very strange

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very strange

Post by Face_of_Bo »

after starting the game and playing for a few minutes my monitor goes into sleep mode (picture) but the sound stays on, I can't even use the windows key to go back to the desktop. This only happens when I log into the server, no other programs are affected that I can tell. My monitor is a LG M2262D and my video card is a ATI Radeon HD 4600, the drivers for both devices are up to date. I attempted powering down - unplugging - reconnecting - power up, no luck. Anyone have any ideas?

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Re: very strange

Post by Bargeld »

Try different game resolutions... it might not like the current game setting.
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Re: very strange

Post by LinuxPup »

You might want to try setting ShinyWater=0 in your nwn.ini file (located in your \NeverwinterNights\NWN folder). ATI has a history of bad things happening in NWN when that's set to 1. Just an idea
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Re: very strange

Post by Face_of_Bo »

I have no idea what went wrong, but I broke down and re-installed the game and poof the problem goes away, damn computer gremlins! Thanks guys.


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