul »

Oh really? Don;t you think your jumping the gun ... I was going to wait atleast untill we have some sort of official "we may think about this" before I suggested myself for moderator but you know, whatever. :) :twisted:

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Post by kingfatzo »

well yes that is what i meant :) we would have to wait for approval and have an official creation of the forum....i was just offering my services on such a forum if it were officially created by the Dev team. :wink:
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Post by -BannyD- »

i like the idea of a trading forum but i think the subcatergories should be different.

instead of seperate forums for each item type, make seperate forums for each trade type: one for people posting items for sale, one for people posting items they wish to buy, and one for people who just got an item and have no idea what its worth to post and ask others what its worth.
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