System Clean

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System Clean

Post by AlienOverlord »


My internet has been crap so I am trying to clean up my system. I used spyware doctor but don't want to buy it so am trying to delete all my spyware manually but have a few problems:

1. Can't delete some files because they are write-protected or in use. I ctr-alt-delete and look thru the processes but can't find the there a way to force delete the file?

2. Many of the files are HKLM, HKCR etc. I know I have to run something to get at these files but can't remember what to run.

I am running windows xp.

Thanks :D

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Post by deathdearler1 »

you can look and delete running programs with the Startup Control Panel. a freeware program u can download. there is also a program i had to use because i kept getting strange pop ups in the middle of a game that would crash me :( . its called hijack this, it lets u go individually thru anything running. its pretty cool, give those a shot.
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Post by Zhorn »

If you want some excellent free spyware removal software. Have over to:

And download Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.3. It seems to do the trick.

If you want a nice free (for home use) virus scanner you can get one from You can even download updates for the free version!

Though if you still have trouble, a fresh re-install is never a bad thing. Windows gets messed up quite easily! I've lost count of how many times I have blown my system away and started again. I got so sick of it I even ran NWN under Linux for most of this year until I got a new video card that wasn't very well supported. Last time I ever buy a non-Geforce!!!!

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Post by AlienOverlord »

Thanks :) I actually came across spybot and it did get rid of quite a bit of crap in my system :) The only thing is that it had about 17000 signatures to check and the spyware doctor had about a few might have escaped but getting rid of most is nice.

I had to do a system restore after downloading a few internet speed boost products that seemed to completely shut down my internet :shock:

I will try out those other programs, thanks :D

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Post by kgb »

I use a combination of spybot and adaware. The two have done an excellent job to keep my system free from nasties.

Ad-aware can be picked up from the link below. If you need access to the sig updates head over to


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Post by Codax »

Some advice here guys.

Don't use download sites when you can get the software from the source. I don't know about the sites you suggest but some will include spyware in the installs offered on their sites.

Go to the source if you want trusted versions. Certainly use Adware and Spybot Search & Destroy. Also run Anti virus and a firewall. I use AntiVir and ZoneAlarm. All of these free tools are available directly from the authors so go there to get them.



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