When Noobs attack lol... my solution }: )

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When Noobs attack lol... my solution }: )

Post by Æ »

I have heard a few of you mention groups of noobs attacking you while you raid a town and you "being forced to kill them even though you don't usually PK or don't usually kill effortless players". Being someone who doesnt' attack unless attacked and who doesn't want to turn off noobs from NS4, I have devised a simple solution to the problem. Keep a stack of choking powders in your inventory, and when noobs descend on you, throw one or two of those at them. Anyone below level 5 should most likely fail the save and be stunned long enough for you to finish fighting the mob and move on, by the time they get out of the cloud, and it doesn't damage them. }: ) Just thought I'd share that.

And for those of you with use magic device skill or an archane class, there are plenty of those silver rods that cast daze or scare/fear lying around (i think my rogue even has one with hold) }: ) And it gives those early level spells and spell slots a fun use for high level casters (strike fear into the hearts of the weak, for those of you who are really power hungry lol... and the RPers) }: )
Last edited by Æ on Wed May 19, 2004 4:05 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Agent Shiny
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Post by Agent Shiny »

hmm PKers are running out of excuses to PK newbies lolz
guess wht
i dont have choking powder... so i still kill them
perhaps that wud be ur reply people???
but that sure is a good idea.
why waste ur time not worth the effort right.

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Post by Psycho Dordt »

what is the point of fatction wars if one cant attack the members of the oposing faction????
This discussion here on the boards about PK only gives me the feeling the Devs wasted a year of their lives to make NS4, making NS4 teh most failed mod around. its a RPish PvP server onder PWaction with No RP and NO PvP, it has not enough hard area's (even for a lvl 20) to do justice on teh PW action.
I don’t really see much point in intelligence anyway, even at very high levels of intelligence, wizards still don’t realize it would have been smarter to be a sorcerer.

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Post by Æ »

It's a matter of personal choice, some of us like to play the game without interplayer bickering and choose to stay out of the petty PvP crap, and that's our choice...

If it was fun and people were good sports about it I would take part in the competition, but as it is, it's just a bunch of drama and I don't feel like hearing a load of negativity from people with bad attitudes... so i don't bother with PvP

And anyway, we're talking about killing noobs here and there's nothing fun about that for either the killer or the victim
{FotS} Ælæressai, Forsaken Avatar Of Ckær'evlon
14 Fighter/7 Weapon Master (Rapier)/1 Rogue [LA Outcast]

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Post by X-I-L »

Personally I wouldnt attack people who are raiding my city if the player are that higher lvl than me, as I wouldnt do much good. You would think that most people would have the sense to realise the same. If people trying to defend their town from much higher lvl raiders by attacking them then they should accept the outcome - good or bad.
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Post by bobplaz »

I think that defense outposts, such as ballistas or cannons of the sort, should be placed strategically throughout the cities, so that if the city was under attack by high level characters, the lower levels could help out that way by manning the artillery while the higher lvl people on their side can engage them face to face. This also destroys the idea of one high level desecrating a city, since ballistas/cannons do IMMENSE amount of damage.
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Look at your women crying
Look at your young men dying
The way they've always done before."

-Guns N' Roses

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Post by Mz_Shadow »

You have not seen the highlevel areas just yet. It has been said many times, that only part of NS4 is released to open beta.

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Post by Brennan068 »

Personally, I don't like PvP; although I am ok with it in the context of this module.

I think that a high level person should refrain from pking a low level person. However, if a low level person swings first, there should be no problem with that high level person finishing the fight. There are consequences to attacking someone at random.

A newb who attacks a high level character gets what the high level character decides he gets. AE has a very kind approach to it and I respect that a great deal. Another equally valid approach is to tell them to leave or die. If they don't leave, they are open game. Another (I don't like this one, but it really is equally valid) is to outright kill them. They are enemies of your "faction" after all. The important thing to remember if you take this approach too often though is that you will encourage people to leave the game. If you don't want the servers to be friendly to newbies, that is one thing, if you want the player base to continue to grow so that there is need for the devs to keep putting material into this excellent module... you may want to rethink the kos attitude.

I personally do not start any PvP (except for an occassional arrow just at the edge of screen range, red - fire :wink: ) If I do start it it will almost always be by accident; and if I start it and someone else finishes it I laugh, gratz them and move on. If somone else starts it, I do my best to finish it. I have no respect for impossibles starting it with low level characters though.

What the Okies do (and I know it is a generallization, no offense against those who do not do it is intended) is imo wrong. It discourages new players. I've had 4 run-ins with Okies. Two of those were polite stand-offish hello's, no grief whatsoever. I stood back and said hi, they said hi and we went our seperate ways. One was a backstab from one who is either an assassin or better than 10th lvl rogue (I got cripple-struck) backstabbed a lvl 5 character going to work on levelling by killing bugs. The fourth was a high level cleric or mage who killed my same 5th level character. I'm not sure of the spell, it had the same visual as heal, but killed me instead. I turned a corner in the tunnels, stopped, he looked at me and zap I was dead. We were far enough apart that he could have told me to get out of his way, or he could have backed up and let me walk past him. Either would have been fine. I don't want to whine about being killed, I just muttered what I thought of this fellow and moved on... others would have said it isn't worth it and left for good.

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Post by TTG »

You can avoid that auto-attack stuff by just setting people to like, you won't auto-attack anyone anymore. Can get kinda annoying with lots of people logging on and off though.

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Post by AndrewCarr »

I try to keep everyone on like but mistakes have happened, like yesterday, i was checking these forums and the nwvault(for the daily comic) and was afk for about five minutes, unfortunately in front of the ns temple. Hostile guy walked out, i hear hits(he unfortunately has the same voice that my char has), alt tab real quick and see the panther and arrowhawk of mine had killed him immediately after zoning. That was bad luck, but in general the worst that happens is pets go after someone and you bring them back just in time.

However, i think i've said this in another post, but pets seem to take attacks of opportunity on natural hostiles running by, even if set to like. So there's been problems with that.

And to show that newbies can do something, a group of say 6-7 low lvls jumped a higher level who'd been xp'ing in neversummer. He was having problems with them, killed a job npc as retaltiation, and then they organized into a lynch mob. I went to explore afterwards, stole some stuff on the way back(love that drop and trade thing :p ) and upon reaching the temple, found a ns pc in there i'd set to like. Most unfortunately, they screamed something along the lines of "enemy in the temple" so i responded by killing her to silence the outcry. Sorta worked i guess, as no one came in to attack me, but it also caused me to leave soon after finishing off the npcs, unsummon pets, and hit in a corner of the map. So yeah, newbies can do things useful under the current settings(such as scouting like in my case).

That also was the first time afaik that i've killed an effortless player offhand and without them attacking first(excepting auto attacks and the like). I didn't get any great wifty feeling off of it, and that's not because of the player's angry responses either. But they were shouting where i was to get me mobbed, so i figured it was an appropriate response.
Lindon Erithar
Quickie Mart the <a href='http://www.cultofokie.com'>Okie Ambassador</a>

Agent Shiny
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Post by Agent Shiny »

Did the developers make NS4 to kill of newbies and drive them away
to let higher level people make fun of killing low level players?

Answer that dear players.

I dont think they had that intention in mind in making this mod.

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Post by MrShadow »

no Shiny they expected people to use some common sense..

it is not the high level player's job to avoid killing low level players..

it is the low level player's job to be wary of the possibility of a high level character coming into your path..

although yes.. sometimes casualties happen.. oh well..

if I am level 4.. and I'm going through a major traffic area.. I'm going to stay pressed against the outside of the road as much as possible..

I'm certainly not going to run down the middle of the road..

most PK can be prevented.. it's just the players do not make any attempt to protect themselves..

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Post by Bob »

Raph Coster mini-essays, many of which touch on the subject: http://www.legendmud.org/raph/gaming/index.html

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Post by Æ »

One suggestion to anyone who wants an almost guarantee of being able to escape any situation, and avoid any PvP, make a shadow dancer. My SD is up to level 10 so far and has only been PKed once, by a powerful AoE spell (I forget which). If someone is too tough, just fade into the shadows and walk off, and if you hide every time you're about to cross a transition, you'll never be caught off guard upon zoning. }: ) Just thought I'd share that.
{FotS} Ælæressai, Forsaken Avatar Of Ckær'evlon
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Post by AndrewCarr »

And for everyone else, max listen. Let's you detect mobs thru doors and stuff, and see those evil sd's :p
Lindon Erithar
Quickie Mart the <a href='http://www.cultofokie.com'>Okie Ambassador</a>


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