"DM on?"

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"DM on?"

Post by Metis »

Once of my personal irritations probably since I see a ton of them. I am rewriting this since I cant seem to find my original one. This has been known forever and with so many people in guilds and partying with veterans it suprises me that they dont ask or the old timers do not share it.

If your having a game related issue, perfect example you get stuck somewhere tried to relog nothing helps:
Correct polite way: "I am stuck in a wall can you please help?"
Wrong ways: "dm on?" "helloo" "fix me"- well you get the point

Personally I like an RP request but for issues like this it is never required.

When using the DM channel state the issue, "I have a black screen on login" "I am stuck" etc

People have asked why not answer the "DM on" I like to help people out but if I am running an event, testing, or helping someone I wont answer since most of the time its questions about builds, faction restrictions, etc I know that sounds mean so I will explain say we have 30 people on the server and I am doing nothing right then I would love to explain certain things but I am not going to spend 20 minutes retyping things that are found in the forums since I am sure something will come up that requires my attention, it always does, even as a player if someone asks things in a group I dont mind answering a couple things but I don't want to spend my whole time online copying the forums. There have been many times I would log as a DM and only half pay attention while doing other things to keep an eye out if someone has a legit issue.

Lastly, patience is a virtue, you have a real problem and no immediate response heres why your not the only person on the server and I know we are Gods and all but we do sometimes need to go AFK for the restroom or to get a drink and lastly although we wish it was possible but it isnt, there is not a DM on 24/7.
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Re: "DM on?"

Post by Sparky »

Metis is 100% correct.

When a DM first joins the staff, they're taught to ignore "DM on?" queries, as they usually have nothing important related to them.

If you have an issue related to game mechanics, IE: you're stuck, you have a black screen, your Tome didn't work, you're stuck in the planar shop, you lost exp when killed by another player, state your problem straight out and we'll help you as soon as possible.

All other issues fall under asking for boons or banes upon enemies. Now, if you're plight is especially moving, a deity related to your plight or a diety that shares your faction, may act in some way, shape, or form without you even asking. A decent example is if you were to die valiantly fighting undead, Lathander might intercede on your behalf, but its not a sure thing.

If you're specifically asking for some sort of favor, be sure to RP it, and, don't be afraid to offer something in return. You may offer to undertake a quest in exchange for recieving help, give up exp, ask for an item, or even something off the wall. The point is, if you're willing to sacrifice something important to you, the God's will be more likely to hear your request. For example, Bahamut loves gems and crystals, so he might aid you if you were to offer many Gems and Time Crystals in return for his help.
Serving NS4 proper as Lathander and Sleeth as Bahamut.

Yes, I'm a DM, but your build still sucks.

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Re: "DM on?"

Post by DM_Kim »

Myself as well as other DM's wonder how many people have actually read this thread.

To this day we still get from the majority of players.. saying something that sounds like this in the DM Channel: "Hey, I'm stuck in the wall can you get over here and pull me out?"

When a group of us DM's are on, we have a good laugh at the way the so called request was stated. Then we bet as to how long it will take before the player logs out or starts whining on Shout or catches on that maybe instead of making a demand, maybe, just maybe using words like Please, Thank You, Excuse me but.. Your Holiness, Your Highness, My wonderful most powerful of all the deities... gets attention. Demands just don't cut it. Lack of respect or courtesy just doesn't cut it.

If fact we IGNORE the Cry For Help.

So here I hope that by posting this rather large bump that the good folks of Atheria read the 2 above posts in this thread so they can get the help they need, in game, when they need it instead of being laughed at and ignored.
Mistress Kim

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Re: "DM on?"

Post by Shhhhhhh »

DM_Kim wrote:Myself as well as other DM's wonder how many people have actually read this thread.

To this day we still get from the majority of players.. saying something that sounds like this in the DM Channel: "Hey, I'm stuck in the wall can you get over here and pull me out?"

When a group of us DM's are on, we have a good laugh at the way the so called request was stated. Then we bet as to how long it will take before the player logs out or starts whining on Shout or catches on that maybe instead of making a demand, maybe, just maybe using words like Please, Thank You, Excuse me but.. Your Holiness, Your Highness, My wonderful most powerful of all the deities... gets attention. Demands just don't cut it. Lack of respect or courtesy just doesn't cut it.

If fact we IGNORE the Cry For Help.

So here I hope that by posting this rather large bump that the good folks of Atheria read the 2 above posts in this thread so they can get the help they need, in game, when they need it instead of being laughed at and ignored.
They probably confuse you with people that are there to help.

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Re: "DM on?"

Post by DM_Kim »

Shhhhhhh you are so so right. They must have us confused.

Yes the devs.. who divide their time between their families and work. Who once enjoyed playing NS4 many hours a week, now spend their former playing time chasing down and fixing bugs, content, vault issues, as well as working on NS5. Those devs that now may have only an hour or two per week if that to actually play and enjoy the fruits of their labors.

The DM's who are all former hard core players that spent many an hour weekly in game enjoying it. Who now have reduced their playing enjoyment down to an hour or less per day sometimes per week or have given it up altogether and now spend 4 to 6 hours in game as DM's helping those who do know how to show their appreciation, staging events, doing testing, doing off line stuff pertaining to NS4, working with other players fixing all kinds of things, making sure rules are followed, settling disputes, watching players do their thing so we take notes report back to devs for improvements, etc....

Again.. your so right.. they must have us confused us with people that are there to help... :twisted:
Mistress Kim

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Re: "DM on?"

Post by Lorkar »

Well thank you for nailing that right on the head. :twisted:
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Lokey wrote:Yeah, ... I blame Tep in that case.

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Re: "DM on?"

Post by Shhhhhhh »

DM_Kim wrote:Shhhhhhh you are so so right. They must have us confused.

Yes the devs.. who divide their time between their families and work. Who once enjoyed playing NS4 many hours a week, now spend their former playing time chasing down and fixing bugs, content, vault issues, as well as working on NS5. Those devs that now may have only an hour or two per week if that to actually play and enjoy the fruits of their labors.

The DM's who are all former hard core players that spent many an hour weekly in game enjoying it. Who now have reduced their playing enjoyment down to an hour or less per day sometimes per week or have given it up altogether and now spend 4 to 6 hours in game as DM's helping those who do know how to show their appreciation, staging events, doing testing, doing off line stuff pertaining to NS4, working with other players fixing all kinds of things, making sure rules are followed, settling disputes, watching players do their thing so we take notes report back to devs for improvements, etc....

Again.. your so right.. they must have us confused us with people that are there to help... :twisted:
So.. Since you guys are there to help, do you think its appropriate to ignore someone that has a technical problem with the game, simply because he didnt suck up enough?
The earlier post explains a simple ' DM on' is bad and that you should give a reason etc, but now it seems you actually get ignored and laughed at too if you dont say please or your highness?

Don't get me wrong, everyone knows the sacrifices you guys make and its appreciated and now you're trying to somehow change or at least steer the community a bit in the right direction.
But if its respect you want I really dont think your earlier post helps.
If you want to change the community a bit, do it by example. And if it helps, i'll even say please :)

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Re: "DM on?"

Post by mgrjebbo »

My guess is that you got ignored, if indeed you did get ignored, do to your attitude and not anything else.

If time was taken to read the post it states that you shouldn't just say "Dm on?", but state your problem and if someone is on they will help you.
Amoenotep wrote:Interesting turn of events.....

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Re: "DM on?"

Post by Shhhhhhh »

I didnt get ignored, i actually havent even been on in game for quite a while, my responce was solely to the third post in this topic.
all that other stuff is only common sense and I have no problem with it.
If time was taken to read my posts you'd know that too ;)

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Re: "DM on?"

Post by mgrjebbo »

Shhhhhhh wrote:So.. Since you guys are there to help, do you think its appropriate to ignore someone that has a technical problem with the game, simply because he didnt suck up enough?
The earlier post explains a simple ' DM on' is bad and that you should give a reason etc, but now it seems you actually get ignored and laughed at too if you dont say please or your highness?

So that wasn't from personal experience? You were just responding to a post with hypothetical slander? It's much clearer now thank you.
Amoenotep wrote:Interesting turn of events.....

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Re: "DM on?"

Post by Tsavong »

I think what got Shhhhhhh wound up was
DM_Kim wrote:To this day we still get from the majority of players.. saying something that sounds like this in the DM Channel: "Hey, I'm stuck in the wall can you get over here and pull me out?"

When a group of us DM's are on, we have a good laugh at the way the so called request was stated.
And I can see his point as the 1st two posts say to state the issue like that and not say “DM on?” And for another DM to say they have a good laugh at that now. Its easy to see why would annoy some people.
Melkor of Mellifeur {GODS}, Banshee {GODS}, Warlock {GODS}
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DM Mystic
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Re: "DM on?"

Post by DM Mystic »

The key here is its all about manners in your request. you catch more flies with honey type thing. BTW notice in the above quote how its "we have a good laugh at the way the request was stated" heh cant speak for the others but im not laughing at you personally. For me its more like ha he thinks im going to run over there to help him when he asks like that.

Ive had some really well manered players in the DM channel and i go out of my way to actually help them and then give them perhaps a little boost as well as a reward for there show of manners, maybe i bless them etc.

No need to blow this up out of proportion, lol its not like we get in IRC and say guys you got to get in game and see how this guy asked for help rofl. Truly we don't. What makes it even worse is many times its folks that have been on the server for a long time and should know better by now.

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Re: "DM on?"

Post by mgrjebbo »

Edit- Reply to Tsavong

Well I see your point, however she does go on to say this...
Shhhhhhh wrote:maybe instead of making a demand, maybe, just maybe using words like Please, Thank You, Excuse me but.. Your Holiness, Your Highness, My wonderful most powerful of all the deities... gets attention. Demands just don't cut it. Lack of respect or courtesy just doesn't cut it.
The dm folks do volunteer their time to help other players out. If they want a little role-play or just a please I don't think that is asking too much. Some think its fun to be a DM all the time. Well my impression of it would be like a day care, 40 kids all asking for your attention at the same time. Not always but sometimes.

That all being said, it's the hardest thing in the world to put yourself in another persons shoes when you feel you were mistreated or didn't get something you thought you deserved.
Amoenotep wrote:Interesting turn of events.....

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Re: "DM on?"

Post by Lorkar »

DM Mystic wrote:The key here is its all about manners in your request. you catch more flies with honey type thing. BTW notice in the above quote how its "we have a good laugh at the way the request was stated" heh cant speak for the others but im not laughing at you personally. For me its more like ha he thinks im going to run over there to help him when he asks like that.

Ive had some really well manered players in the DM channel and i go out of my way to actually help them and then give them perhaps a little boost as well as a reward for there show of manners, maybe i bless them etc.

No need to blow this up out of proportion, lol its not like we get in IRC and say guys you got to get in game and see how this guy asked for help rofl. Truly we don't. What makes it even worse is many times its folks that have been on the server for a long time and should know better by now.
Off Topic, but who are you? When did you show up? And why is your forum name not color coordinated like the rest of the staff?
And why is when one searches your posts it only comes up with the reply I quoted? And not the 24 posts it says you have?
I put the IO in socIOpath!
Lokey wrote:Yeah, ... I blame Tep in that case.

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Re: "DM on?"

Post by DM_Kim »

DM Mystic is most certainly a NS4 DM. If he wasn't the forum account would have been banned.
Mistress Kim

Berronar Truesilver - The Revered Mother



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