Master Artisan Arrows- The good and bad

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Master Artisan Arrows- The good and bad

Post by AndrewCarr »

The stats are nice, nicer than I expected. That's great imo. They could even be toned down some and i'd be happy, but...

You have to wait 719 mins between crafting each stack of 99 arrows, just like you have to wait when crafting a +4 weapon, and this is a killer. I'd like that restriction to be removed from ammunition, but maybe allowing 5-6 stacks every 12 hrs even would be reasonable. But getting 99 of these arrows every 12 hrs is sucky, especially when the crafting tables are pretty far from any civilization that it'd mean travelling halfway across the servers each day to restock.
Lindon Erithar
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Post by TGPO »

Good feedback, exactly what we need more of.
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Post by IcemanXV »

Maybe 1 stack every 2-3 Game hrs? Seems reasonable.

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Post by Denort »

Perhaps have crafting ammunition create 6 stacks at once and leave it at 12 hours recharge like everything else?
Crafty archers can make themselves a few stacks of arrows at the start of their day rather than running back to town every couple of hours to make the next stack.

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Post by Heron »

I like the 6 stacks idea. Either that or create a device (Artisan Fletching Kit or something of the like) that a Fletcher would make at the crafting table that he/she could take with them to fletch arrows when they are away from cities. Than you could keep the time limit, but not have to head back to the city to make a stack of arrows.

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Post by Acce »

I don't think even 6 stacks is enough per 12 hours real time. Not if compared with ordinary weapons. The arrows gets used up to fast and there're no restrictions in how often melee weapons of same quality can be used, so why should there be any on arrows?
Why are always ranged weapons compared/designed with a mindset that
melee weapon = ranged weapon (longsword = longbow)

I think it's more appropriate to say that Longsword = Longbow + ammo
The problem is that by limiting the available ammo you cripple all ranged weapons for no good reason (it's not like ranged weapons is like the 'mother of all weapons' anyways).

Back to the ammo issue
I think that you have to make large amounts of ammo available for archer types. At the very least for those that are 'allowed by you' to craft the ammo themself'.

I don't see why an Battle Cleric should be able wield the best crafted melee weapons (they have very limited own crafting abilities, remember?) with absolutely no restriction, while a normal ranger should run out of decent ammo all the time.

If you really want to limit the amount of crafter ammo for others then the crafter, maybe additional properties should be added when crafting (like class restriction, race restrictions etc. depending on the crafters origin).

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Post by AndrewCarr »

Ah hah, i just realized the obvious. After crafting a silvery shortbow about an hr ago for someone, i walked to avendell, tried crafting, so i could stock up on a bunch of arrows, and it let me this time. So i guess each crafting table might keep track of things, and it would be possible to craft 2x what i earlier could. Which is great on the weapon side, and makes arrows not such an annoying thing.
When i get the chance in about 12 hrs i'll go back and test this.
Lindon Erithar
Quickie Mart the <a href=''>Okie Ambassador</a>

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Post by AndrewCarr »

Just checked, and it wouldn't let me craft a second on either table, while at the same time i seem to be able to craft artisan and below stuff in different locations(different servers as well)
Lindon Erithar
Quickie Mart the <a href=''>Okie Ambassador</a>


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