Two things...

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Two things...

Post by Mad_Bovine »

#1: Due to the fact that I got outcast from avendell because I was making some scrolls inteh avendell magic shop and a townsfolk walked in right as I cast an Earthquake, I would ask the developers to either make the NPCs not walk into the magic shops, make the townsfolk NPCs invulnerable, or change the script that runs on the item crafting areas to intercept spells before they actually get put into effect so that such thigns do not happen.

#2: I would like for the commandments to have an addition to the no PKing/setting traps in spawn areas to include server portal areas... two times now I have been killed by Slave Dissection before I even was able to do anythign because I was portalling into Dark Forrest from Avendell and he killed me before my screen finished loading. I know that even if that is aded it won't stop the Slaves or Okies form doing it, but at least I would have a valid grievance against them for doing it. Also it would be nice if the commandments were applied equally to everyone, instead of excluding the Okies and Slaves from punishment for violating them as seems to happen now.
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Post by Risen »

I second those ideas, especially number 2.

I noticed several PCs, Guardian of Sleeth for one, who were hanging around that same portal area PKing PCs as they came in. I don't mind getting PK'd, but not when I don't have a chance to defend myself.

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Post by TheBestDeception »

Risen wrote:I second those ideas, especially number 2.

I noticed several PCs, Guardian of Sleeth for one, who were hanging around that same portal area PKing PCs as they came in. I don't mind getting PK'd, but not when I don't have a chance to defend myself.

You have no clue who is on your side and who isnt. You got caught in the crossfire while I was killing a slave (who would have killed you anyhow), and nothing more. In fact, a second character died, as well, but he hung around to be raised...and Guardian raises every innocent he kills.

Now if you want an enemy, keep whining...

Pk Bait
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Post by Risen »

Step off Deception - I wasn't attacking you (nor your character).
Yes, I'm well aware who is friend and foe. I'm a member of MA, making you a foe. However, if it suits my purposes, I'm willing to let you wander around unmolested. ;)

Read my post properly: "I don't mind getting PK'd". Like I care if I got killed, caught in a crossfire whatever. That wasn't my point and I wasn't 'whining' about that (nor anything for that matter).

All I meant to say (evidently this didn't get through to you), was that it's annoying how when we transition, we don't get time to react in cases like that, how our buffs are removed etc - something PK'ers are able to take advantage of. i.e. seconding the 2 point of this topic.

If the devs could do something, sweet. If not, no biggy - we'll all deal.

Now, go take a chill pill and I'll catch up with you online tonight for a big cuddly with my favouritist fluffy dragon. :D


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