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Cthulhu Drega
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Post by Cthulhu Drega »

i play several monk toons some of wich use kamas exclusivly i may be wrong but as far as i know there are 3 non store kamas in the game (bandit ninja , imbued, and the storm kamas) one is level 9 one is 16 the other is 20 this needs some attention i think. with the fiew choices there are this makes monks mostly rely on gloves wich there are plenty but you cant make a wm monk with unarmed strike nor can a cleric monk buff their fists so please for the monks sake add some new kamas.

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Post by lordvan52681 »

actually, on the contrary; I see twice as many kama using monks as unarmed specialists.

Cthulhu Drega
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Post by Cthulhu Drega »

and they all use storm kamas when ther 20th cuse its the only good kama for that level or higher

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Post by MLoki »

Kamas are a lot better off then most weapons at the moment. At least Kamas have a 20th level version where a lot of weapons don't. If you are trying to go for a Battle Axe wielding toon you have to go through 9 levels using an Imbued Mithral Battle Axe before upgrading to a 25th level version. Not to mention the most generic of weapons like the Longsword and Great Axe don't even have an epic version. Several 16th level versions for each of them but nothing better. Let's not even go into the level gaps with a Whip. So kamas actually don't have it so bad compared to some weapons.


P. Fricebottle
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Post by P. Fricebottle »

Yeah, heck look at the schimitar. Poor druids, only good weapon they had...tsk tsk. Lol, but yeah Kamas are actually good off.


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