Class restrictions after leaving a faction?

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Class restrictions after leaving a faction?

Post by Mighty_Meany_Orcs »

So I want to make a palemaster/monk so I start out as a wizard then take the palemaster class and join the MA then I want another class that is restricted so the character leaves the faction to get his other class. and levels them both. Can this be done? He got what he came for and he becomes an outcast loosing jobs and such faction connected items to learn his full potential. or should he stop leveling in the palemaster class when he leaves the faction? I'd prefere leveling them both. or just letting anyone who is a outcast take anything he wants, since they leave their faction to see their own personal goals. like realising his own draconic blood line or just getting so seduced by the necromancer arts, or perhaps just has five generations of assasin in his family?

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Post by Flailer »

A fine roleplay idea, but unfortunately open to 'exploits' in that we wanted to give some factions advantages and specialties over others. Nothing stopping you from becoming a monk/wizard specializing in necromancy though if you're out to RP... :wink:
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Post by TGPO »

On another note, one of the things tossed around has been not being able to progress in the faction specific PrC's if they outcast themselves. We are looking for greater incentives to stay loyal in faction, not perks for proving that your a back stabbing so an so.
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Post by Death Dealer1 »

you know whats funny about that TGPO....i had that thought today. if you go exile from you faction you lose the ability to gain lvls in faction specific classes. after all...if your an exile you have no faction so why should you gain access to one that is restricted?

How is any of this relevant to my guild?
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Post by Elagneros »

I agree, although most of the faction traitors I've seen are LA, and as such have no PrC to lose.
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Post by KST_HAVOK »

And also if you think of it in a RP sense if you are a level 8 RDDD then you turn on your city then Theoreticaly the Mentor who was showing you the ways of the rdd would stop thus stopping your training.

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Post by AggieDan »

Actually, this got me to thinking...

You know, how in the OC for Hordes of the Underdark, if you rested in an unsafe place there was a chance of someone sneaking up on you?

How about assasins and trackers from each town... Bounty hunters if you will that can possibly spawn when a traitor sleeps.

I'm guessing Shadow Legion would send assasins, The Cricle would send a ranger, Mystral Ascendency a rogue, Ancient Ones a dragon.

Though, more likely to trigger based on location as well. If you turn against The Circle a ranger would try to pick his battles in the outdoors where he is strongest. Likewise a dragon could swoop down as well.

Of course, I'm thinking maximum effort, minimum XP (if any) for a kill of the bounty hunter.

And anyone that attacks a bounty hunter that is not going after them is tagged to receive two bounty hunter visits for every bounty hunter they attack. Or more... This would act, I believe, to further outcast someone that turned against faction, since those that party with them never know whether it is safe to party with them and let them rest.

And have the bounty hunters get stronger the more of them you defeat.

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Post by Death Dealer1 »

i actually found a cool script for mobs that lets them be everything you are....abilities, spells, buffs, equipment effects... this kind of thing would go well on a bounty hunter to fight you. since you would essentially be fighting yourself.

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Post by AggieDan »

Yeah, only if you played the HoTU OC you ran into that and found out how bad your character could be with a bad AI running it.

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Post by Celorn »

AggieDan wrote:Actually, this got me to thinking...

You know, how in the OC for Hordes of the Underdark, if you rested in an unsafe place there was a chance of someone sneaking up on you?
This already happens in NS4..with NPCs and PCs! ;]

How about assasins and trackers from each town... Bounty hunters if you will that can possibly spawn when a traitor sleeps.....
two bounty hunter visits for every bounty hunter they attack. Or more... This would act, I believe, to further outcast someone that turned against faction, since those that party with them never know whether it is safe to party with them and let them rest.

And have the bounty hunters get stronger the more of them you defeat.
This is interesting, but:

1. the server doesn't need more threads to lag it down any more than it is at high capacity! ;]
2. PCs do a much better job at bounty hunting, and it's 1000x more fun!

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Post by AggieDan »

Well, it may be more fun for a PC bounty hunter...

But, people are notoriously short in their attention spans...

Then you have all the PK whining...


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