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Post by AndrewCarr »

And how many spell mantle pots can you use per round? :o
Lindon Erithar
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Post by ATI »

chimara, what you just posted, isn't relevent to teh dicussion, the mages debate and everything is done. Please limit the discussion to ideas, not how the game is inbalanced.


What do the dev's think about these ideas?
I've tried fire, i've tried faith, and i've tried force, all I have left is hope.

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Post by ATI »

will someone please respond to this post? I think some of the ideas are pretty well fleshed out, and I want to know what else should be thrown into the game to make things more fun and convenient to play. I'd hate to see this post die without a dev giving their two cents regarding my idea.
I've tried fire, i've tried faith, and i've tried force, all I have left is hope.

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Post by Chimaira »

Balance is not relevant? Well I guess we might aswell add in +20 AC, +50 resistance to all, immunity to everything and +20 regen on every piece of equipment then? Balance has everything to do with it.

If you want my oppinion about your ideas, here:
Porting like in NS3(only for a higher fee that is) would be cool, saves alot of walking time. Apart from that it would instantly make gold usefull.

Spell sequencers ruin game balance, but wtf does it matter when its already hopelessly unbalanced and people dont care?
So cool, put in spell sequencers!

Items with mords(or any spell casting per day for that matter) Should have high UMD DC. Like for a 1/day Mord ring it should be like DC 120 and any caster lvls that can normally cast the spell should be added to the check aswell as rogue/bard lvls. So only way you would use that ring would be to be a lvl 40 bard with 43 ranks in UMD and +15 UMD on gear, and you would need pretty high charisma to succeed at it 100% of the time.

I hope thats relevant enough.

Pk Bait
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Post by Dyson »

bongoblue wrote:I apologize for my lack of knowledge about 3E.

But in 1E the books gave information on what magic items and potions were/could be/should be available to what level characters. Then the person running a particular game could change it to match their campaign.

Isn't that info available in 3E d&d ?

It sort of is Bongo. The DMG has a guideline for how much wealth a character should have by a certain level, and all magic items have a hard market value (including ones that you customaize, there are prices for that). I think the recommendation is that a character not have more than 30% of thier total wealth tied up in a single item. Items are also classified into minor, medium and major magic items, but offhand I don't remember if there are any level recommendations for those.

Unfortunately it's not terribly useful for NWN unless you run a server that is VERY close to the PnP rules. I haven't seen one of those yet, which is too bad since it would be an interesting experiment.
=CI= Dyson of AO
=CI= Hack of AO, still looking for =CI= Slash...
=CI= Kyran of NC

Pk Bait
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Post by Dyson »

Sequencers are flat busted, a bad idea. You say you want to use them to cast your buffs quicker, but I'm betting you would be the only one. A smart spellcaster would cast his buffs normally then while in combat, after an opponent has managed to either beat down the Premonition or dispel you, BAM you have Extended Premonition, Empowered Greater Mantle and Extended Improved Invis right up again...and can keep doing that for as many sequencers as you have.

Also consider how powerful it is in the hands of a UMDer or someone who has a level or two of a caster class. My RDD would be hugely powerful with these items since all you need is a friendly caster or scrolls to fill the slots with the best of the best. No one could take me down if I had a few of these, and I WOULD have a few. (400+ hp's + huge DR + spell immunity? Nuh uh.)
=CI= Dyson of AO
=CI= Hack of AO, still looking for =CI= Slash...
=CI= Kyran of NC

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Post by ATI »

wait wait though....I said there should be a one only limit, to prevent that abuse. Getting the buffs fast once I don't see as a problem.

However, you're right dyson, chars were able to have more than one sequencer that would really screw things over...but that can easily be checked by making them non-drop (if that bug got fixed) and also make them one only per person. And sequencers should be ultra rare.
I've tried fire, i've tried faith, and i've tried force, all I have left is hope.

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Post by Bob »

Restricting sequencer items to a single player (so they don't charge them up and transfer them) is as easy as making them no-drop. [edit - whoops... looks like I was writing this at the same time as ATI]

Depending on how the custom ILR system works, getting around UMD might be as easy as jacking up the item level in the toolset.

Restricitng sequencer items to robes would mean only one usage in combat (can't switch armour in combat).

You can't empower Greater Mantle (lvl 9 spell).

Sequencers being HotU content, probably won't have to worry about this until the Planes content gets added.

Pk Bait
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Post by Dyson »

Yup sry on Gr Mantle, sub in a reg mantle instead.

Even with one of these you are essentially making surprise irrelevant. You stalk a player, get the jump on him and now rather than forcing him to fight without buffs (or very few) in one action he is spelled up. Unless you can kill him in a couple of attacks.

And making them rare is irrelevant since sooner or later, whoever wants one will get one. Which means everybody who can use it will have it.
=CI= Dyson of AO
=CI= Hack of AO, still looking for =CI= Slash...
=CI= Kyran of NC


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