bugs.nsrealm.com Bug with links + bug tracker

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Terminal Insanity
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bugs.nsrealm.com Bug with links + bug tracker

Post by Terminal Insanity »

Tried to use Links (a tty web browser) to visit the bugs page, and could not "View Bugs".
When i try to browse the bugs, i get a "Cyclic redirect" error...

I found another occorance of this problem here:
By the looks of it, its more of a links bug, but it is a pain :(
any way you guys could fix it from the bug-tracker side of things? :P

Wheres the donation box?
Posts: 237
Joined: Tue Jun 10, 2003 9:52 am
Location: Deep Within the Earth

Post by Mokihana »

i use the old fashioned linx all the time in gentoo 2.6.3 and have no problems. might be something buggy in links. looks like its time to open your ide get the source from cvs and fix it :P
If it says Moki Moki Moki on the Label Label Label your gonna be in Trouble Trouble Trouble!!! :twisted:


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