Temporary Faction "friendly" tool

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Temporary Faction "friendly" tool

Post by Mad_Bovine »

Something I would like to see would be an item a faction member can use on a party member that grants temporary neutrality to the faction so that player can go into town and buy/sell stuff or even aid in the defense of the town from raiders without worrying about guards attacking him/her. Have one for each faction, maybe include it in a quest or something. Basically it would do this:
1/day use. Temporarily (12 turns maybe?) sets the targetted party member to neutral status for the item's faction.

Of course you would need to put a protection of some kind into it, like for instance all of these:
1. A player can only have a faction item matching his own faction.
2. If the player the faction item is used on has killed a guard of the faction within the last 24 hours (Real time) then the item self destructs and doesn't work.
3. If the player the item is used on goes hostile to a faction-friendly while udner it's effect he is immediately transported back to his bind point and the item self destructs.
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Post by TGPO »

More realistically in an RPG sense in using the tool the user should in fact loose faction standing unser the concept of "consorting with the enemy". As it stands if your partied with ppl hostile to your faction it makes more sense to transfer gold/gear for the purpose of a non hostile member to go into town and do the marketing.

Personally I wouldnt mind seeing it set so that if you partied outside of your faction alliance at all you would take a standings hit. Remember while NS is not a fully RP enforced server it is highly encouraged.
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Post by Mad_Bovine »

That would work too... but since there is no way (curretnly) of becoming friendly to your faction again if you are booted for some reason I don't see that as a very good option.
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