i thin i found the cause of the merchant bug

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Cthulhu Drega
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i thin i found the cause of the merchant bug

Post by Cthulhu Drega »

i have noted every time i get hit with the merchant bug the merch takes the money before giving the items to me.


lost hammer
lost shield
lost 500 gold <-- this can be here or at the top of the list of items ect
aquired hammer
aquired shield

^^^ when its like this you loose your gear

Lost item hammer
Lost item shield
Aquired hammer
Aquired shield
Lost 500 gold <-- this is where it should be allwase to work right

^^^ when its like this the script worked properly and you wont loose items

perhaps a heartbeat delay on the taking of the money will fix this? idk anything about scripting so idk if that "fix" is possible.

regardless this IS the bug in the merchants it allwase happens when the text reads like i have written above. this has been a problem for a long time and im supprised no one has noticed this text as being diffrent when it happens. i do hope one of the Dev team can take the time to fix this minor but highly annoying bug.
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Post by Nolan Silvermoon »

funny, never have lost items to regular merchants, its only happened once in planar store, it can be aggravating though

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Post by kgb »

This happened to me yesterday for the first time. I lost a suit of armor and shield twice. I was then instructed to use my book, then log out whilst in the shop, then back in and leave the shop. This worked and I kept my bought gear.

Hope this helps others.
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Post by Daedalus »

Also it only seems to happen for your first purchases, well to me anyway. But logging out then in while in shop using books works. I always do it just to be safe.
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Post by randdo »

I have had it happen both before and after selling items, when I haven't sold anything.

Now when I buy I ask to pruchase twice. I have seen where after the second time more gold was taken but since I started asking to purchase twice I have never lost an items no matter if I buy, sell or id items first.

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Post by Merrip »

I also have never had that happen to me either in any store ... I say they just don't like you :twisted:

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Post by Mythri Wolfwood »

I've actually had this happen to me yesterday and possibly the day before. One of the times I put the gear I purchased on and then *poof* it disappeared after I left the store. The other time I didn't touch the gear until I left the store and *poof*, the gear was gone. The message order posted above is accurate in describing what happened to me when I lost the purchased gear. I suppose sometimes, during lag, the scripts just get messed up and fire out of sequence. Nothing much you can do about it but go back for more...

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Post by DM Vapor »

I've said it once, and I'll say it again:

If you talk to the merchant again, after "purchasing" the goods, and you pay for them again, you were going to lose them on the exit of shop. If he tells you that there's nothing in your inventory from his shop, then you're good to go. Yeah, you might pay 2 times for the gear, but you'd have to anyways.
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