User-to-User support and questions to the Developers and DM team.
DM Ireheart
Dungeon Master
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Joined: Thu Dec 02, 2010 1:17 am


Post by DM Ireheart »

Rufio wrote:lighten up!
Aye, Let's not turn this into a flame war. Please respect other peoples suggestions and opinions. 8)

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Post by Twiggy »

hey i'm a light bulb over here :).

And thanks for the clearing up mining. I thought the two where one and the same. Bad Monkey!
burrahobbit wrote:My mommy tells me that I am the best looking kid in school

burrahobbit wrote:We wake in the morning and piss excellence in FoN.....We win because we have better players, not builds....I think I'm starting to get this condescending thing down :lol: :lol:

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Post by Shamedmonkey »

My toons are Judgement [FoN], Dr. McNinja, Mr. Crow, Black Burn [FoN], and Asbolute Terror [FoN].

Hope this helps.
I have always imagined that when shamed prepares for relic events, he grabs his bull horn, he finds his Napoleon hat, and he settles in for a weekend of barking orders and generally pissing off everyone in the tc/nc coalition. - Burrahobbit

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Post by cRaZy8or5e »

Alkapwn wrote:
LinuxPup wrote:
It's sandy outside is full of horrible cheese already, then you go to Faerun and Savage Species!?! Some way to work in Serpent Kingdoms, Lords of Madness and wherever tainted caster is from to form some kind of cheese singularity?

ETA: oh book of bad latin was mentioned :)
delayed ROFLMAO
Shamedmonkey wrote:My toons are Judgement [FoN], Dr. McNinja, Mr. Crow, Black Burn [FoN], and Asbolute Terror [FoN].

Hope this helps.
:lol: :lol: :lol: I think you're incapable of helping people :P.

I thought it was a good suggestion, or at least it made sense to me that Reapers were evil.
"Nobody Expects the Northern Inquisition!!!!"
-Blystos Re-


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