Something simular to whitcloaks

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Something simular to whitcloaks

Post by Sakad the II »

I had this idea for some thing that is something the wc back in ns 3 have each faction have one or two "Heroes"(inlack of a better name to use) were they could be all powerfull and help enforce rules, stop greifers and run event like things. Then with each hero give them something unique to their faction. And instead ofmaking them invicible like the white cloaks make them so they are able to be killed so other players can go around killing the factions heros and the could earn some good item from doing so. I think it would be interesting to have something like this. comments any one?
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Post by Acce »

Personaly I don't like the idea of giving alot of power to some specific players for no apparent 'in-game' reason. Creating hybrid player/Dm's simply doesn't sound good as for me this only creates an elite that is unachievable most common players.
I'll much rather play in a world where everyone I meet is playing on equal terms and where the key to success is working together with other players not by having gear not normaly obtainable by normal players.

I'd prefer DM's to take care of the enforcement of the rules and running of quests. If no DM is around, usually on most servers a nice screen shot or two takes care of most abusers.

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Post by Kelin »

Maybe should do high level players on their own to get togheter to defend their faction and stop griefers.....
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Post by MrShadow »

well said Kelin..

I think the biggest issue with griefers etc.. is that everyone is playing incredibly selfishly..

nobody is willing to take any time to help anyone else..

and yes.. the stronger faction members should take it upon themselves to take the role of "faction leader" even though it will be very unofficial.. it can still be done..

the key is to work together.. your faction is your team in a 7 way game..

you don't win the game by having the single best player.. you win by having the best team..

that is what NS4 is about.. teamwork

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Post by Paddy »

MrShadow wrote:
you don't win the game by having the single best player.. you win by having the best team..

how exactly do you win?
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Post by Devlin »

He didnt mean win like, hey I won game over...More of a figure of speech to get by and play.

NS 4 does not need a WC type player. Relax about the rules etc, Devs are more concerned with Bugs and exploits right now. Wonder how many times that has to be said????? :D
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Post by Qui »

Just as an aside i would like to ask how you grief in a pvp factional war based game? You have all these players.. if there name is in red.. they are hostile.. if they kill you.. why do u act suprised? or get angry? Im really confused by this.. clearly there are 2 forms of griefing available on the server pking faciton members and pking effortless players.. short of that i dont see how anything alse can be considered griefing.. am i missing something?
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Post by maxpublic »

What we need is another faction at start...the Free Faction, or Non-Aligned Faction. This would be comprised of all of those folks who just want to adventure in the world without having to deal with all of those annoying pvp boys who think it's a riot to slaughter people who don't have a chance of fighting back.

It's not the actual pvp that's the most irritating thing, it's the little boys who engage in it. It's clear most of them are either 10 years old, or they never matured beyond that point, and think that beating the snot out of folks who don't stand a chance against them is the height of entertainment. Given what this says about their character, I hope to God that no woman ever has the poor sense to breed with them.


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Post by JesterOI »

maxpublic wrote:What we need is another faction at start...the Free Faction, or Non-Aligned Faction. This would be comprised of all of those folks who just want to adventure in the world without having to deal with all of those annoying pvp boys who think it's a riot to slaughter people who don't have a chance of fighting back.

Sounds like Last Alliance but with everyone being neutral to it.
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Post by MrShadow »

what you guys are asking is the equivalent of asking GM to put seating for 7 in their Corvettes..

the game was based around the 7 factions..

faction warfare is a major part of the game..

just wandering around with no threat of loss is not intended..

unfortunately if you don't like PvP.. NS4 is probably not the best mod for you..

a few NS3 servers are still up and running

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Post by TTG »

The PvP can change with the feeling of the masses. If people get tired of running around killing people just because they can, they will.
If PvP isn't your thing, then you're not going to be forced into it. I'm sure eventually there will be groups of people that go around killing PKer types.

That being said, I do think high level players should bring it upon themselves to protect the newer members of their factions. Eventually there will be faction positions that need filled, and without some reputation you're not gonna get the nice job. ;)

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Post by Gil-Este »

TTG wrote:I'm sure eventually there will be groups of people that go around killing PKer types.

That being said, I do think high level players should bring it upon themselves to protect the newer members of their factions. :D

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Post by bongoblue »

I'm not against all PKing/PvPing, its when the character being attacked has no chance of defending that I don't like.
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Post by Billiard »

Call it a learning experience. You learn where to bind for a quick respawn. You learn how to go unseen until you are higher levels. You learn to avoid certain areas that are overpopulated by PKers (favorite leveling areas). You learn to create well balanced parties and to have higher level friends on call. You can solo in NS4 if you want, but its at your own peril. I was getting PKed a lot when I started new characters. It happens a lot less now as I have learned areas to go and how to avoid trouble until I am ready for it. Is it a bummer to be a low level in town and get PKed? Yes - it hurts your pride when you can't do anything to fight back. Learn from it and move on.

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Post by ATI »

If you want it badly enough, you'll move in the direction of either learning to handle PvP or learning to stop PKing. Its one or the other. I know right now,there are people that are inconvenienced by griefers and such. However, I and my friends are trying to lvl up high enough to stop this from happening. Get to a high lvl and do sometihng about it. The powerful rule the weak only because the weak lack the leadership to rise against the powerful. Simple as that.....if you want to stop griefers and PKers and noob killing, you have to work together to solve the problem (P.S. think the dev's intended it to be this way, to encourage team play :D)
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