Drow changes...

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Drow changes...

Post by Lorkar »

I see that now all Drow in SL are required to be evil. Well, if that is the case in SL which is their native lands then I don't see why all Drow shouldn't be evil.
Or was this in response to all the poseurs playing Pally's and CoT's crying that they couldn't smite SL Drow so the everloving nerf bat comes into play yet again.

The suggestion being make all Drow evil...realm wide.
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Re: Drow changes...

Post by Amoenotep »

but if your evil..isn't that all that matters?
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Re: Drow changes...

Post by Gornickthy »

I agree.. if you are going to make drow evil in SL then just make ALL drow evil realm wide. Make NC ONLY good too while your at it. :wink:
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Re: Drow changes...

Post by --Ashe-- »

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Re: Drow changes...

Post by Amoenotep »

we didn't make drow evil..we made SL evil. it was already restricted like that for every other race in that faction...no reason drow should be non evil in an inherently evil faction. it changes nothing in the faction...except now everyone is evil and you can't build harper scouts :(

and btw..NC is already good and law...the only alignments allowed there ;) LG, NG, LN.
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Re: Drow changes...

Post by Gornickthy »

Amoenotep wrote:we didn't make drow evil..we made SL evil. it was already restricted like that for every other race in that faction...no reason drow should be non evil in an inherently evil faction. it changes nothing in the faction...except now everyone is evil and you can't build harper scouts :(

and btw..NC is already good and law...the only alignments allowed there ;) LG, NG, LN.
Right.. LN should be removed from NC.

So, why were Harper Scouts deemed to powerful for SL?

CoT should be nerfed HARD. Why are they left alone?

Monks should be removed from RK - they are just to short to be monks.

TC should ONLY be allowed neutral alignments.

MA and AO already got hit with the nerf wands.

SL should receive better epic defenders, cuz the assassins really suck butt and are extremely weak compared to the others.

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Re: Drow changes...

Post by Malik »

I disagree
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Re: Drow changes...

Post by Amoenotep »

Gornickthy wrote:
Amoenotep wrote:we didn't make drow evil..we made SL evil. it was already restricted like that for every other race in that faction...no reason drow should be non evil in an inherently evil faction. it changes nothing in the faction...except now everyone is evil and you can't build harper scouts :(

and btw..NC is already good and law...the only alignments allowed there ;) LG, NG, LN.
Right.. LN should be removed from NC.

So, why were Harper Scouts deemed to powerful for SL?

CoT should be nerfed HARD. Why are they left alone?

Monks should be removed from RK - they are just to short to be monks.

TC should ONLY be allowed neutral alignments.

MA and AO already got hit with the nerf wands.

SL should receive better epic defenders, cuz the assassins really suck butt and are extremely weak compared to the others.

if you can give me a coherent reason for LN being taken away from NC without sarcasm or self indulgence and a actual thought out explination, i'll listen to you.

who says CoT's aren't getting nerfed? we can'd do everything at the same time

really? your going to cry about harper scouts....wow...

leave RK out of this..its not their fault they are short and smell funny.

SL is one of the most powerful factions on the server and now everyone in it is evil...like, holy cow, we changed the whole dynamic of what SL is supposed to be...the drow race is naturally a neutral one...yeah..thats it ;)
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Re: Drow changes...

Post by LinuxPup »

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Re: Drow changes...

Post by Gornickthy »

LOL ... actually it was all boiling down to the famous line "if it isn't broke then why fix it?"

I was building the most powerful Harper Scout the server would have ever seen out of SL.. you have just nerfed my lvl 39 toon that I spend many many countless hours on and was a mere 1 xp from lvl 40 and owning the server. :cry: Wait.. what's a Harper Scout again?

SL is now evil??? Awe man... oh wait.. that makes some sen.. naw I can't say that out loud.

What do you mean you can't do everything at the same time??? :shock:

As long as Linuxpup has become more powerful from the rants then our mission is complete. :twisted:

Actually NC should lose the NG alignment from the description straight from the NS4 Wiki - "Settling throughout the northernmost regions of the realm, across the Dorian Sea, the Northern Coalition is a faction of law and order." NG does not fit into their description. I must admit though, the faction is already quite limited and restricted for classes and alignments. But then again it is NC, and if it got nerfed a little more the realms would be a much better place (for us evil folks anyway :mrgreen: )

Yes, the dwarfs cannot be blamed for their height impediments, but their smell is within their ability to deal with. They could at least spit-bathe once in a while. Maybe they need monks to run away from their own smells? :lol:

Ok, ok, ok.. go point that nerf wand at someone else now. :twisted:
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Re: Drow changes...

Post by VagaStorm »

I dont realy think this changes much... There are probably a few non evil drow, not that I can figure how those survived... I Thought drow where evil or they better be god runners :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: All you realy lost is that Harper something class....

As for cot, the pure or almost pure cot is great since they can fill the role of a damage dealer and a tank, but they lack in so many other areas.
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Amoenotep wrote:if you die to harper that just means your build sucks.

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Re: Drow changes...

Post by Tru3Fals3 »

LOL well while were on the subject then lorkar, how bout making gnomes and dwarves RK ONLY hmmm, considering thats all we can use, why should SLs be able to use gnomes and dwarves being that the drow are their mortal enemies.... but hey, who cares, i dont see why this is a such a big problem, drow is the cheesiest of the cheese races, why shouldnt everyone else (but rk :roll: ) be able to use em

and boooo on tal, leave my monks alone :mrgreen:
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Re: Drow changes...

Post by Tru3Fals3 »

and now im gonna have to add that linux quote to my sig
The truth is just an excuse for those with a lack of imagination.
Amoenotep wrote:i still think everyone is just truefalse multi logging an entire server together :(

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Re: Drow changes...

Post by disastro »

i guess there is this perception that SL is the most powerful faction for some game or rule related reason, hence the nerf.

however the reason for SL strength is not that "too much" is allowed in the faction, but rather that we simply have more active players. historically i think that one reason has been behind the various "dominant" faction times... if a faction routinely has more raw numbers then they will be dominant regardless of faction limitations (witness the rise of MA back in the day... most restricted faction made it to the top by manpower alone).

the number of active players is not a result of more build options available, as it was with LA. its a coincidence of 3 guilds coming together.. dcn dd io players. the fact that you could roll a neutral drow (with all its other baggage) really did not factor into it.

this particular change probably doesnt mean much by itself. however i fear that the perception is now "they're successful, therefore we must nerf until they're not anymore."

: editted for clarity after coffee.

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Re: Drow changes...

Post by disastro »

Amoenotep wrote:we didn't make drow evil..we made SL evil. it was already restricted like that for every other race in that faction...no reason drow should be non evil in an inherently evil faction. it changes nothing in the faction...except now everyone is evil and you can't build harper scouts :(
i suppose then a parallel justification for removing neutral from nc is the same: if sl is an evil faction, nc is an inherently good faction. no neutral in either. they can smite evil on SL, SL can smite good on them.

i think that would only restrict certain race combos out of nc (gith monk?). if it resulted in any more class restrictions for NC then it would be too much (nc is already heavily restricted as far as class combinations).

for that reason i think ng needs to stay in nc otherwise they'd have no bards.

somebodys gotta sing the blues for them!


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