Drow Darkness bugged?

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Drow Darkness bugged?

Post by Oltho »

I've been having a lot of issues with this since I started using it regularly in Efreets area. Normally it will appear to not be there if I transition an area, meaning if it runs out I won't know until I'm buried in a swarm of Efreets face down with a respawn screen in front of me. Also, it seems as though the enemies won't attack when I am using it, which kinda makes sense since they probably can't see me, but something wierd happened today in Voo's Lair. I go to Pray, something I've done in Darkness a million times, yet this time every Efreet in that cavern swarmed me & wiped me out as if my Prayer dispelled my Darkness. Just figured I would put this out there because it seems to be a universal problem from the other Drow players I've run into at Efreets.

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Post by lordvan52681 »

the darkness is bugged liek that because its not made to be mobile. normal darkness stays where its cast.

Most of the time if someone who doesnt normally attack with darkness on does, its cause of divine intervention. their way of testing to see if you should even be in the area.

Arctic Wolves and Efreets are known for not attacking in the darkness, and (while its not an official exploit) DMs tend to frown on it. They do that occasionnally as a friendly way of saying, if you cant hack it here without the darkness, dont come here.

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Post by Ragefist »

Yeah, and if there's any server side lag at all, it doesn't take a meddling DM to cause problems. But yeah, the drow version seems to be especially prone to do funny things, largely b/c of transitions etc etc.


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