problem with my character Twilight Pei'makiir

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Joined: Sun Dec 20, 2009 12:09 pm

problem with my character Twilight Pei'makiir

Post by twilightg »

server crashed last night and there is a dagger i got to use for a quest.... i finished the quest and returned the dagger but with the crash the dagger returned and i can not get it out of my inventory.....the dagger is named soul saber

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Joined: Sun Jun 24, 2007 8:50 pm

Re: problem with my character Twilight Pei'makiir

Post by Tsavong »

When the server crashes sometimes you can loose items you picked up or have your jobs messed up. In this case getting back a dagger you already gave back.

The best way to save your character when you pick up something valuable like a tome or a item of value like a high level planner item is to rest to save then log out be for logging back and continuing on. This dose not always work and server crashes and there aftermath are something we must live with.
Melkor of Mellifeur {GODS}, Banshee {GODS}, Warlock {GODS}
MrAsimov thing has become fairly obvious to me: NC is already full of a bunch of rogues.


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