Drawn into combat

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Drawn into combat

Post by Lorkar1 »

Can someone please explain to me how a rat,beetle or some other critter who has absolutely no chance of hitting can draw me into combat and stop me in my tracks for a moment? Yet, when I am chasing creatures, I cannot stop them in the same way. It makes no sense at all.

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Mr. O'Dearly
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Post by Mr. O'Dearly »

Use the 'w' key to walk. Occasionally youll still take a swing at them but you wont stop.

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Post by Ragnareith »

Bioware's crappy implementation, I'm afraid. Using WASD to move is a failsafe method, ensuring you will always be moving when you want to be. Except when you get body-blocked into an area, but there's usually a way around, be it helball or fancy manouevering.

To answer your question about being able to stop creatures in the same way... think of it this way. Creatures, when moving, have a definite programmed goal in mind. Regardless of who's nearby or what's happening, they have a set goal within the game, and they are continuously making sure they get there. For the actual player, no such system exists. You are the one who makes the input. You click to move and get stopped by an attack of opportunity, but who knows if that was what you wanted to happen or not? If there is no further input from the player, then your character remains in attack mode. Creatures, on the other hand, being creations of programming, are always exposed to a definite goal if they're doing something, which is very difficult to simulate as a player (try clicking to move to a destination about 10 times a second until you get there and you'll get the picture).
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Post by kgb »

Maybe it's just me but using the WASD keys also has its problems. With the amount of hidden/stealthed creatures now from lowly dire rats up, i come to screeching halt as i am 'w'ing along a screen my hands flailing as if in a "raise the roof" motion. I then need to re-engage the ol' w key until the next stealthed critter with scripted AI appears again. Clicking on the ground seems to be more effective when traversing screens.

Any solutions apart from a joystick lol!
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