Bard Spells

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Bard Spells

Post by Mector »

Why cant I cast wounding whispers, yet its in my spell book? I rest and still I cant. Is this spell nerfed, and is there a list of spell mods for the server? I have looked and found nothing.

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Re: Bard Spells

Post by Korr »

If you just got the spell, its possible that you know a spell but cant cast that particular spell level. See what happens after you gain a level
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Re: Bard Spells

Post by LinuxPup »

Sometimes bards can get the spell but not be able to cast it because their charisma/bard level isn't high enough... level up a few times and let us know if you still can't cast it.
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Re: Bard Spells

Post by Chernobyl_Glow »

The answer to your second question is Yes. There are a ton of mods to this server. If you're up for it, read the change log. It does a pretty good job of documenting things. The wiki is also a good source but beware there is some erroneous detail there. (not much but enough to be cautious). ... =17&t=2152

Most of the mods are minor but if there is something that is critical to your build the best bet is to ask. The forums here are fine. But if you don't like publically asking you can try in game. Try noting some of the high level players as you log on. Then once in game send a tell to any that are set to "like". Most ppl (even the ones on "dislike") are happy to answer questions.

Best of luck.

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Re: Bard Spells

Post by Lokey »

spells.2da isn't overridden, there's very little else that affects spells. There's a few bard spells that had somatic components added for some inexplicable reason (war cry is one) in the last patch, but you get feedback on that.

More info is wanted (though I see it won't go into the auto-buff list).
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Re: Bard Spells

Post by MrAsimov »

The bard level at which a bard gains a new spell level they have the ability to cast it zero times per day. The only way to change this is to have bonus spells from another source, such as high charisma or an item.

So if you are a 7th level bard with a charisma of less then 16 it is likely that you have a third level spell in your spellbook and can not cast it. This has nothing to do with the server and is just the way the game works.
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Re: Bard Spells

Post by Mector »

Thanks everyone for the advice. I haven't run into this before, but I have gain a level or two, and now I can cast said spells. I will have to pay some attention to this as my build progresses. Thanks again. TTYL Mec.


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