A plea to un-nerf

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Pk Bait
Posts: 62
Joined: Fri Jun 20, 2003 5:31 pm

Post by Dyson »

Denort wrote:Empowering harm will not accomplish anything. Empower increases dice based effects by 50%. So d4 becomes d6, d6 becomes d9, d10 becomes d15 and so on. Harm does 10 per caster level. There is no dice based effects so in turn, nothing for empower to work on.

This is true in PnP but funny thing about the NWN system. I remember a while back when folks would empower a Stoneskin and it would up the damage taken limit. I may be misremembering, or crazy, or maybe they fixed empower to not work with fixed numbers. *shrug* it was a long time ago.

Also, IS NS Harm like this? I have been harmed a few times and I seem to remember odd numbers for damage. Maybe they are using variable dice?
=CI= Dyson of AO
=CI= Hack of AO, still looking for =CI= Slash...
=CI= Kyran of NC


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