On Death xp Loss Cap

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T. Rick Of The Light
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On Death xp Loss Cap

Post by T. Rick Of The Light »

How about an on death xp loss cap of say 200 xp?

I like the scripting and the faction system. Other than that it seems like there's a system of punishments in place and very few rewards.

Xp is hard to come by. The areas with decent xp aren't that many and consequently overcrowded. It's a long walk back after being pk'd and you've basically been run off for the time being that a high lvl player is having his fun killing low lvl'rs. If the monster kill ya it's heavy xp loss and a long way back. The walk back is almost punishment enough.

Good gear is practically non-existant. I know there's some halfway decent weapons out there somewhere but I haven't been around long enough to find them. Consequently I have no idea what weapon to focus on. That makes building difficult. Real difficult. One of my toons (dex based) bought a rapier of pain and isn't real comfortable about using it. I'll let my readers guess why.

It can be a nightmare dealing with merchants when upgrading at lvl's 5, 9, and 13. I want to give the dev that made the gear a piece of my mind every time I see the inventory also.

I can pretend that the gear isn't much to write home about.

I can get over not ever being able to get to lvl 40.

I can deal with some of my favorite builds not being available at this server.

I cannot deal with the increasingly steep on death xp loss. It takes all the wind out of my sails and all the fun out of playing at the only server that I know of that is faction based. The scripting at NS 4 is far and away the best that I've ever seen too.

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Post by Ragefist »

The gear is decent for what it's meant to be. Think of it as a pen and paper campaign where the DM really stuck to the rules on gear etc. If you aren't planning on being able to buff at all, I'd go with a battle axe focus, since you can get the amazon queen axe which is naturally +5. Other than that, most weapons have some pretty cool epic options.

The death on XP is an interesting argument. I think, however, that it will remain the way it is b/c a) the devs plan on adding epic content above and beyond what exists now, thereby negating the argument that it is hard to get xp post-33ish and b) just b/c it reminds you when you've overstepped your bounds.

Ask around in game about gear, or maybe hit me up, I'll see what I've got sitting around on my mule. I'm not sure what you've found so hard about upgrading at 5, 9, etc, but maybe you're talking about lag or otherwise. Mostly it's a simple swapping out what I've got with better of the same kind, so maybe it's been easier for me than others.

Like I said, hit someone up in game, they can probably tell you where to head for some of the higher end gear, or perhaps ask around on the IRC channel. Good luck.

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T. Rick Of The Light
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Joined: Tue Dec 27, 2005 7:24 pm

Post by T. Rick Of The Light »

I could be wrong, but it seems as though the on death xp penalty has been cut in half. I was losing 100 xp per lvl before and now I only lose 50.

Either my prayer was answered, or I spoke too soon, or I'm wrong.

I'd like to say thanks if my prayer was answered. Apologize if I spoke too soon. Ask you to pay no attention if I'm wrong.


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