
Online reference and documentation for the Neversummer 4 module.
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Post by Joran »


Here you'll find information about the way skills are used in NS4. The contents of this post may change as NS4 progresses, so make sure to check back occasionally so there aren't any surprises :)

Pick Pocket Changes

The following changes have been implemented via script to curb the problems posed by the Pick Pocket skill. In general, these apply only to physical items and not gold.

  • The minimum delay between PP attempts has been extended slightly.
  • You cannot target corpses.
  • After an attempt, your action queue will be cleared. This prevents an engine exploit with a player queuing up dozens of attempts and having them all resolve instantaneously.
  • Attempts while either the thief or the target is in combat will fail.
  • There is a maximum item weight proportional to your dexterity, trying to steal an item weighing more than this will result in failure.
  • Plot and undroppable items cannot be stolen.
  • Visible thieves must succeed in an opposed CHA vs WIS check, simulating the attempt to distract the target from your intentions.
  • Invisible thieves must succeed in a move silently check opposed by the target's listen check. There is a -5 circumstance penalty for closeness.
  • A victim of theft is allowed a reflex save to recover their item. The DC is 10, + 1 for every 2 levels in a class that has PP as a class skill.
In addition, all stolen items are persistently tagged with the original owner's identity. If the original owner should happen to hunt down the thief and kill him, the stolen item will be returned.

Skills In NS4

Here is a listing of all NWN skills, along with their level of implementation in NS4. This should help when creating new characters and levelling up existing ones, so you don't waste skill points in unimplemented areas.

  • Animal Empathy: Widely implemented. The animals in NS4 can be made into allies that fight by your side.
  • Appraise: Not implemented.
  • Concentration: Widely implemented, your concentration rank is used by the AI in determining combat actions, and is an extremely important part of gameplay, especially for casters. Ranks effect the power of some spells.
  • Craft Trap: Widely implemented, with component drops. High level rogues can create very powerful traps.
  • Disable Trap: Widely implemented, helpful to disarm the random chests that spawn with loot hoards, and the occasional enemy trap.
  • Discipline: Very widely implemented, your discipline rank is used by the AI in determining combat actions. High ranks in discipline are needed for defense against Knockdown, Disarm and other abilities unique to NS4.
  • Heal: Widely implemented, very important when used with Heal Kits. A very high heal skill rank can be attained.
  • Hide: Widely implemented. Stealthy characters play a powerful role to deadly effect in NS4.
  • Listen: Widely implemented. You will be sneaked, how badly you want to hear it, is up to you.
  • Lore: Implemented, important as no items are identified by default, except for bare items and purchased items. There are common items available, to help boost this skill.
  • Move Silently: Widely implemented, a stealthy character cannot be effective if he is unable to reach the target.
  • Open Lock: Widely Implemented. Some locked doors will take a character that is very dedicated in this skill, however any ranks in this skill can be very useful.
  • Parry: Implemented, useful for high-dex characters when fighting one or two creatures at a time.
  • Perform: Widely implemented, a Bard will need high ranks in perform and high Bard levels to be most effective.
  • Persuade: Not implemented.
  • Pick Pocket: See above entry for PP changes.
  • Search: Widely Implemented. Used for hidden traps, tunnels, and passageways, especially in the Underdark.
  • Set Trap: Widely implemented, required to use crafted traps.
  • Spellcraft: Widely Implemented, your spellcraft rank is also used by the caster AI for determining certain spell actions, and for offense/defense in magical combat.
  • Spot: Widely implemented, if you wish to see the sneaker before he guts you.
  • Taunt: Widely implemented, helpful at every level. Extremely useful in faction pvp warfare, and against high level monsters. A very high skill can be attained.
  • Tumble: A bit too widely implemented, almost broken =)
  • Use Magic Device: Widely implemented, custom implementation used by any character trying to use an item that requires them to be another class. Does not peter out at high levels like Bioware's version. Extremely useful, is an understatement.


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