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Post by frogofpeace »

I've got 2 clerics for whom Darkfire doesn't seem to work properly. Both are in NC, both are cleric monks - one is clc/mnk/cot, one is clc/mnk/ftr, the cot uses various weapons, the ftr uses kamas. When they cast on themselves, the extra damage is in the item description, but doesn't seem to show up in the battle log. I've been told it works when they cast it on other PC's, but haven't followed up in a while.

ANyone else noticed anything like this?
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Re: Darkfire

Post by Shadowalker »

Tested with NC cleric of Torm.. the cold dmg is listed on main damage line.. not on its own listing like old DF..
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Re: Darkfire

Post by weasel423 »

Speaking of Darkfire, why are Monks not allowed darkfire on their gauntlets/gloves? If that is their primary weapon, it would only be fair to let them get their wp buffed like everyone else can... and why don't monks get the extra attack from the offhand wp? I dont usually see ppl fighting with just one hand...
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Re: Darkfire

Post by Shadowalker »

Not sure if any of this relevant to your question..

..monk get scaled base dmg on UA attack.. d20 when near epic..

..rp wise Monk use fists, elbows, feet, knees, head.. any part of thier body to inflict, and get the gloves bonuses for those..

..if you can cast df on it.. then how about grt magic wpn? which would bypass two epic monks feats to get a +5 enhancement bonus to unarmed attacks..

I havent decided if Im for or against such a thing.. just sharing thougts.
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Re: Darkfire

Post by Amoenotep »

same reason you can't WM in unarmed...it gets ludicrous
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Re: Darkfire

Post by Korr »

Monks that use two weapons do get extra attacks... in fact the most attacks you can get in the game is a two-kama dual-wielder. For soemthing like 9 or 11 attacks I forget which. Aside from using weapons, monks receive attacks faster than ALL other classes to reflect their ability to use any part of their body to strike an opponent.

To be specific an 11th level fighter has a BAB (base attack bonus) of 11. Which provides attacks of 11/6/1. Three attacks at an itterative of 5 (higher -5 untill you reach last before 0 or below).

An 11th level monk that is 1 monk/10 fighter has a base attack bonus of 10 (10 from fighter 0 from monk). Unarmed this personw ould have attacks of 10/7/4/1. Four attacks at the (VERY!!!) nice itterative attack of 3 (take highest BAB and subtract 3 untill you reach 0 or below). ON TOP of this, a monk also has a feat called flurry of blows that gives yet ANOTHER attack (albeit a -2 AB penalty to ALL attacks) meaning this character REALLY has 5 attacks to a fighters 3.

Maybe let the druid/ranger spell Greater Magic Fang effect monks. . . it has a sad cap right now of +3, but hey thats +3 more damage for monks (dont think the AB would count, but depends on how its applied).
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Re: Darkfire

Post by frogofpeace »

I retested and it seems to be working. I must have cross-eyed meself into thinking it was wrong, sorry for the confusion.

Azerbloods monk can cast fire on their gloves for extra fire damage - a very nice bonus (I guess if you NEED a real-world explanation, azers don't just put fire on their gloves, but heat up their whole body)

Monks can get 10 attacks per round with kamas:
5 primary hand
2 off hand
1 from haste
1 from flurry of blows
1 from - shoot do they only get 9?

Nothing like a dual kama CoT with wrath and divine might, and all the fixins - before they were nerfed... ok, they're still pretty fun. :lol:

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Re: Darkfire

Post by cRaZy8or5e »

You can get up to 6 main hand attacks if you get your BAB above 26 (16 at lvl 20).

as per NWNwiki:

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Re: Darkfire

Post by rocketkai »

The max number of attacks would be 10 attacks if they fix the DivinePower's bug, otherwise it would be 11 attacks

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Re: Darkfire

Post by rocketkai »

I thought Azerblood is chaotic only race, isn't it? so there shouldn't be Azerblood mnk existing in this server :D
frogofpeace wrote:I retested and it seems to be working. I must have cross-eyed meself into thinking it was wrong, sorry for the confusion.

Azerbloods monk can cast fire on their gloves for extra fire damage - a very nice bonus (I guess if you NEED a real-world explanation, azers don't just put fire on their gloves, but heat up their whole body)

Monks can get 10 attacks per round with kamas:
5 primary hand
2 off hand
1 from haste
1 from flurry of blows
1 from - shoot do they only get 9?

Nothing like a dual kama CoT with wrath and divine might, and all the fixins - before they were nerfed... ok, they're still pretty fun. :lol:

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Re: Darkfire

Post by Nyeleni »

Must NOT be chaotic-aligned.

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Re: Darkfire

Post by rocketkai »

lol my bad. just noticed its 'must not'. Thx for figuring it out
Nyeleni wrote:Must NOT be chaotic-aligned.

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Re: Darkfire

Post by weasel423 »

I understand that about the extra attacks a monk gets and why... I was wondering why they cant have as many attacks un-armed as they do with Kamas? You cant have un-armed as off-hand, so you lose those attacks. Follow?
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Re: Darkfire

Post by Korr »

Any ability that is applied to your person will also work for punching. TCs job token is one of these items, and off the top of my head the barbarian rage gives magical damage applied not to weapon but to your person.
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