Lvl 13 rapier (artifact)

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Lvl 13 rapier (artifact)

Post by Wolfarus »

Flavor : "Made for the guard captain of a long dead elven mage, who had set up his laboratory deep in the haddon mirk, it was made to be especially potent against the shadows that reside there"

"Piercing Light" (weapon title)
Ab +2
+1d4 divine, +1d4 fire
+1d6 piercing
massive crits 1d8
light (white) 15mm radius

This was basicly copied from the best lvl 13 weapon that ive heard of so far (hammer of thunderbolts). Figure if thats allowed to be in game, this shouldnt cause any balance issues either. Find it odd that just about every other (if not all of them) weapon in game has a "flavored" lvl 13 alternate, but the rapier's dosnt kick in until lvl 16


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