Suggestion for PvP restrictions...

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Joined: Thu Jul 24, 2003 6:48 pm

Post by Chimaira »

Colonel, you are right on many parts, but this isnt just about a lvl 40 that just HAPPENS to invade a city and find a lvl 4, and decides to kill him because hes an enemy.

Many people arent as mature as you are, many are more mature then you but prefer to act like a 5 year old when playing a game for some reason. What I mean is certain players will dedicate their gaming time to make other peoples gaming as miserable as possible. I havent seen this yet, so far theres no REAL griefing going on, unlike some say. When you see griefing you will know it, when a lvl 40 kills you, no biggie, if you lose XP for it...well not nice, but not the end of the world. When a lvl 40 uses a hold spell on you, PPs you entire inventory, then kills you...then does it again a day later when you finally got some stuff back...and again...and again...then that ruins gameplay, and I have seen it on some servers, many people live with it, some try to take "revenge". But what is revenge when you kill a lvl 40 when your finally able to take him, and he just respawns, maybe losing alot of gold, that doesnt make up for the times he pissed you off on purpose over and over and over, and this does NOT add to the thrill of living in a dangerous world. You should be able to kill anyone of the enemy faction, without a DM waving his delvl wand around, and the example I made is just very extreme, probably not allowed in NS either, but similar ways of pissing off players, such as spamkilling(which, I have seen, already have some rules to prevent them) should not be allowed. If you see a lvl 3 of the enemy faction and your lvl 15 and you feel the need to swing your sword, that should be allowed, but if you feel the need to make him your personal crash dummy, then I think its going a bit too far. Im sure you didnt mean that this should be allowed, personally i think you havent thought about the fact that some players actually do this, Im pointing out that the mental age of certain people online forces any server to have rules on PvP, theres 1 I know of that doesnt have alot, its fun if your a 5 year old future dictator that was able to reach level 40, and even i think its fun to kill the future dictators...but it doesnt make the game as enjoyable as it would be with rules.


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