Every faction has a Relic and a Relic Cradle.
The Relics reside in the Relic Cradles.
The Relic Cradle is somewhere in each Faction city.
The status of a Factions Relic is reported upon entering Aetheria.
However, each Faction has a Relic Diviner who will use her psychic prowess to determine the location of a Relic. She is extreemly good at finding her own Relic with her powers, however if the Relic of the faction she represents is safe she may be able to give information on the Relic of other factions. All party members of a player who enlists the help of the Diviner will receive the information she gives. However Relic Diviners will find a new location in their home city each time they give information.
Any character (no matter how low level) can help with the recovery of their Relic by seeking out the Diviner for the team.
Invading forces who successfully steal Relics from opposing factions and return them to their own Relic Cradle will be able to draw on the power of multiple Relics.
There are no allies when it comes to the Relics of the Gods. Claim the power for your faction and your's alone!
Relic cradles will weaken their hold on Relics in the presence of enemies. No weapon can damage these divine items, just as no key can open them - patience is the weapon of the wise.
However invaders who are delay too much will find the relic has regained it's power.
Each Relic is tightly bound the the fate of the Faction it represents.
The bonuses for Capturing Relics apply to every member of the controlling faction:
- Home Relic + 1 = +10% to all normal XP awards.
Home Relic + 2 = +15% to all normal XP awards.
Home Relic + 3 = +20% to all normal XP awards.
Home Relic + 4 = +25% to all normal XP awards.
Home Relic + 5 = +35% to all normal XP awards.
Home Relic + 6 = +50% to all normal XP awards.
Only 1 Relic can be carried by any one player at a time.
*You may capture relics at any time, but a Faction must control it's own Relic to receive any bonuses.
Some areas are out of bounds such as Guild Halls. Entering any out of bounds area (generally areas that are not publically accessable) will cause the Relic bearer to lose the Relic he/she is transporting.
A red flag symbolises the carrier of a stolen Relic.
A blue flag symbolises the carrier of a recovered Relic.
Some of the inhabitants of Aetheria will not wish to become involved in the struggles of Relic parties.
If you login a character which is located very close to your own or an enemy cradle while it is under threat you will be ported and receive a temporary penalty. Camping Relic Cradles with high level toons until a "Raiding" server broadcast message appears is not in the interest of fair play. The same goes for logging out while the cradle weakens.
During server resets any Relics which are not safe or captured in a cradle are returned to thier owner faction.