Improved Invis, Darkness and the sneak/death attack...

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Improved Invis, Darkness and the sneak/death attack...

Post by Lorkar1 »

Something seems to be broken with the ii and darkness in regards to sneak/death attacks.
When ii is used and then darkness one will not get any sneak/death attacks. But if darkness is used alone you sneak/death attack until darkness ends. Now if you use darkness and then enter combat and then use ii you get sneak/death attacks until your first target is dead and then you lose the sneak/death attacks.
This is all in conjunction with UV, I have tried every order of use to see if there was one way it will work. And I have used Tiefling and Drow darkness as well as the Rogue and Assassin classes.
The results seem to play out the same no matter what.
When I reapplied darkness using the assassin darkness(this is after having racial darkness,UV and ii applied) it would give me death attacks on first target and none on subsequent targets.
Can a DM or Dev confirm please?

*edit Mage Armor seems to have the same effect as well.

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Post by Amoenotep »

first off...why are you using darkness and II at the same time? they both give concealment so its pointless to have them both running at once.

second...its a long standing fact that darkness and invisibility of any kind don't mix. they cancel each other out and almost anything can see you. you however don't gain that benefit and are left in the dark to be pummeled
Mask, Lord of the Shadows
Gruumsh, One-Eye


Post by Lorkar1 »

I used ii because Drow/Tiefling darkness only gives 20% and I cannot get my sneak/death attack using ii. Second, I would use darkness after my first attack so the invis would have been gone. Lastly, why would mage armor have the same effect in that it negated my sneak/death attack? And it still wouldn't explain why recasting darkness would give back the sneak/death attack but only for the one target. Something is FUBAR.

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Post by Core »

Running around with darkness cast on yourself isn't how bioware intened the spell to work afaik. It's suposed to work by location as the wiz spell useually works so I'm not sure bioware ever coded anything for this in anyway. It's good you point these things out about Imp invis and magearmor but honestly I think you got it easy being able to sneak/death attack in melee on guys faceing you as you run thru maps. If it works they way you got it to work stick with it and forget the other spells.

I really hate it when theres a drow or teifling in my party who insists on the darkness/ultra combo. It's so annoying to not see drops cause the darkness seems to flux beween superdark and not so bad for the other party members. Meanwhile to drow/taifling who casted runs in the next map and it's not even rendering on their screen. Drider and DE warrior shifter forms can't do this either, but it's at least limited.


Post by Lorkar1 »

I use darkness when I solo or when asked to by members of a party.
And for me soloing it is a survival tactic since I am playing an assassin which is less useful than a rogue of the same level.
I mean its not like the assassin's ability would ever succeed in the planes, even if things were susceptible to sneak attack.
The assassin gets less skill points and no access to epic dodge.
Well, he gets ii, darkness and invisibility as class abilities you say...oops thats right none of those play nicely together.
I play assassins because I do like to occasionally RP a bit and it gives me more flexibility when making ethically challenged decisions.
I will continue to play them in spite of their limitations, I was just making observations on things that do not work as described.
I can hope that the assassin will get a look at, but I am not holding my breath for it to be anytime time soon.
Especially considering whats all in front of it.
No complaints just an FYI.


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