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Sakad the II
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Post by Sakad the II »

Now what is a good walk is from Ao to avendale. Though I think all factions should be able to use rifts to teleport avendale. If they are used for all out post some job quest become usless, like the LA messenger instead of walking thru the rats you bypass them. Though the teleporting idea is great for modul this size.
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Post by AndrewCarr »

dond wrote:
AndrewCarr wrote:the spears and quarterstaves are pretty sucky. So we have longswords, [censored] swords, and lag's hammer...


kukri, short swords, morning stars, maces, double axes, great axe, long bow, staves, greatswords, heavy flail.......that's all i can remember off the top of my head. not crafted stuff either

kukri i've seen on accounant, not sure if it drops. the best shortsword i've seen is the shortsword of sharpness, the only one with elemental dmg i've seen is +2 electric, nothing else.

Morning stars- unsure
maces- imbued mith
double axes- found decent ones, had elemental dmg, but not anything compared to imbued mith.
greataxe- imbued mith again
longbow- oh wow, i want an elemental dmg longbow, or one with on hit _______. Or how about those amazing gnoll arrows? 1d8 pierce +2 fire, whoopdedoo.
greatswords- imbued mith
heavy flail-not sure if it's light, but the one that drops in drow temple is pretty good.

I just want to see various viable examples of each weapons to let us use a little bit more strategy when we choose stuff, instead of "WTB imbued mith everything since that's all there is." What's so wrong with wanting variety?
Lindon Erithar
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Post by Dyson »

Kukri's: Haven't even seen an imbued.
Short Sword: Best I've seen is a lvl 13 one from MA guards and imbued
Stars: Lloth's Vengeance and Northern Star
Mace: Arm of Bourne
Double Axe: There seem to be 2 versions of House Meurne Sacrificer kicking around, 1 better than the other but the better is lvl 20.
Greataxe: Imbued
Longbow: Best I have seen is Ebon which is basically a weak imbued.
Greatsword: found one recently...somewhere in Drow or TC I think. Basically same as Bralk's Might Halberd
Heavy Flail: Imbued all I've found. I think the flail you are thinking of is a Star.

You said you've found a good [censored] sword? Where? I know a few people looking for them.

In addition to the above I still haven't seen a good (lvl 16+) rapier, kama, battleaxe, Waraxe, light flail, handaxe, spear, scythe, dire mace, 2 bladed sword, katana, I have found a dagger but I think it is lvl 13, good mods but no enhancement bonus.

The staggering amount of slashing resist on mobs still bothers me as well...it comes very close to invalidating an entire line of weapons. People say this adds to variety but not IME. I have made 2 melee type chars and both of them are using the same set of weapons: longsword (or scimitar), rapier, warhammer. Warhammer seems to be the clear winner so far, and scmitar is actually the better choice over longsword. I also find the dual damage type weapons to be inconsistent in terms of what DR's they can defeat.
=CI= Dyson of AO
=CI= Hack of AO, still looking for =CI= Slash...
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Post by dond »

all the stuff i mentioned are not imbued, they're muich better.

i implied that it had elemental damage or on hit effects or both (and +3 enchant/keen at that). except for the bow ofcourse...

it's in the mod, go look for it, im not gonna sit here and tell you everything (because it's on my mule, i cant remember where i got it :P)

and that's just what i found. there's still tons of stuff i don't know about.

there's also a pretty decent monk gloves about:

+3 attack bonus +5 str, 2d6 blud damage, 1d6 fire, or some such stats.

and again, there's still the master artisan crafting line that noone has done yet....

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Post by AndrewCarr »

if you have dual dmg, and they have resists to one, it seems to apply to the whole dmg, instead of, if they have 1 major dmg resist, and you have two dmg types, you still get full dmg.
Lindon Erithar
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Post by Dyson »

AndrewCarr wrote:if you have dual dmg, and they have resists to one, it seems to apply to the whole dmg, instead of, if they have 1 major dmg resist, and you have two dmg types, you still get full dmg.

From testing offline (going from memory here so I might have them reversed) a star will always bypass piercing resist but never blunt resist and a halberd will always bypass pierce but never slashing. These weapons should defeat both unless a target has resistance to both.

You're better off using single damage type weapons.
=CI= Dyson of AO
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=CI= Kyran of NC

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Post by DrakhanValane »

All weapons are available in Imbued Mithril (except whips. waiting on them). There are many of each that are unique boss drops.

Dual-damage weapons have always seemed to fail against either type to me. Though they seem to bypass immunities of one of the types (but never resists).
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Post by ATI »

YES!! my post created a firestorm. However, DonD, I fail to see how some of your objections are bad. I don't want ns3....i just want a breakdown of the tedium that is pretty rampant in parts of NS4. And DV is right, try walking from NC to Avendell, takes at least 5-10 minutes. And even though you are a purist when it comes to NS4, we are losing our players that can only play for maybe 30 mins at a time. Spending 1/3 of your time having to run around is lame. Simple as that.

as for weapons, yes there are lots of weapons, but I didn't say weapon spread, I said item spread. I am talking about items that have magical effects, special effects, quest items, cool awesome-o effects, things like that. The weapons spread (besides the damn arrows) i think are pretty well done. Items on the other hand, are a little lacking in some areas.

Oh and you're right with sequencer....Only defensive buffs should be allowed. Three IGMS at once would not only be retarded, it would be Ultimo Proximo Uber. Which is no good.

As for haste and raise dead, these are just two spells (the only two) that should be more available to all the classes. I don't see how these two spells would break down a pretty non existent economy anyways. (I don't see many people using gold to buy stuff after lvl 16. ) Increasing the number of items for sale, just makes a better economy. (If I need to, I'll get Greenspan on this foruM hehehehe)

Anyways, what kinds of Non-Weapon items, would y'all like implemented?
My mord's idea was just a throwback to the tsunami mace in NS3, which was essential, so dond, you're right there, wtf was I thinking? :D
I've tried fire, i've tried faith, and i've tried force, all I have left is hope.

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Post by Bob »


Sequencer items, as they exist now in Bioware default, only accept defensive spells.

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Post by AndrewCarr »

More hide/move silently items.

Pickpocket rings

+10 to a skill instead of two +5's.

Armor with resistance to magical dmg(igms doing 100dmg to everything is .... stupid)
Lindon Erithar
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Post by DrakhanValane »

AndrewCarr wrote:More hide/move silently items.

Pickpocket rings

+10 to a skill instead of two +5's.

Why? Give rationale. :)

Armor with resistance to magical dmg(igms doing 100dmg to everything is .... stupid)

To be in line with other "elemental" armour mods it'd be a 5-25% immunity, not resistance. But I haven't seen that spell do that much. It was in the 30-50 range I think. I could be wrong.
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Post by Psycho Dordt »

max IGMS does 120 when maxed
I don’t really see much point in intelligence anyway, even at very high levels of intelligence, wizards still don’t realize it would have been smarter to be a sorcerer.

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Post by DrakhanValane »

To how many targets?
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Post by monkey0 »

Well, I've had IGMS do 120 to me and my two summons each. So that's 360 damage out of that spell. How many missiles are there again? :)

Of course, my max call lightning has done 100 damage to 4 dwarven guardians at a time so that 400, but at least there's a save involved.
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Post by sep caldessian »

I have played many many servers that are trying to achieve an RP/PG/PvP balance. A lot of them usually fail on one aspect of the three. its very difficult to do, and a lot of responsibility is placed on the playerbase to create a fun atmosphere, where tempers rarely flare up, yet 'in-character' feuds run rampant. here are the inherent points of the RP/PG/PvP juggling act:

1. no immunity items. -- this includes % damage immunity, mind spells, KD, etc. NO feat/skill/spell should be simply negated by an item. EVER. items which give immunity to one at the cost of vulnerability to another (i.e 50% fire imm. and 50% cold vul.) are simple on the surface, but lead to item switching mid-battle, effectively giving multiple immunities to PCs who can utilize their quickslots. Saves vs. X are the way to go. extremely rare cases may be made for armors, since the engine limits swapping armor mid-battle. additionally, STR fighters are the only likely ones to be lugging around more than one set of armor for an extended period of time.

2. no tedius levelling. -- i have found that the best way to get newbies started is a newbie area. characters will not be able to leave until they gain a few levels, and may not return once they leave. this keeps the new players interested without the hassle of being victim to faction raids by high levels. it gives them a working intro to the atmosphere and expectations of the module, without the negativity of a poor playerbase (i.e. griefers, PPers, etc). Players should be able to advance to a moderate level within a few game hours. I feel that getting to level 3-5 in the first sitting is the best (where one sitting is 1-3 hours). the levelling should get exponentially harder, and only the most dedicated get to 25+. levelling is the most critical aspect of balancing RP and PG. If levelling is hard, then everyone is out levelling. If levelling is too easy, then once levelled far enough everyone stands around and begins to RP. a lot of people wish to RP a great hero or super powerful villain, and wont stop levelling until their character is able to back up their RP.

3. death should be feared. -- Roleplay is impossible with no death penalties. if your character falls in battle (and it should not matter who they fell to) then they should lose a piece of their soul in order to return to the world of the living. of course, this should also increase exponentially with level. epic level characters should be losing at least a level on death. there should be a chance for lost items on death. there should be a costly gold penalty. of course, once banks are introduced ( iirc, that is being worked on for this mod) the gold loss is a moot point. dont take your life savings with you to slay a dragon. losing your prized weapon may deter the less courageous from entering battle. stealth becomes more attractive. tactics become more developed. partying becomes more useful. lone wolves may wish to rethink their power in battle before taking on a band of rogues.

4. the playerbase. the most critical part of any server is its playerbase. mature players (and thus the ones usually more skilled at RP) are usually turned off by the "l337 d00dz" going around "pwning" everything. it ruins the atmosphere immediatley. shout channel should be reserved for DM use only. bulletin boards in-game should be used for party requests, item trading, and the like. perhaps a notice in your faction that lists which adventurers are out on patrol would help too.

thats the main 4 there. ill be happy to discuss further.


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